Should the county buy 98 Star/WMDM/WKIK a generator?


Asperger's Poster Child
I vote no for an outright grant for a generator, but I would support a low-interest loan or even a no-interest loan.

What I don't understand is why the stations don't have a generator in the first place. It's just good business and financial sense for any station to have backup power. The Robertson stations were off the air for a day and a half after Isabel. What happened to all the ad time they had sold? Did they have to give the money back?

Plus, part of the condition for FCC licensing is that you have to show that your station serves the community. With the Robertson stations out, there was no place to get local news. My family tuned into 95.9 looking frantically for outage information.


I agree they should have a generator, but not sure about how to pay it. How hard would it be to get a fundraiser going for this?


Originally posted by razmataz10_99
I agree they should have a generator, but not sure about how to pay it. How hard would it be to get a fundraiser going for this?

The radio station owner makes more than enough money to pay for the generator himself. Low interest loan, ok. Tax payers foot the bill for him to continue to line his pockets, no.


Originally posted by IM4Change
The radio station owner makes more than enough money to pay for the generator himself. Low interest loan, ok. Tax payers foot the bill for him to continue to line his pockets, no.
Actually after discussing this with my officemate we came to the same conclusion. We don't get part of the profits from their advertising, so why should we give them money?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
The Robertson stations were off the air for a day and a half after Isabel. What happened to all the ad time they had sold? Did they have to give the money back?
Good question!

I say no, they can buy their own.


Well-Known Member
Good friend of mine owns a bar, he bought a generator before Isabel (for Ice storms), and the day after Isabel the bar was open and PACKED. All that worked was the Ice machine, juke box, a few lights, and the register. Point is He spent money to make money. I see a radio station as no different it is a business. Do they give the county part of its profit? NO why should they? So why should we the tax payers GIVE them anything.


It did suck not having the announcements of where to get ice, etc.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Only if they purchase and install one for me and every other resident first.
I would have no problem with the tri-counties giving him a low interest loan to cover the purchase, but the counties should NOT pay for them. :burning: If he doesn't want to foot the bill for neccesary business equipment, he should sell the stations to someone that does. Cheap bastid :burning:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I would like to see a more powerful antenna for 98.7 WMZQ... I hate it when I'm driving to base in the morning and it gets staticky just as Ben comes on with his George W. impression :frown:


New Member
I say it depends. If the county is requiring the radio station to be at its beck and call during a time of crisis then I say yes. Nothing is free. The bigger question that someone already mention was why don't they have one already?


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by T.Rally
I say it depends. If the county is requiring the radio station to be at its beck and call during a time of crisis then I say yes. Nothing is free.


I imagine a generator with enough juice to keep a radio station operational costs a bit more than your average generator.

I think a good idea would be for all the big businesses down here to pitch in a few bucks. I imagine it would be a tax write off, as well as good PR. Just my first thought at a solution. :shrug:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by huntr1
And this has what to do with generators for the local stations?

You mean this wasn't a thread about how hard it is to get a good radio signal down here? :razz:
No way no how!

1) Its a business; let it fend for itself.
2) How would they be held accountable? You cant get a person on the phone when you call no matter how hard you try.
3) They suck.


My Sweetest Boy
Re: No way no how!

Originally posted by justin anemone
1) Its a business; let it fend for itself.
2) How would they be held accountable? You cant get a person on the phone when you call no matter how hard you try.
3) They suck.

Bad personal experience with them? :confused:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Christy
I think a good idea would be for all the big businesses down here to pitch in a few bucks. I imagine it would be a tax write off, as well as good PR. Just my first thought at a solution. :shrug:

Why would it be a write off. Last I checked they were a for-profit business. That's like saying the area businesses should pitch in and give money to 7-Eleven.

And I'm guessing I missed a news article or something, but what prompted this thread, I assume someone made this to the county as a serious proposal?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Re: No way no how!

Originally posted by justin anemone
2) How would they be held accountable? You cant get a person on the phone when you call no matter how hard you try.

That's because you mis-dialed the last digit in the number and called me by mistake. You got a busy signal, because I was online.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You guys can't be serious! That radio station makes a TON of money and could afford a generator if they wanted to. The owner's just too cheap to buy one for the few times he'd need it.

I'm trying to imagine him going to Sonny Burch and asking him to pony up for a generator for the radio station. :lmao: