Should transgender man be allowed to walk...

nude in the college locker room? He has the right to dress as he wants and could call himself Bertha Suzette for all I care, but he is a man and should not have the right to do the following in the ladie's locker room especially when the locker room is used by girls as young as 6... at some point common sense and decency should override political correctness... :boo:

Hacker said a 45-year-old male student, who dresses as a woman and goes by the name Colleen Francis, undressed and exposed his genitals on several occasions inside the woman’s locker room at Evergreen State College.

Students from nearby Olympia High School as well as children at a local swimming club share locker rooms with the college.

According to a police report, the mother of a 17-year-old girl complained after her daughter saw the transgender individual walking naked in the locker room. A female swim coach confronted the man sprawled out in a sauna exposing himself. She ordered him to leave and called police.

The coach later apologized when she discovered the man was transgendered but explained there were girls using the facility as young as six years old who weren’t used to seeing male genitals.

College Allows Transgender Man to Expose Himself to Young Girls | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes


When we willingly accommodate freaks at the detriment of societal norms we are accelerating down the slippery slop.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
We have a few transgender people here in my building. I'm all for people doing their thing, but it's very :yikes: when you come around a corner and there's this big hulking dude with a 5 o'clock shadow, a wig and a dress. I would not want them in the bathroom with me and definitely not with kids.


They're out to get us
I would go with locker room etiquette should be adhered to: if you're in a men's locker room, transgendered female parts should be covered up. If you're in a women's locker room, transgenered male parts should be covered up. People of the opposite sex can't prance around those locker rooms showing their junk, so it shouldn't be allowed for anyone who has the same stuff. Simple as that.

Now, since they're saying little kids also use that locker room, I think there's a HUGE problem with the facility itself. People change and shower in there and I don't think it's a good idea for little kids and adults, even if they're the same gender, to all be changing in the same space at the same time. :shrug:


Hacker said a 45-year-old male student, who dresses as a woman and goes by the name Colleen Francis, undressed and exposed his genitals on several occasions inside the woman’s locker room at Evergreen State College.

I'm assuming that "genitals" refers to external genitals - meaning a swinging richard and dangling balls.

In which case, this jackass is not a transsexual. He is a transvestite. There is a big difference. (I know most conservatives do not care to make a distinction between anybody in the GLBT community, and often lump them in with the pedophile, scatophile, necrophile, zoophile freakshow, but I am not here to debate that #### right now).

This guy is just a creepy-crawly pervo. Anyone can dress up in women's clothes. That does not mean you belong in a women's locker room, or are even gay. You freak.

So, no, this a-hole should not be allowed to do this, until his junk has been officially turned inside-out and his balls are floating in formaldahyde.

As for actual transsexuals... I don't see there being much danger of anything besides being creeped the #### out. They had the equipment to perform sexual exploits with (ranging from simple flashing to brutal rape), and they rejected it. No, IMO, they're safer than lesbians in the women's locker room.


No. :twitch:

I hear a ton of people talk about a transgender person that quit working here before I started. His name was Floyd, it's now Amanda. Every time I hear people talking about him/her I think of Bart Simpson calling Moe's Tavern and asking for Amanda...Hugnkiss. :lol:


Obama destroyed America
These stories are why I hate the queers and voted no on question 6. Give these fruits an inch, they want a mile.


These stories are why I hate the queers and voted no on question 6. Give these fruits an inch, they want a mile.

Not all gay people are like this. I know a few and NONE of them expect any special treatment and all of them are wonderful people.

This idiot was just a perv. Even as a straight woman without a schlong, I would not walk around naked in a dressing room around children.


New Member
I'm assuming that "genitals" refers to external genitals - meaning a swinging richard and dangling balls.

In which case, this jackass is not a transsexual. He is a transvestite. There is a big difference. (I know most conservatives do not care to make a distinction between anybody in the GLBT community, and often lump them in with the pedophile, scatophile, necrophile, zoophile freakshow, but I am not here to debate that #### right now).

This guy is just a creepy-crawly pervo. Anyone can dress up in women's clothes. That does not mean you belong in a women's locker room, or are even gay. You freak.

So, no, this a-hole should not be allowed to do this, until his junk has been officially turned inside-out and his balls are floating in formaldahyde.

As for actual transsexuals... I don't see there being much danger of anything besides being creeped the #### out. They had the equipment to perform sexual exploits with (ranging from simple flashing to brutal rape), and they rejected it. No, IMO, they're safer than lesbians in the women's locker room.

I totally agree with this statement. In fact, I probably couldn't agree more.


In My Opinion
and this is what I claimed would happen if the freaks were allowed to use whatever restroom they want in public.
Some perv is going to end up putting a dress on just to gain access to the womens bathroom.
He might sit back and wait until the right victim walks in.


This idiot was just a perv. Even as a straight woman without a schlong, I would not walk around naked in a dressing room around children.

I wouldn't walk around naked even in front of a bunch of grown women. Nobody wants to see that... :dead:

And I agree... dude is a perv.
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In My Opinion
I wouldn't walk around naked even in front of a bunch of grown women. Nobody wants to see that... :dead:

And I agree... dude is a perv.

Maybe they should take the words men and women off the doors and replace it with a picture of a hotdog and a taco, when you get to the doors look at the picture then look down at yourself, which ever picture you most closely resemble, thats the door you use.
so instead of making it gender specific we make it genitle specific.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
These stories are why I hate the queers and voted no on question 6. Give these fruits an inch, they want a mile.

I know so many nutter douchebag white people and think they shouldn't be allowed to procreate, let alone walk the streets as free people. Wonder if MD will put that on the ballot for me next time?