Should transgender man be allowed to walk...


In My Opinion
I know so many nutter douchebag white people and think they shouldn't be allowed to procreate, let alone walk the streets as free people. Wonder if MD will put that on the ballot for me next time?

So you think that if this passes, All those lawyers and "fake" civil rights people that are making millions to push this for the GLBT,,,, these people are going to pack up the offices and go find something else to do for their money?
We will never hear about some other non-existent right being violated?
They wont push for unisex bathrooms, or demand that churches that dont comply with gay marriage lose their tax status?

as long as this is the issue they are fighting for, we dont have to worry about the rest of the issues that they will suddenly take up.


Having Fun!
I'm assuming that "genitals" refers to external genitals - meaning a swinging richard and dangling balls.

In which case, this jackass is not a transsexual. He is a transvestite. There is a big difference. (I know most conservatives do not care to make a distinction between anybody in the GLBT community, and often lump them in with the pedophile, scatophile, necrophile, zoophile freakshow, but I am not here to debate that #### right now).

This guy is just a creepy-crawly pervo. Anyone can dress up in women's clothes. That does not mean you belong in a women's locker room, or are even gay. You freak.

So, no, this a-hole should not be allowed to do this, until his junk has been officially turned inside-out and his balls are floating in formaldahyde.

As for actual transsexuals... I don't see there being much danger of anything besides being creeped the #### out. They had the equipment to perform sexual exploits with (ranging from simple flashing to brutal rape), and they rejected it. No, IMO, they're safer than lesbians in the women's locker room.


(although certainly a bit more blunt than I would have stated it.)

Perhaps we need to move towards "Men" , "Ladies", and "Other"...:whistle:


In My Opinion

(although certainly a bit more blunt than I would have stated it.)

Perhaps we need to move towards "Men" , "Ladies", and "Other"...:whistle:

rather expensive to add an extra facility in a mall or any other establishment, who is going to bear the cost of this?
Puts a pretty big burden on the small business.


Having Fun!
rather expensive to add an extra facility in a mall or any other establishment, who is going to bear the cost of this?
Puts a pretty big burden on the small business.

Yes & no. It could be accomplished if common sense were involved. Many establishments/institutions already have separate facilities for handicapped or single use facilities that could be converted to "other" or "Anyone" use. At least that way, there has to be a conscious choice to use it.

And yes, adding an additional facility would be costly, especially if regulations did not "grandfather" any locations.

In this day of lawsuit mania, we're basically screwed no matter what. Until we get some meaningful tort reform and a return to common sense, we're not going to get an easy answer for anything.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I wonder how long it will take before "she" gets her own locker room.

Yes & no. It could be accomplished if common sense were involved. Many establishments/institutions already have separate facilities for handicapped or single use facilities that could be converted to "other" or "Anyone" use. At least that way, there has to be a conscious choice to use it.

And yes, adding an additional facility would be costly, especially if regulations did not "grandfather" any locations.

In this day of lawsuit mania, we're basically screwed no matter what. Until we get some meaningful tort reform and a return to common sense, we're not going to get an easy answer for anything.

An additional sauna would be quite costly, I would imagine.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
and this is what I claimed would happen if the freaks were allowed to use whatever restroom they want in public.
Some perv is going to end up putting a dress on just to gain access to the womens bathroom.
He might sit back and wait until the right victim walks in.

Yeah! Why can't these people just accept being a man and get back to doing and being manly things like, say, being a football coach. Or, a US Senator. Or a priest. Or...

It is one thing to be talking about gay rights, what two consenting adults want out of their lives. It is quite another to be talking about what affects other people, innocent people. Like in a locker room. This guy/girl/person is, as Tox explained, a creepy person, maybe worse, trying to impose themselves on unwilling and non consenting people, including kids.

To wish away gay rights progress is to go back to our intellectual dark days were a Jerry Sandusky or a Larry Craig or some priest flourishes in the shadows because we don't talk about those sorts of things. We ignore them. Pretend they aren't real.

And, in the mean time, the quest for legitimate civil rights, two consenting adults wishing to marry, gets abused, just like every other political quest, abortion, prohibition, hell, tax policy, as is normal in the course of human events because some people desperately cling to a fantasy past that never existed and other people, true predators, find opportunity in the tumult.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Not all gay people are like this. I know a few and NONE of them expect any special treatment and all of them are wonderful people.

This idiot was just a perv. Even as a straight woman without a schlong, I would not walk around naked in a dressing room around children.
Out of the approximately dozen and a half gays that I know (kind of a small sample) not one of them would feel more comfortable walking around an opposite sex locker room, naked or not.


happy to be living
What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. Whether they are gay, bisexual, swingers, nudists , etc, it is their business even if society, in general, does not approve.

In this case, the transgender person had to have known there would likely be controvery and possible confrontation. Whether this person thought they had the *right* to flaunt their stuff or not, the other people in the locker room had the right to not have that forced on them. Esp with children present. Most adults would turn away in disgust. Kids, on the other hand, are naturally curious and ask a lot of questions. I would hate to have to try to explain that to a 6 year old!

I think most transgender people are confused and full of turmoil about their identities. I pity people that are born with male genitals and know they are otherwise female and vice versa. People are much more understanding and accepting of a man or woman coming out of the closet as gay than transgender.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. Whether they are gay, bisexual, swingers, nudists , etc, it is their business even if society, in general, does not approve.

In this case, the transgender person had to have known there would likely be controvery and possible confrontation. Whether this person thought they had the *right* to flaunt their stuff or not, the other people in the locker room had the right to not have that forced on them. Esp with children present. Most adults would turn away in disgust. Kids, on the other hand, are naturally curious and ask a lot of questions. I would hate to have to try to explain that to a 6 year old!



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What I think is interesting is that gay groups don't come out (ha) and condemn these instigators. I mean, really, if you're looking for acceptance and trying to educate people, you must police your own.

This bathroom person is just trying to piss people off and succeeding nicely. You'd think gay groups would be against that sort of thing because it tarnishes them by association.

Back in the good old days, a pack of guys would have descended on Mr. Eff You Transgender and beat the #### out of him until he got the message. The very effective "peer review". They're just trying to see how far they can go until society snaps.

You hate me!
No, I don't.
Yeah, how about now?
Okay, now I hate you.
SEE??? Homophobes!!!! Bigots!!! I am oppressed!!!
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New Member
Maybe they should take the words men and women off the doors and replace it with a picture of a hotdog and a taco, when you get to the doors look at the picture then look down at yourself, which ever picture you most closely resemble, thats the door you use.
so instead of making it gender specific we make it genitle specific.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
What I think is interesting is that gay groups don't come out (ha) and condemn these instigators. I mean, really, if you're looking for acceptance and trying to educate people, you must police your own.

Yes, but, who does that? Most everyone is about Les Evil. No one, few, rock their own boat. ONLY Republicans could have reigned in Bush when he was potus and we made excuses. Only D's could have held Clinton responsible; it's JUST rape!!! Look at Obama and the legendary 'Chicago Way'. We all hang together or we hang apart. It's not just Chicago. No one knows more than government workers how to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse but, they can't, won't do anything about it. Leadership at corporations don't go out of their way to do things like point out that too many bad loans are piling up, that this can't go on.

We are all about loyalty first and foremost. That's what so funny, and annoying, about 'journalists', speakers of truth to power. Depends on who is in power. Man made global warming goes nowhere if scientists spoke up every step of the way and said "Hypothesis folks, hypothesis!"

We see one another's hypocrisy right away. Our own is where our bread gets buttered.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What I think is interesting is that gay groups don't come out (ha) and condemn these instigators. I mean, really, if you're looking for acceptance and trying to educate people, you must police your own.

Yes, but, who does that? Most everyone is about Les Evil. No one, few, rock their own boat. ONLY Republicans could have reigned in Bush when he was potus and we made excuses. Only D's could have held Clinton responsible; it's JUST rape!!! Look at Obama and the legendary 'Chicago Way'. We all hang together or we hang apart. It's not just Chicago. No one knows more than government workers how to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse but, they can't, won't do anything about it. Leadership at corporations don't go out of their way to do things like point out that too many bad loans are piling up, that this can't go on.

We are all about loyalty first and foremost. That's what so funny, and annoying, about 'journalists', speakers of truth to power. Depends on who is in power. Man made global warming goes nowhere if scientists spoke up every step of the way and said "Hypothesis folks, hypothesis!"

We see one another's hypocrisy right away. Our own is where our bread gets buttered. This is why Obama is so sad. He had a chance to transform DC, to make it transparent. He had a HUGE chance. And threw it away. Did he ever intend to? Maybe. However, he did what he did.


Personally I'm surprised some woman of a certain age didn't grab him by the balls and march his ass out of there. We just don't tolerate stupid real well. He doesn't sound gay, transgendered, transvestite, or a cross dresser. He sounds like a pervert.


New Member
What I think is interesting is that gay groups don't come out (ha) and condemn these instigators. I mean, really, if you're looking for acceptance and trying to educate people, you must police your own.

This bathroom person is just trying to piss people off and succeeding nicely. You'd think gay groups would be against that sort of thing because it tarnishes them by association.

Back in the good old days, a pack of guys would have descended on Mr. Eff You Transgender and beat the #### out of him until he got the message. The very effective "peer review". They're just trying to see how far they can go until society snaps.

You hate me!
No, I don't.
Yeah, how about now?
Okay, now I hate you.
SEE??? Homophobes!!!! Bigots!!! I am oppressed!!!

Just because LGBT is lumped into one little group doesn't mean we should be responsible for "policing our own". While they are LOOSELY related, being gay is not the same as being transgendered. As a lesbian, I feel no need to police anyone... including transvestites or other lesbians. If the transvestite was white, perhaps the white mothers should have policed their own and dragged his creepy ass out of the locker room. No adult should be stripping down in front of children.


New Member
rather expensive to add an extra facility in a mall or any other establishment, who is going to bear the cost of this?
Puts a pretty big burden on the small business.

It's a college locker room... not a restaurant diner or a mall (which probably does not contain a locker room unless a gym is attached to it...) Doesn't seem like it'd be that big of a deal to designate areas in a locker room as family friendly. It'd also probably help if they put up more areas with curtains. Most locker rooms I've been in act like everybody wants everybody else to know their business, so very little coverage is provided to begin with. Not sure why we need one huge area where everybody strips down in front of each other anyway. More areas for privacy, stated rules that apply to everybody, and family areas for kids would be a good start. I figure anti-gays will insist on more coverage in the future anyway as those scary gays start taking over the world and converting everybody.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just because LGBT is lumped into one little group doesn't mean we should be responsible for "policing our own". While they are LOOSELY related, being gay is not the same as being transgendered.

Right, but the reality is that the people you're trying to become mainstream with see you all as one LGBT group, especially since that is a very common acronym lumping you together. How many times have we had the discussion of same-sex marriage on here, and people will start bringing up children and animals? Surely you have seen this, and possibly heard people say it in person.

Win your battles and lose the war - that doesn't seem like a good strategy to me. You better believe I have spoken up against the extreme womyn feminist nutters who make all independent women look bad and screw us up. Like it or not, you are lumped in and responsible for setting the record straight to further the cause. It's called "education".


New Member
Don't forget the Q's

I actually had to look it up when I first saw it attached to LGBT. I knew it couldn't represent "queer," yet I couldn't think of anything else.


New Member
Don't forget the Q's

I actually had to look it up when I first saw it attached to LGBT. I knew it couldn't represent "queer," yet I couldn't think of anything else.

It's a bit of a catch-all. People use "queer" in a derogatory manner all the time but it really just means "odd" when compared to "normal".