Shouldn't Avon reps..

Should ppl selling makeup or skincare products have a good image?

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I am so very blessed
K_Jo said:
:yikes: That's mean! :mad: Mikey never makes fun of anybody! :whistle:
Sure he does. Do you not read the forums? :shrug:

But since Mikey lubs me, I can get away with saying crap like that to him.


SamSpade said:
Well it sure makes sense, doesn't it? It helps to know that those acne products they sell on TV are used by people we all recognize as NOT having terrible acne problems (I think Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Williams hawk them - and show how they look without them). I don't know that they have to be attractive, but they need to be a testimony to the fact that the product *works*.

I wouldn't take advice from a fitness instructor who had always been out of shape. I wouldn't pay for stock tips from a guy who doesn't have a fortune. I wouldn't listen to a football coach who never had a winning team. I wouldn't take nutrition advice from someone who didn't look healthy.

They might all be giving good advice, but they lack credibility. Because if you KNOW what a good stock is, wouldn't you invest your own money? Wouldn't your life SHOW you know what you're doing?

Ever wonder about the psychics who give winning lottery numbers? How valuable can THOSE numbers be? Wouldn't they be using a few THEMSELVES if they were worth a dime?


I *will* listen to a doctor who has health problems - if he has the credentials to show he knows his stuff, and the testimony of reliable people - because health isn't something you can do much about sometimes. I will listen to a singing instructor or a music teacher whose gift has faltered, if there's evidence they were ONCE good - because age will overtake us all. I won't take advice from a gardener who can't grow anything but weeds. I will take advice from a craftsman IF he's *ever* made something beautiful.

I guess it just depends. Some things people can control, some things they can't.

:clap: As always Sam, excellent points.

Has anyone ever gone to get their hair cut and there is that beautician with funky looking hair?

I think to myself, oh no way is she cutting my hair. :twitch:

My boys would rather go to the Unique Chic with me to get their hair cut than the Barber Shop with dad. My boys don't think men cut hair as well as women. :shrug:


But wait, there's more...
If someone is selling skin care products, and their skin looks like crap, why should I buy it if it doesn't appear they do? :shrug:


crabcake said:
If someone is selling skin care products, and their skin looks like crap, why should I buy it if it doesn't appear they do? :shrug:

and then they have the nerve to say "oh but YOU really need this" :roflmao:

I'd decline no matter what they looked like though. :smile:


But wait, there's more...
dems4me said:
I'd decline no matter what they looked like though. :smile:
:confused: Why? Don't you use any skin care products? Cleanser, moisturizer, exfoliant? :shrug:

My aunt sells Avon and has done so successfully since I was my daughter's age. When I see a book and ask her a question about it, she knows about the products from personal use ... and as with any MLM business (i.e., scAmway), if you don't use the products, you can't attest to their results to potential customers. :shrug:


crabcake said:
:confused: Why? Don't you use any skin care products? Cleanser, moisturizer, exfoliant? :shrug:

My aunt sells Avon and has done so successfully since I was my daughter's age. When I see a book and ask her a question about it, she knows about the products from personal use ... and as with any MLM business (i.e., scAmway), if you don't use the products, you can't attest to their results to potential customers. :shrug:

Perhaps I've misread this thread/poll, but to my recollection, this thread/poll was not a thread or poll with the question of - "do you use skin care products, clenser, mositurizer or exfoliant?" It was if you would buy these products from someon selling Avon that had poor skin or whatever. Its not a black or white issue, there's plenty of other means of getting these products. If there's something I need, I can easily pick it up at CVS, I just general don't like salesmen (unless they are selling pizza. :lol:)

In reality CC, I think this poll was done in jest... forumite A decides to make some money and work and sell Avon, forumite B, doesn't think she's "pretty enough" to sell Avon and started a poll about her. I wouldn't buy Avon even if Garth Brooks was selling it to me, I'm not into sales people or Avon products unless its for bugspray or something. :shrug: Glad to hear you aunt has had great success with it. I too have had a friend endure the same success from selling it. (who by the way is not a bombshell either)
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But wait, there's more...
dems4me said:
This thread was not a thread or poll with the question - do you use skin care products, clenser, mositurizer or exfoliant it was if you would buy these products from someon selling Avon that had poor skin or whatever. Its not a black or white issue, there's plenty of other means of getting these products. If there's something I need, I can easily pick it up at CVS, I just general don't like salesmen (unless they are selling pizza. :lol:)

In reality CC, I think this poll was done in jest... forumite A decides to make some money and work and sell Avon, forumite B, doesn't think she's "pretty enough" to sell Avon and started a poll about her. I wouldn't buy Avon even if Garth Brooks was selling it to me, I'm not into sales people or Avon products unless its for bugspray or something. :shrug: Glad to hear you aunt has had great success with it. I too have had a friend endure the same success from selling it. (who by the way is not a bombshell either)
:confused: I didn't see it being "off-topic" ... you said you wouldn't buy it from anyone, but even if you use skin care products you get them from somewhere, right ... even if it's CVS or the Estee Lauder counter at Hechts? :shrug:

I wouldn't rule out any Avon (or MK) product if it worked for me. But if faced with someone trying to hock it who didn't take care of themselves (i.e., skin care), I'd find another salesperson or another product altogether. I'm not biased against the name, per se. But I won't buy it from someone who doesn't know about the product or doesn't appear to use any skin care products themselves. Face it ... how can they sell something they don't use or have personal knowledge of? :shrug:

I don't know about the personal squabble going on (your "forumite A & B" :blahblah:), but I think it's a valid point, and I agree with the majority, in this case. :ohwell:


crabcake said:
:confused: I didn't see it being "off-topic" ... you said you wouldn't buy it from anyone, but even if you use skin care products you get them from somewhere, right ... even if it's CVS or the Estee Lauder counter at Hechts? :shrug:

I wouldn't rule out any Avon (or MK) product if it worked for me. But if faced with someone trying to hock it who didn't take care of themselves (i.e., skin care), I'd find another salesperson or another product altogether. I'm not biased against the name, per se. But I won't buy it from someone who doesn't know about the product or doesn't appear to use any skin care products themselves. Face it ... how can they sell something they don't use or have personal knowledge of? :shrug:

I don't know about the personal squabble going on (your "forumite A & B" :blahblah:), but I think it's a valid point, and I agree with the majority, in this case. :ohwell:

thats fine, but because I won't buy crap from a salesperson does not imply I don't use anything :crazy: I answered the question - I wouldn't buy it, regardless of whether they had clear skin or not and the person in question from what I can tell does have clean and clear skin :shrug: