I worked supporting one of the most reviled organizations to ever plague the Navy/Marine Corps. They were sure they were going to obtain a reason to let me go. They were hiring "techs" with only Xbox experience at a fraction of my salary who could pass tests. It took me less than an hour to complete the Sec+ exam. In the end, they had to fudge my ticket count to finally "let me go". **** HP and their sorry assed managers. I'm much, much happier working for peanuts in the private sector, for a boss who's also a good friend.
I was an Exchange Administrator when all that started going down.
Spent so much time trying to explain to their Assistant Lunkhead was the first server in site and public folders server had to be the last to be taken down of the legacy equipment but, noooooooooo. EDS Assistant Moron wouldn't listen.
I left as soon as opportunity arose and heard later than the moron took the FS down, REMOVED it from the Org, and took everyone still on legacy down with no ability to restore the server. ( Removal from site eliminates its ability to be restored.)
Got a really good laugh about that one.
What was even better was the base Commanders MB was on that server.