Skins '15 credit due???

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, all the sports talk is who gets the credit? Cousins for playing great? Gruden for having the courage to start him and stick with him? McCluen for getting the players, bringing a new culture to the team? The players for coming together?

The is ONE person who deserves the lions share of the credit and it's not that I take any pleasure in it but it is due to...

Dan Snyder.


He, finally, has forced himself to stop playing with his toy and set his ego aside, hand the keys to football people and get the hell out of the way. And say out. So, the cynic might say 'about time' or 'better late than never' and they'd be right. However, at the end of every day, this isn't anything actually important like being an elected leader or a teacher or doctor or janitor. This is JUST about a football team and our irrational exuberance. There is no harm, nothing real, if he continued to insist on being part of it, drafting, free agents, messing with team chemistry, subverting coaches, all of it. It's just a football team, entertainment.

So, that's why he gets the most credit; there was no compelling reason to back away. Fans will still come, still buy, he'd still make money. So, he has set aside his personal desire to be part of HIS team and has stepped back and let people do their jobs and pick and coach and play.

There's nothing perfect about it and there will be a coming off season, more shiny free agents, the next draft, the next chance to be pals with a star to the detriment of the entire team so, there is that. He could relapse. In the mean time, he has backed off and here we are.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
This is what he should have been doing all along. Let's stop handing out accolades for doing what you should be doing.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is what he should have been doing all along. Let's stop handing out accolades for doing what you should be doing.

Based on what? This is Dan Snyders team and the only thing he 'should' be doing is...whatever the heck he likes. That's why he deserves most of the credit. Even though it's taken 20 years, I'm sure it has not been easy nor as much fun as being more involved.


New Member
I see no one wants to mention Mike Shanahan the guy who wanted Cousins all along and was forced to take RGIII by............Dan Snyder and lets not forget the McNabb experiment.The Skins won a division that is the worst in football lets not get too excited here they are one and done.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I see no one wants to mention Mike Shanahan the guy who wanted Cousins all along and was forced to take RGIII by............Dan Snyder and lets not forget the McNabb experiment.The Skins won a division that is the worst in football lets not get too excited here they are one and done.

If Shanahan wasn't willing to stand up and say "I don't want McNabb/I want Cousins" how much credit, really, is he due?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Based on what?

Where to start?

Norv Turner, Shottenheimer, Spurrier, Zorn, being pals with the unproven, star player, Haynesworth, 16 starting QBs in 16 years, suing grandmothers, Cerratto, 4 playoff appearances in 16 years, 8 double digit losing seasons on this watch, 8 coaches, etc........


Where to start?

Norv Turner, Shottenheimer, Spurrier, Zorn, being pals with the unproven, star player, Haynesworth, 16 starting QBs in 16 years, suing grandmothers, Cerratto, 4 playoff appearances in 16 years, 8 double digit losing seasons on this watch, 8 coaches, etc........


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Where to start?

Norv Turner, Shottenheimer, Spurrier, Zorn, being pals with the unproven, star player, Haynesworth, 16 starting QBs in 16 years, suing grandmothers, Cerratto, 4 playoff appearances in 16 years, 8 double digit losing seasons on this watch, 8 coaches, etc........

Again, based on what? It's not his 'watch'. This is Dan Snyders team. He can do as he pleases. He's not running a hospital or even a car repair shop. He can do whatever he wants and no one dies or can't get their car to start. It's not his fault people treat the NFL irrationally and it sure wasn't hurting his bottom line. If he doesn't step back, NONE of this is happening.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
nope, gotta win two for t to mean anything. Beating a mediocre Vikings or Packers team wont prove much. Beating the panthers would

Ok but no one is calling the North a 'dumpster fire'. The Redskins making the playoffs is a big deal not because worst to first is hard to do. It's not. It's a big deal's the Redskins and Snyder had to take a HUGE step, for him, to back away. To actually win, even against the Pack or Vikes, is no small thing. :buddies:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's like the Caps.

It means nothing until they win past round 2. :lol:

Ah, yes but it is NOT like the Caps! The caps pretty much make the playoffs every year! This is a HUGE deal for the Skins. Again, worst to first is du regueur for the NFL but this has a little bit of special to it.

I mean, a lot of people tend to look back on 2012, RGIII's rookie season as this amazing thing, making the playoffs after 5-11, but in reality he was a flash in the pan and defenses were damn well gonna adapt to read option and Griffin was either gonna develop into a real NFL qb or be a one hit wonder. We saw how that played out. Russel Wilson improved, a lot. Johnny football is looking like a Griffin style bust. Kapernick turned out like Robert, really good athlete playing the most mentally demanding position perhaps in all of sport. Colin had the advantage of having a truly solid team around him. Cousins has the makings of the real deal AND the rest of the team is showing promise. Heck, we've had plenty of injuries and yet McCloughan has made sure the cupboard ain't bare and we're learning a new name every week it seems as 'next man up' is working for us for once; the goal of good drafting; depth.

In any event, this season is already a good success. Winning a playoff game at home, man, it WILL be a warm winter in DC this year!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
It's funny how every team that the Redskins beat are merely mediocre, division championship be damned.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's funny how every team that the Redskins beat are merely mediocre, division championship be damned.

It's the genius of the NFL; bad teams play bad teams making it relatively easy to turn things around season to season. No other league can claim to its fans that EVERY team has a shot EVERY year and, most of the time, they have a shot through MOST of the season. That is why the Skins have been notably bad and teams like the Pats are notable good; they have to play the better teams year after year, all year long.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Again, based on what? It's not his 'watch'. This is Dan Snyders team. He can do as he pleases. He's not running a hospital or even a car repair shop. He can do whatever he wants and no one dies or can't get their car to start. It's not his fault people treat the NFL irrationally and it sure wasn't hurting his bottom line. If he doesn't step back, NONE of this is happening.

He's a slow learner as far as the NFL goes. I hate rewarding the wrong behaviors. He should have bought the team, hired competent help, then let them run the team. He's finally done what he should have done last century. He gets credit for finally seeing the light.