Skins game 1...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That was more...

AK-74me said:
Not getting too excited, just expected worse, I guess.

...for me to reign myself in! I mean, Miami had one more win that we did last year, have had a consistently solid D and Green is a very good QB. It
wouldn't have been unthinkable for them to have won this game.

So, I'm like, did we beat a good team? Not really, but, by the same token, we are not a good team yet and we did win and I think we were the better team for the most part all game. So, all in all, a win and reason to hope for even better!


Ugly win, Carlos is going to cost us if he can't cover better. Portis is a stud. O line ruled the line of scrimmage, Campbell needs to tuck it and take off instead of throwing bad passes. For having four #1 draft picks in the secondary I fear they are going to be worn out like a $3 hooker.

I don't understand why Gibbs went for the 40 yarder when they were running the ball so well. Get a TD (because it would have made my 5 pointer good) or get it closer at least.


My Sweetest Boy
Pete said:
I don't understand why Gibbs went for the 40 yarder when they were running the ball so well. Get a TD (because it would have made my 5 pointer good) or get it closer at least.

I'm not sure either, but in the end it is a confidence builder for Suisham and gives the team confidence in their kicker..because it worked...if he'd have missed it, Gibbs would have looked like an idiot.


Nothing to see here
Pete said:
I don't understand why Gibbs went for the 40 yarder when they were running the ball so well. Get a TD (because it would have made my 5 pointer good) or get it closer at least.

No idea why he did that..was it confidence in the kicker or a nagging worry that we would turn the ball over on a fumble if we had continued to run it. Being that it was in OT and we were close, Dolphins would have been hard after the ball to cause a fumble.


New Member
Pete said:
Ugly win, Carlos is going to cost us if he can't cover better. Portis is a stud. O line ruled the line of scrimmage, Campbell needs to tuck it and take off instead of throwing bad passes. For having four #1 draft picks in the secondary I fear they are going to be worn out like a $3 hooker.

I don't understand why Gibbs went for the 40 yarder when they were running the ball so well. Get a TD (because it would have made my 5 pointer good) or get it closer at least.
The field goal was a definente win, but on 1st down?


New Member
Now I am not a skins fan, and am not picking on the skins, however Smoot is a pretty fast DB in my opinion. Why did it seem as though he kept bailing today? Anyone with any insight? Is this common with him, is he scared of getting burned on the long one? I watched him on several plays bail out, loooooong before he should have, or needed to. It cost them quite a few completions too (meaning gave Trent Green time to get the ball into his receiver). Anyway, just wondering.

Now my game is about to come on, so I gotta get to it.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
AK-74me said:
Cambell looked pretty impressive from what I saw, Portis looked better than expected. D looked good, except that Smoot gimme. I saw quite a few drops from our recievers and heard them talking that there were also serveral in the first half.
Cambell did not look impressive at all.


cattitude said:
I'm not sure either, but in the end it is a confidence builder for Suisham and gives the team confidence in their kicker..because it worked...if he'd have missed it, Gibbs would have looked like an idiot.
Gibbs did it to screw me out of my 5 pointer.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
Rogers and Smoot are gonna be getting alot of real time practice this year.

...what, smoothing mortar with their bare hands? Playing cast iron paddy cake? Practice dropping names? Proving that even velcro can't help some cases? Flipping burgers barehanded and no one being surprised? :jameo:


"Typical White Person"
Peter Forsberg said:
Cambell did not look impressive at all.

"from what I saw"

Unfortunatley I didn't go to bed until 6 am so I didn't see a whole lot of the game. The plays I saw, he looked pretty good, the one bad throw that stuck out that I saw was a 3rd and short that he threw behind Randle el.


New Member
AK-74me said:
"from what I saw"

Unfortunatley I didn't go to bed until 6 am so I didn't see a whole lot of the game. The plays I saw, he looked pretty good, the one bad throw that stuck out that I saw was a 3rd and short that he threw behind Randle el.

I missed half the game, didn't get to bed until 4.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
So, when are we going to have a forum 'Skins game get together? Division game vs. the gnats on the 23rd @ 4:15.


No Longer the Kid
I blame the pick in the endzone on Lloyd, its like the ball went right through his hands :ohwell:

Overall, not a bad game, but plenty of room for improvement still :yay:

On a side note, the rook that came in for Jansen did not play bad at all, and at a position he has never played...One this is for sure, College Park may not be one of the best schools in college football, but they do produce some VERY good players :yay: