Skins getting sued!!!


24/7 Single Dad
It's not about accomadating the handicapped. It's about lawyers finding someone in a minor violation that can be used to provide them with income. I'll bet the Skins buy them off, i.e. settle out of court.
and the lawyer get 40%


I know nothing
aps45819 said:
It's not about accomadating the handicapped. It's about lawyers finding someone in a minor violation that can be used to provide them with income. I'll bet the Skins buy them off, i.e. settle out of court.
and the lawyer get 40%

Your right.... and now that Tom Cruise is in office, Im sure they will get it


Lem Putt
aps45819 said:
It's not about accomadating the handicapped. It's about lawyers finding someone in a minor violation that can be used to provide them with income. I'll bet the Skins buy them off, i.e. settle out of court.
and the lawyer get 40%
The guy that is suing them has been working with the skins. The skins proposed a system that would provide CC up to ten minutes old. Obviously that would be worthless.

The skins recognize a need or they wouldn't be trying. This guy is just using the court to bump the skins toward a reasonable solution. That's how our legal system works.

There is no buy off here. Either the skins provide a reasonable solution, the courts force them to, or the court throws out the suit.


I know nothing
So why would the courts/government force one stadium to provide CC and not all.

Then what about the movie theaters..... Shouldnt there be CC on the screans as well? Its the same concept isnt it?


Set Trippin
I repeat, why go to a game if all you are gonna do is look at the screens anyways, UNLESS YOU HAPPEN TO BE SEATED IN ONE OF THE OBSTRUCTED VIEW SECTIONS....:lmao:


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
LordStanley said:
Well then every seat will need to be replaced or have headphone jacks installed, Plus the media cables ran all over the staduim to accommodate the 91,665 seats.

Or all the headphones will be WiFi, which means a extravgant system will need to be in place to be able to support all the headphones @ $100 a piece.

I understand where your coming from, but its not Feasible . Which is why its not being done now.

thats going over board. No just need a designated handicap section that will be outfitted with all the needed technology to meet the needs of fans. ticket prices will sell as they always have.

That section will be the only place that the CC wording will appear on the screens.

for all those who complained and think that asking for a corporate to cater to the handicapt is asking too much....put yourself in the position of someone with such disabilities and see if you maintain the same demeanor...


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
aps45819 said:
It's not about accomadating the handicapped. It's about lawyers finding someone in a minor violation that can be used to provide them with income. I'll bet the Skins buy them off, i.e. settle out of court.
and the lawyer get 40%

I disagree....I would bet that the concerns were submitted to the team in advance. after all, why would a true fan just out right sue their team? No I would put money on the fact that the team owner/whoever simply ignored the request or gave a reply that told the handicapped folks that they were outta luck.

IMO the team or stadium owner brought this on themselves. how can i blame the shark lawyer who is just there to get a bite to eat?


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
MMDad said:
It's called the broadcast booth. Have you seen Madden lately? :lmao: :killingme

yeah...he even has a personal CC screen that scolls his old wonder why he sounds like a broke record at times.....I wonder when he stopped thinking of new things to say....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why wouldn't they just do like TV shows and get a sponsor for their closed captioning? Then it wouldn't cost anyone (except the sponsor) a dime.

Put the captioning up on the Jumbotron, just like they do with TV. Heck, I think a lot of people would like that even if they weren't deaf because a lot of times it's hard to understand the ref over the microphone.
