otter said:
Um, I didn't quite get that: does it have anything to do with this afternoon's game between the Giants and the 'Skins?
I've been on the phone to my Mom for the past 20 minutes, and couldn't get to see the scores yet.
Does anyone know the outcome? Are they still playing?
I heard somewhere that the 'Skins were predicted to win 27-10, or something like that.
My boss at work and I have a small wager going, that if the Giants win, he'll but me lunch for two days, and if the 'Skins win, I'll have to buy him lunch for two days as well.
Gee, I hope the Giants' play well, because the Redskins are supposed to be playing very physically, and with a ton of emotion, the brutes!
Well, I trust you all will let me know, one way or another, how it went. :fingerscrossed: