Skins - Seapigeons

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, like 14th now :lmao: It's ok, we still have a few more weeks to either A) realize we had more talent than we realized when they actually play together... or B) they have 4 more games to screw the pooch and get us back up higher :lol:

The Redskins, like a lot of teams, are not THAT far from competing. I mean, take away their QB and the Colts, a perennial SB contender, are the worst team in the league. We don't have a QB either but, actually win a few games here and there and, with a little luck, would be a .500 team.

We still have O line problems and no skill depth at WR. Those two are fixable with trades and lower picks.

The larger problem is the D. Most of the attention has been going there but, we are a good ways from being dominant. Keep plugging away, via the draft, on D, find some more O linemen and get some good depth at WR so people have to cover more than Moss and we are looking at the BIG ONE;



No Longer the Kid
True, but our D is currently good enough to keep us in games, when they aren't on the field 40 minutes a game. I'd really like to see us beef up our offense this offseason. We really need to focus on our O this draft. Maybe even look for the 'whose the next LF' if he is there... And after this year, then turn to the plug and play via FA, trade, drafts...

We all know we need a future QB, hopefully some of the young gun wide recievers can get healthy, stay healthy, and be productive. If not, we need a turn quick, not some 10 year plan they had with Kelley who couldn't sniff the field without pulling a hammy :lol: