Skins uniforms!


Nothing to see here
mainman said:
I had almost forgot about him...:killingme


I don't know bout him coaching but I always liked him..Think I'm one of the few that enjoyed when he broadcast games. Met him in 92(Falcons/Skins playoff game), I think..Falcons stayed in the hotel that was in the building I worked in downtown..Just a downhome guy, very personable.


otter said:
I don't know bout him coaching but I always liked him..Think I'm one of the few that enjoyed when he broadcast games. Met him in 92(Falcons/Skins playoff game), I think..Falcons stayed in the hotel that was in the building I worked in downtown..Just a downhome guy, very personable.
He was the one that changed team colors to black and then came the videos, Hammer on the sidelines and the whole dirty bird thing. :barf: Not that Steve Bartkoski wasn't an electrifying QB :lol:


:mad: I just knew we were going to OT... *kicksdirt*

P.S. - I hate the throwback uniform. I also think it jinxed us. That is all.


Archuleta just got a pick for the Bears. I always liked him, hit a ton. Unfortunately he covered receivers like a white guy. Wait...does that make me racist? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Just called to see how my dad's golf vacation went. He said great until he watched the end of the game. I turned it off because they were winning so I had no clue wtf he was talking about. The he told me that they lost. He blamed the ugly ass uniform. :roflmao:


Nothing to see here
sockgirl77 said:
Just called to see how my dad's golf vacation went. He said great until he watched the end of the game. I turned it off because they were winning so I had no clue wtf he was talking about. The he told me that they lost. He blamed the ugly ass uniform. :roflmao:

It was MainMans fault, not the uni's.


New Member
True Form!!!

I don't think any of you jinxed them, I think that Joe needs to go back to Nascar and let someone in there who can really coach in this decade.

I mean WTF was that in the last two-minutes? I have never seen such poor clock management in my life. Come to the line, first and ten, try a play from a hurry up/no huddle, it goes no where so you spike the ball for third and long. :eyebrow: :confused: They were lucky to convert that and get it down to first to goal. Why the 'skins then decide to throw on first down is beyond me. Then when it's fourth and goal with the game on the line, you have something close to almost 40 seconds and the entire offense is called to the line and rushed to run the play. They should have called and decent play, got to the let everyone settle a bit and center the ball.

The last two-minutes looked like a bunch of rookies being led by a rookie staff of coaches IMHO.

If I get red karma for this, so be it, but it is the truth. :whistle:


New Member
Oh and by the way, I didn't care for the throw back uni's this week. I prefer the older maroon 'skins helmets with the spear on the side.

I remember these yellow ones though. I had a three-ring binder with this emblem on it back when I went to Bladensburg Elementary.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Haven't been...

Cletus_Vandam said:
I mean WTF was that in the last two-minutes? I have never seen such poor clock management in my life.

...watching much since Joe's return, eh? Clock management and play calling have been chaotic since he got back because we have so many moving parts these days, ie, to many chefs. There's just not enough time for a conference on every big play and no one, no one has enough control to take over when the pressure is on.

Too many moving parts, too little time.


Well-Known Member
Cletus_Vandam said:
Oh and by the way, I didn't care for the throw back uni's this week. I prefer the older maroon 'skins helmets with the spear on the side.

I remember these yellow ones though. I had a three-ring binder with this emblem on it back when I went to Bladensburg Elementary.

According to the announcers, the helmets were designed by Vince Lombardi and were patterned after the Packers helmet.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Jason looked like a 1st year starter, the running game was working pretty good in the 1st when running behind Kendall and Samuels. Santana was having a rough time with holding on to the ball and the coaches basically took Cooley out of the game. We do not have a legitimate #2 receiver even with Randle-El, Lloyd and Thrash. Our fullback is basically an offensive tackle, so why doesn't he get used on 3rd and goal from the 1?

I really hope that no one had plans for the bye week because I see a lot of time in the tape room and on the practice field over the next week.


"Typical White Person"
kom526 said:
Jason looked like a 1st year starter, the running game was working pretty good in the 1st when running behind Kendall and Samuels. Santana was having a rough time with holding on to the ball and the coaches basically took Cooley out of the game. We do not have a legitimate #2 receiver even with Randle-El, Lloyd and Thrash. Our fullback is basically an offensive tackle, so why doesn't he get used on 3rd and goal from the 1?

I really hope that no one had plans for the bye week because I see a lot of time in the tape room and on the practice field over the next week.

The calls down at the goal line at the end of the game were down right ridiculous. But Gibbs being Gibbs decided to try and punch right down the gut, no matter that the Giants had dedicated themselves to stopping just that. How about mix it up a little bit?


kom526 said:
Jason looked like a 1st year starter, the running game was working pretty good in the 1st when running behind Kendall and Samuels. Santana was having a rough time with holding on to the ball and the coaches basically took Cooley out of the game. We do not have a legitimate #2 receiver even with Randle-El, Lloyd and Thrash. Our fullback is basically an offensive tackle, so why doesn't he get used on 3rd and goal from the 1?

I really hope that no one had plans for the bye week because I see a lot of time in the tape room and on the practice field over the next week.

Cooley is the most under-used player on the team. He's a big play-maker. Moss lost his hands somewhere. Portis has turned out to be a clumsy oaf. He can't hold on to the ball, drops passes, he routinely trips over players, and appears to be afraid of getting injured again.

The biggest thing lacking for the Skins is intensity. They have none. Gibbs and Campbell are at the center of this problem.


PsyOps said:
Cooley is the most under-used player on the team. He's a big play-maker. Moss lost his hands somewhere. Portis has turned out to be a clumsy oaf. He can't hold on to the ball, drops passes, he routinely trips over players, and appears to be afraid of getting injured again.

The biggest thing lacking for the Skins is intensity. They have none. Gibbs and Campbell are at the center of this problem.
Whoa, I agree Cooley could be used more but Moss makes some spectacular over the head catches. Every game he amazes me with a catch. I am thinking "Into double coverage over his head, at a dear run? No way" and he come up with it. I have never noticed Portis fumbling much :confused:. Sure when it has happened it is noticeable but I have always seen him fairly sure handed and a tough SOB. Worried about getting hurt? Did you see the blocking he did Monday night? How about the block on the linebacker last night? Portis is 150% all the time. Last night to me was a breakdown of the O line and the offense sitting on the sidelines most of the night. Could never get back into sync after the half. They did not re establish the run. They worried about the deep strike too much instead of the 1st down marker. The only thing that disturbs me is Campbell's lack of emotion. They call it "poise" but it seems he has no sense of urgency or emotion at all.
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