Skins v. Packers...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I just read that Moss took himself out of the game because he wasn't happy with his play? I find that interesting that a coach would allow the teams best WR to do that?:confused:

...not? Portis is allowed to come and go as he pleases. Remember the two timeouts we took? Remember the convention on the sidelines? No one is responsible. Campbell walked back on the field looking back over his shoulders every step as numerous people shouted last second instructions all while someone else is talking to him in his helmet. Everything is a committee. Remember all the video shots of Gibbs talking to Williams when we had the ball? Talking to the D 'head' coach. While we have the ball.

We are a highly talented team that, so far, has been the better team on the field, by a good bit, for all five games yet we suffocate at key moments from the inevitable lack of focus generated by having too many chiefs. Another analogy is too many chefs in the kitchen. Great ingredients. Outstanding technique and recipes. Handicapped execution.

With so many moving parts, everything must go right, as in a meeting or on paper, for it all to work smoothly when the SHTF. And then, when the SHTF, is when we suffer; time pressure situations, injuries, bad calls. At those moments, the point of crisis, that's when we cry out for leadership, for simplification, for streamlining, for one person to tell everyone else to STFU up, this is what we're doing.

It is entertaining. :otter: