Skyline drive


New Member
Had DR been keeping up with me, he would have seen the little black bear that meandered down the hill and galloped across the road in front of me. Not RIGHT in front of me, but I did have to slow down to 20 to let him continue on his way across. That was the coolest thing. I have never seen a bear in the wild.

Very cool. Glad you made it back safely!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Did you see his Momma? she was probably watching you :lol:

No, but I was looking. I was sure another would come across. That was the greatest ride. Thanks to Dukesdad, I had put in 100 miles the weekend before, so I wasn't so scared. I am afraid of heights though, so didn't do a lot of looking while riding. We pulled over on a lot of the scenic overlooks. I wouldn't go more than two feet closer to the edge. We had a great place to stay right on the river and a great house to stay in. Lot's of jacuzzi time, also.


New Member
I went to the Great Smokies on my bike one year and as I was going up the Mountain there were two cars ahead of me and they were stopped and were throwing food out to the bears, The bears came over and leaned on their cars. I wasnt looking forward to going past those bears.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Is it solid metal?

A 2 lb. head would have to be totally... uhh, unoccupied.

It's effin heavy. My head is unoccupied. All I could think about was bears, turns, bears, turns, where is the bathroom. There is ONE. The biker chick I went in with told me to not drop my chaps in the toilet. I didn't. I'm kind of glad she warned me. When you are undoing chaps, undoing a belt buckle and unzipping your levis and have to go, it's a cross-your-legs moment.