Sleep Aid


New Member
My brother an aunt both had "bad" side effects from ambien. My aunt was getting up in the middle of the night, getting all ready for work, and even once made it out to the car. She remembered none of it. During one of the episodes, she did however find a pair of pants that she had misplaced and had been missing for months :killingme

My brother had "real life" dreams, and the things he dreamed he believed to be true the next day.

My uncle too. He got up in the middle of the night and fell


happy to be living
A small amount of Xanax makes me sleep deeply and I used to have a dr that would prescribe it years ago. Since it is used to treat anxiety, I doubt my current doctor would give me a script for sleep purposes. I liked that it got out of my system quickly with no hangover/grumpy feeling the next day.


professional daydreamer
I occasionally use unisom. I also use lavender lotion before going to bed, and put a spot of lavender on my neck and wrists. I've also found that my muscle relaxers are a good sleep aid.


aka Mrs. Giant
I occasionally use unisom. I also use lavender lotion before going to bed, and put a spot of lavender on my neck and wrists. I've also found that my muscle relaxers are a good sleep aid.

Unisom does not have a drug interaction. Thanks. I would have never thought of it. I'll ask this afternoon just to be sure.
looks like there are different formulas...

