Restricted User
I just read the following article
and from the sound of things the administration changes and the superintendent have things OUT OF CONTROL throughout St. Mary's County Public Schools.
When is the administration and superintendent going to be held responsible for the schools that are out of control?
Sure you can blame the students and you can blame the fact that there is not parental supervision at home, but when my child get harassed, bullied, or assaulted without provocation that should be on the school system and rest firmly on the superintendent.
I mean really. Kids bringing pellet guns to school. Last time I checked a police officer in the heat of the moment isn't going to be able to identify that from a "real" gun, and the student is going to end of shot by the officer. It will be a tragedy that the officer and school administration will have to go through for no reason.
Why are the principals the only one's being held somewhat responsible?
and from the sound of things the administration changes and the superintendent have things OUT OF CONTROL throughout St. Mary's County Public Schools.
When is the administration and superintendent going to be held responsible for the schools that are out of control?
Sure you can blame the students and you can blame the fact that there is not parental supervision at home, but when my child get harassed, bullied, or assaulted without provocation that should be on the school system and rest firmly on the superintendent.
I mean really. Kids bringing pellet guns to school. Last time I checked a police officer in the heat of the moment isn't going to be able to identify that from a "real" gun, and the student is going to end of shot by the officer. It will be a tragedy that the officer and school administration will have to go through for no reason.
Why are the principals the only one's being held somewhat responsible?