Sorry...SMECO linemen are under dad was a lineman in another state and made a hell of a lot more then the SMECO guys do (look at the website...they are looking for lineman and you can see how little they make). That was 8 years ago too. You have no idea how hard that job is. My dad lost his hearing when a transformer was struck by lightning in front of him...while he was up the pole.
SMECO has always done a hell of a job

...when we lived in Raleigh we were without power for over a week during an ice storm....guess what...we lived through it with out power...we actually had fun...and I still appreciated what those guys did for us...
I also live in the Calvert. When I came home from work on Friday I saw many SMECO trucks and when we went out on Saturday again we saw them out...I can not believe people are posting that they did not see any so they must not have been working