SMECO they think I am a problem


Active Member
I'm not going to complain. Twice in the last 7-8 years, the last time being about 4 years ago, I mailed a check to smeco and got credit but that check never got paid by the bank. I figure I'm up about $500.

My all electric house bill is about 200-250 per month. If you bill is $500 you need to turn off some lights.


Happy Camper
poster said:
I did not get one, but that was probably an unclaimed "capital credit" refund due to you.

If you go to SMECO's website:

and type in your name there is a form you need to complete by Aug. 31st I believe to claim your refund or it is forever lost.

Thanks for the heads up on the capital credit refund! I wasn't aware of it. Of course, our name wasn't on the list! :mad: Only time we've ever gotten a refund was the security deposit back after a year. I've never had any trouble with our bill. Usually pretty reasonable.


New Member
Yes: I was thinking of that meeting and the fact that people are running for the SMECO board, Find one of the runners and have them check on it.


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dave1959 said:
I'm not going to complain. Twice in the last 7-8 years, the last time being about 4 years ago, I mailed a check to smeco and got credit but that check never got paid by the bank. I figure I'm up about $500.

My all electric house bill is about 200-250 per month. If you bill is $500 you need to turn off some lights.

that was my point....I do not have a lot of things running which includes is not a big house either....before I had this house I had a three story home and the bill then only ran 280 and that was with a heated indoor pool


Stop Staring!!!!!
Nicole_in_somd said:
that was my point....I do not have a lot of things running which includes is not a big house either....before I had this house I had a three story home and the bill then only ran 280 and that was with a heated indoor pool

Your getting a $500.00 and up bill each month and you don't run an Airconditioner??

I run a/c 24/7. 5 Computers 24/7. 1 Firdge/freezer, 2 freezers, Electric Hot Water heater. The bill here runs around $300ish. Something don't sound right with your setup.


New Member
wintersprings said:
I looked at the meter again, and the entire bank is mislabled. So now SMECO has 24 unhinged customers they have been mis-charging for the last 3 months. I bet they all paid, and never guessed they were paying the neighbors bill.

They just get to say 24 times, you are the problem, not SMECO.

How do you know they are mislabled? You'd have to remove the cover, see where the service cable was terminated and trace it to your apt.


New Member
Jeff said:
Your getting a $500.00 and up bill each month and you don't run an Airconditioner??

I run a/c 24/7. 5 Computers 24/7. 1 Firdge/freezer, 2 freezers, Electric Hot Water heater. The bill here runs around $300ish. Something don't sound right with your setup.
:yeahthat: Sum Ting Wong.


New Member
wintersprings said:
I checked by Power bill, against my meter, and the numbers were way off (Like 4000 on bill, and only 2000 on meter). I am in a new appt, so I called SMECO to report a problem. The 4000 number is on the meter next to mine, I I think it is just a reporting problem.

The rep, first said it was my problem, its been hot, so the bill is correct. And if I wanted a reading, they would charge like $35 to come do it.

Then she wanted a electrician to certify the meter. I said there are big letters next to each meter, so that has been done. Can they just check this out?

Does anyone else get this treatment? Like the customer is always wrong?


I you live in Apts of Wildewood and live on the second floor, then your bill is probably right. I now have a house and my bill is so much cheaper than when I lived in that apartment.


How you like me now?
Mikeinsmd said:
:yeahthat: Sum Ting Wong.

thats what I have been saying something is wrong and the bill hardly ever changes, even if I am out on travel for a few weeks.... but they still will not come out and look


How you like me now?
Jeff said:
Your getting a $500.00 and up bill each month and you don't run an Airconditioner??

I run a/c 24/7. 5 Computers 24/7. 1 Firdge/freezer, 2 freezers, Electric Hot Water heater. The bill here runs around $300ish. Something don't sound right with your setup.

I know but I have no idea what to do...the person who had the house before said the bill only ran 130 to 180 and they were home all the time


Happy Camper
Not sure what is going on with your electric bill. We have a 3-story home with 4 adults living here. Actually, 3 full-time and one daughter who "blesses" us with her presence about 3 or 4 days a week. She is the main "power" drain. Comes home and throws one or two articles of clothing in the dryer to get the wrinkles out before going to work. Curling irons, blow dryers... You get the idea. Our highest electric bill, with running AC full tilt has been about $225. Just got new windows and siding in June and even with the extreme heat last month, my bill is just $190 this month. Wish I knew something to tell you to help out! Good Luck!!


New Member
Latest status.

I called again to find out what the meter folks did. Nothing in the computer except the request to go and check it out. So now waiting for a call back.

Will let you all know if they get it fixed. I have pictures if they need it. I think this is very simple, the meter is marked, but the records show a different serial number for my meter (The meter above mine matches the serial number SMECO says is mine).

It could be a mix up of recorded serials numbers vrs the address, giving me a bill for the guy who has the meter above mine. And he gets my bill.

Clerical error? Maby, but I am still getting the wrong bill.


Stop Staring!!!!!
Nicole_in_somd said:
I know but I have no idea what to do...the person who had the house before said the bill only ran 130 to 180 and they were home all the time

Lady I wish knew exactly what to tell you. Do you have any friends who are electricians? You could ask them to come poke around for you.

A couple of other things to check:
Hot Water heater. If your hot water is unbearably hot you should be able to back the temp off a bit. Usually on most newer models there is a temp adjustment capability. Sometime one central control toward the top of the unit or on older models each heating element may have some control. If your hot water seems awfully hot you might consider baking the temp down a notch or two. Another possible problem is the heating elements themselves. Generally when they start to go they just go. I mean they quit. I am wondering if for some reason if it possible that they have lost there temp control and are just running full bore all the time.

If you are not running your Air Conditioner and are getting bills as high as you do then there is a problem with something in that house. Not sure what but something.

If it's not in the house then I would also do as the other folks here are looking at. Start noting the difference between your power bills and the meter readings. Something isn't right.

In my house we are not very energy concious. Everything is electric and I am an electronics geek. See the pic below? All that stuff runs 24/7 plus all the other appliances and such. The last bill was $320.00 or so.

Something I just thought of. I know this thread tends to put SMECO down a bit but here is a link to their Power Wise program. Something is not right in your situation and this might be worth looking into. I dunno if any private contractors do any energy use audits like this or not. Heck with the skyrocketing costs of power these days I bet a person could get into this as a full time business.

Let us know how it goes.

And do something with that AV. I can't type with that thing around! :lmao:
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