SMECO they think I am a problem


Blah.. Blah...Blah
Jeff said:
Here is a good SMECO gripe for you.

My "X" bought a new house up around Drum Point. Brand new. SMECO comes out and digs a trench up the property line running power to another home. The "X"s out door condensor unit for the Air Conditioner was on the side of the house where the trenching was being done about 8' from the work area.

Evidentally after they finished their work and packed up the "X"s Air Conditoner died. Next morning she calls in the HVAC folks and whaddya know, the Outdoor unit is full of dirt and rocks all of the sudden. I am not sure how much was there but it was enough to burn up the outdoor unit.

She calls SMECO. They evidently state it's not their problem unless she had an eyewitness. I told here to call the COPS. Thats BS.

Unfortunately this all happened right before we had that major high heat & humidity spell a few weeks ago. The "X" and my kids are now living in he basement of their brand new home with a window unit keeping them cool.

Be nice if we had a choice in who we get our power from to make SMECO a bit more responsive to customers.



off the shelf
Lexib_ said:
I would call and ask for your refund check. Or they can put the "credit" towards your current bill.

I did that about 3 weeks ago....they said that they couldn't do that because they are different account numbers(same name)....that's about the time I started to laugh and told them to just send me a check


Stop Staring!!!!!
BS Gal said:
At work I pay about 100 SMECO bills a month. TODAY we rec'd some dated the 3rth that are due on the 28th. I know, from past experience, if we don't get them paid by that date (which isn't going to happen) we'll get late charges. I immediately e-mailed our account manager about the delay in getting the invoice vs. payment date. I bet we still get late charges. I HATE dealing with them. Their invoicing system is really screwed up.

I forget how the late payment is figured. Is it a percentage???
its amazing to me to hear from friends in other states.. when asked how high their electric bills are... about a third of what they are here... its as if st. mary's has become the "OVER PRICED" mecca of the world!

Ive lived here all my life but i tell ya I am seriously thinking of re-locating.. between smeco, property tax, cost of housing... I am sure there are plenty of places where you can find waterfront and not pay thru the nose to live there..


New Member
Need SMECO e-mail

Jeff said:
I have watched and spoken with alot of the Linemen (POWER POLE TYPES). That must be a different Dept. or something. They seem like they have a decent work ethic. But the folks that do the ground installs seem to have the 'do it and go' mentality. Then if they flub up you have to work with Customer Service. That is where your hosed.

I now have pictures of the big letter next to the meter, so I can send it to them. Anyone have an e-mail address for SMECO that works?

I do know customer no service will just say its all my fault.



off the shelf
wintersprings said:
I now have pictures of the big letter next to the meter, so I can send it to them. Anyone have an e-mail address for SMECO that works?

I do know customer no service will just say its all my fault.


You need to take it down there in person....if you e-mail it, you will not get confirmation that they ever got it
wintersprings said:
I now have pictures of the big letter next to the meter, so I can send it to them. Anyone have an e-mail address for SMECO that works?

I do know customer no service will just say its all my fault.

I say don't pay your bill. The neighbors power will be cut off and then it will get straightened out. End of problem.
Another way to do it would be to use a lot of electricity and then your neighbor will join the battle. Go on vacation and turn your a/c down to 50.


How you like me now?
wintersprings said:
I checked by Power bill, against my meter, and the numbers were way off (Like 4000 on bill, and only 2000 on meter). I am in a new appt, so I called SMECO to report a problem. The 4000 number is on the meter next to mine, I I think it is just a reporting problem.

The rep, first said it was my problem, its been hot, so the bill is correct. And if I wanted a reading, they would charge like $35 to come do it.

Then she wanted a electrician to certify the meter. I said there are big letters next to each meter, so that has been done. Can they just check this out?

Does anyone else get this treatment? Like the customer is always wrong?


yes...I have a 500 billevery month no matter what...and I am never home...I do not run AC or anything except a fridge and tv that is all...


New Member
Thinking evil thoughts here

desertrat said:
I say don't pay your bill. The neighbors power will be cut off and then it will get straightened out. End of problem.
Another way to do it would be to use a lot of electricity and then your neighbor will join the battle. Go on vacation and turn your a/c down to 50.

Thats what my neighbor did, he is gone, with his a/c on and I get his bill.

I like the idea of them turning off my meter. That would shut down his power, but not mine.

Thinking evil thoughts here.



Well-Known Member
wintersprings said:
I now have pictures of the big letter next to the meter, so I can send it to them. Anyone have an e-mail address for SMECO that works?

I do know customer no service will just say its all my fault.

As someone said earlier, you have to see these people face to face and be talking to a Supervisor. A Supervisor is the only one that is going to giveadam and even want to help you. The person that answers the phone or replies to the email has one job and that is to say NO in a dozen different ways.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
wintersprings said:
Thats what my neighbor did, he is gone, with his a/c on and I get his bill.

I like the idea of them turning off my meter. That would shut down his power, but not mine.

Thinking evil thoughts here.


DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! :thewave: Then let us know how it turns out. :elaine:
wintersprings said:
Thats what my neighbor did, he is gone, with his a/c on and I get his bill.

I like the idea of them turning off my meter. That would shut down his power, but not mine.

Thinking evil thoughts here.

It's not evil, you've tried to explain and they won't listen.


New Member
desertrat said:
It's not evil, you've tried to explain and they won't listen.

I looked at the meter again, and the entire bank is mislabled. So now SMECO has 24 unhinged customers they have been mis-charging for the last 3 months. I bet they all paid, and never guessed they were paying the neighbors bill.

They just get to say 24 times, you are the problem, not SMECO.



New Member
wintersprings said:
I looked at the meter again, and the entire bank is mislabled. So now SMECO has 24 unhinged customers they have been mis-charging for the last 3 months. I bet they all paid, and never guessed they were paying the neighbors bill.

They just get to say 24 times, you are the problem, not SMECO.

Question: did SMECO originally put these labels on? If so then the service call would be at their cost not yours.