Smoking Addiction


I have a dumb question. How long does it take someone before they get hooked on ciggerettes? What is your experience? :shrug:

I ask because I used to smoke and quit for a few years, but I'm thinking about taking it back up for a week or a month or two, I never realized how much better my coping skills, thinking skills, emotional control and personalty was. :crazy: I would like to use it as a crutch for a bit but I'm afraid I'll get hooked. I dont recall how fast I got addicted to nicotine because I denied it most of the time and it was too long ago.

How long before you realized you were hooked? :shrug: Anyone quit then go back for a few weeks and be able to quit effortlessly?


Why would you even risk it?

Thats what I was thinking, thats why I asked. I have some very personal issues going on right now and I was thinking how much better my coping skills would be if I can smoke while going through it all. :crazy: It was a crutch, I guess. I didnt want to risk getting hooked again, so then I was thinking just use it as a crutch briefly. :crazy: I guess I was hoping someone would say: "Go for it!! You can stop successfully on day 50 but dont smoke a day more, I did!" :stupid:



Wirelessly posted

You are a puff away from a pack a day... always. Don't do it. You'll be sorry.


New Member
If you're really really really worried about it, maybe try the patch or the gum first :shrug:

Or go to the dr and find a way to help you cope through your rough times.

Starting smoking again will only add to your troubles in the long run. You can absolutely make it through without resorting to smoking. It just might take some help.


Okay thanks! I had given it too much thought, I guess. Then I was thinking... well I know people that smoke for a few days then no probems not smoking, then I know people that just smokes 5 a day, etc... etc... maybe I can be one of *those* people. :stupid: Then posted a poll for research into the matter. :crazy: Thanks for the feedback :yay:


New Member
Don't do it! I know it's easier said than done... I smoked for 10 years and I quit using Chantix Dec 2010. Over a year later I find myself on occasion taking a puff when I have had a drink or two. Recent stress has been making me want to just go out and buy a pack of cigarettes, but I can't bring myself to do it. I am trying to get back on track now, it would be really stupid to start smoking again after all the work I put in.

Just think about all the negatives of smoking anytime you think you want a cigarette. That's what I find helps me.


I have garlic breath.
I did this exact experiment back in 2007 during my divorce. I had been off cigarettes for over 4 years. I literally just took one drag and I was back. Still smoking to this day, sadly. PLEASE don't do it.




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I ask because I used to smoke and quit for a few years, but I'm thinking about taking it back up for a week or a month or two

Not going to happen. I've seen this, and it never ends well.
You will be hooked after you smoke one single cigarette.

I suggest another crutch.

Like alcohol, or weed.