Smoking Ban in MD

How do you feel about the Smoking Ban?

  • Unaffected

    Votes: 20 20.4%
  • About time. Get those filthy smokers outside

    Votes: 49 50.0%
  • I hate it! You have no right to tell me.

    Votes: 31 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


...trying to keep up...
I'm not a smoker, never been a smoker, would rather not have to be around smokers, but I hate these laws. I'd prefer to let the market decide whether a restaurant or bar is smoking or not. The only requirement should be that all patrons know before they enter whether the air inside will be clear or smoky.

The way I see it is this - if you own a bar and you want folks to be able to enjoy a cigarette or cigar while they drink, you open a smoking bar. If enough folks want to patronize such a place, you stay in business. If not, you change your business model or shut down. If you don't want anyone smoking in your restaurant, you advertise as such. Again, if folks patronize you, you're golden. If not, you try something else.

I don't understand why it's not handled this way. I agree that public places in general should be smoke-free - having two kinds of MVA offices or hospitals or courts would be just a bit extreme. But restaurants and bars are not necessities - we choose to go for whatever reason. So can't we choose the environment, too? Or is that too logical?

Thank you. I agree.
I miss smoking inside, but I guess everything changes, so now bars and restaurants will have to begin creating outdoor areas for customers to smoke and still eat/drink. (Monk's already has a fenced in smokers' patio so you can take your drink outside with you when you go to smoke :cheers: :cool: :cheesy: )


I think it should be legal to kill anyone who does anything that annoys you.

Smoking - BAM!
Driving slow in the left lane - BAM!
Playing music too loud - BAM!
Clipping your fingernails at your workstation - BAM!
Posting about old topics that do nothing but get people worked up - BAM!


Active Member
I'm not a smoker, never been a smoker, would rather not have to be around smokers, but I hate these laws. I'd prefer to let the market decide whether a restaurant or bar is smoking or not. The only requirement should be that all patrons know before they enter whether the air inside will be clear or smoky.



New Member
I'm not a smoker, never been a smoker, would rather not have to be around smokers, but I hate these laws. I'd prefer to let the market decide whether a restaurant or bar is smoking or not. The only requirement should be that all patrons know before they enter whether the air inside will be clear or smoky.

if the market were to decide everything you would have people driving around drunk all the time. this law is for public health. you could smoke in malls 20 years ago, but now you cant. do you still hear people complaining about that? no, its just common sense now. there are many states in the country that have adopted this, and as a matter of fact there numerous countries around the world that have too.


New Member

Not the market, THE OWNER OF HIS/HERS OWN ESTABLISHMENT! It's his/hers establishment not the state's. They own it and should be able to make their own rules not set by the suppressive gov't. It's communism at it's best.

Did we forget what this country was founded on?


New Member
if the market were to decide everything you would have people driving around drunk all the time. this law is for public health. you could smoke in malls 20 years ago, but now you cant. do you still hear people complaining about that? no, its just common sense now. there are many states in the country that have adopted this, and as a matter of fact there numerous countries around the world that have too.

First off, you're limp wristed and need to be a MAN every once in a while. How about you just go to one of these countries you're talking about and stay.

And learn grammar as well, lmao! Capitols aren't the only thing in cities!
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Nanny Pam

I think it should be legal to kill anyone who does anything that annoys you.

Smoking - BAM!
Driving slow in the left lane - BAM!
Playing music too loud - BAM!
Clipping your fingernails at your workstation - BAM!
Posting about old topics that do nothing but get people worked up - BAM!

THERE'S my outlaw buddy! :howdy: :buddies:


Active Member
Not the market, THE OWNER OF HIS/HERS OWN ESTABLISHMENT! It's his/hers establishment not the state's. They own it and should be able to make their own rules not set by the suppressive gov't. It's communism at it's best.

Did we forget what this country was founded on?

Actually that is what I meant. I guess I read what I wanted to read because I did not catch the 'market' part. I think as long as there is a sign on the door letting people know this is/is not a smoking establishment then it is up to the owner.


Has confinement issues..
I smoke but don't like being in bars without ventilation because heavy, lingering smoke gives me headaches and will make me pukey after a few hours. Oh well, you take the good with the bad. I like cigarettes, they're cheaper than anxiety meds and legal representation for criminal assault on a dumb-ass. _______________________________________________________ The laws however are :bs: How long before they start taking away other things? Non-smokers may not see it this way, but smoking IS a civil liberty because it is my body and if I choose to let it be eaten away with cancer, it is my choice. On the flip side, people are :bawl: about their air and their bodies. It is your right NOT to stand next to me and I thank you for getting the hell out of my second hand:cool:


Routinely Derailed
I smoked for 37 years, and when I quit I swore I wouldn't be one of those ex-smokers with an attitude. And I still keep my mouth shut. But secondhand smoke really bothers me now, not just because it smells bad. I get a whiff of that stuff and my throat closes up. I have a neighbor who smokes in his front porch; somehow the smoke blows across the road and into my house whenever my windows are open, even when there's no apparent breeze. Very frustrating, but I haven't said anything about it.

So in a restaurant setting, it certainly does bother me when somebody lights up and I'm eating. I remember that when I was smoking, I couldn't understand how anyone could be bothered that badly by my smoke and I honestly thought they were making a big deal out of nothing. Same applies to smoking near the entrance to a public building like a supermarket; I thought, since I was outside, that it was definitely not a big deal - now I hold my breath when I walk into a supermarket.

Now I know better, not because of anything anyone said, but by the way I react to the smoke. So, I have to say that I now understand the anti-smoking changes being made. This is not to say that I think it's government's place to infringe on anyone's rights, however. On the other hand, upholding someone else's rights...?

So I'm on the fence with the issue itself, but in personal experience I really dislike putting up with secondhand smoke.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I smoked for 37 years, and when I quit I swore I wouldn't be one of those ex-smokers with an attitude. And I still keep my mouth shut. But secondhand smoke really bothers me now, not just because it smells bad. I get a whiff of that stuff and my throat closes up. I have a neighbor who smokes in his front porch; somehow the smoke blows across the road and into my house whenever my windows are open, even when there's no apparent breeze. Very frustrating, but I haven't said anything about it.

So in a restaurant setting, it certainly does bother me when somebody lights up and I'm eating. I remember that when I was smoking, I couldn't understand how anyone could be bothered that badly by my smoke and I honestly thought they were making a big deal out of nothing. Same applies to smoking near the entrance to a public building like a supermarket; I thought, since I was outside, that it was definitely not a big deal - now I hold my breath when I walk into a supermarket.

Now I know better, not because of anything anyone said, but by the way I react to the smoke. So, I have to say that I now understand the anti-smoking changes being made. This is not to say that I think it's government's place to infringe on anyone's rights, however. On the other hand, upholding someone else's rights...?

So I'm on the fence with the issue itself, but in personal experience I really dislike putting up with secondhand smoke.

See that's the part I have to call :bs: on...

A lit cigarette across the street mixing smoke into the open air at about 1ppb at best bothers someone yet they suck down car exaust, furnace discharge, smoke from incinerators and every other airborne discharge with no obvious problem. :confused:

I gave up cigarettes in April of 92 and haven't had a single issue with it ever. The :bs: idea that 2nd hand smoke mixed into the air is somehow worse than sucking down the concentrate directly is the other thing that gets me :roflmao:


I don't want them #### faces telling me to quit with the brewski's or cigars (too late) or jazz or skeet shooting or atv riding or spiting in parking lots, so, it is incumbent upon me to stick up for those who, while I think they're morons, are simply doing something they want to do.

:fixed: :biggrin:


I hate smoking (not smokers. I feel sorry for smokers.) with every fiber in my body except for one. That one fiber has no desire to tell folks how not to destroy their own bodies. If it's not my place to dictate to folks about smoking it's certainly not the government's. Beef is really not good for you. Is that next? All the smells coming from Bath and Body works gives me a headache. Is that next? It doesn't end with smokes.


b*tch rocket
if the market were to decide everything you would have people driving around drunk all the time.

You still have people driving around drunk all of the time. It's time to ban drinking in bars. :yay: Drunk drivers are a far bigger public health issue than second hand smoke.

It is for the safety and well being of all humankind for the government to step in and put a stop the madness before we all DIE!!!!

Our children do not deserve to live in a world tainted with cigarette smoke, booze, and Big Mac's.

:jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: