SMYFL is a joke!


New Member
SMYFL was supposed to make an announcement involoving the county's takeover of youth football yesterday at 6pm. Well, since they found out the county's involvement would include them (the county) obtaining and paying the refs and having field monitors at all the games, SMYFL was a no show. :lol:
Well, after today's games I can see why they chose to not show up.
This league is the biggest bunch of misfits around. Mr. Richardson sat up in the box and drank :otter: as he normally does. If the county has field monitors he can't do that anymore.
I attended all the playoff games today. You have never in your life seen such bad calls. Every game that was poorly called involved a team from the North. Funny, because the North is the one who pays the refs. Once again if the county gets involved they (SMYFL) can't pay refs who decide who wins what games.

The worst example was the very last game. I had no stake in this game but I had watched these two teams battle it out on opening day and figured it would be a good game to watch. What a joke. I do not even know where to begin. I will give one example because there are too many to list... a flag was thrown on the offense for false start, a flag was also thrown on the defense for offsides, my first thought is the penalties offset each other right? Well...AFTER 10 MINUTES OF DELIBERATION BETWEEN REFS AND COACHES...the defense got the penalty assessed on them. WTF? :confused:

Where exactly did they find these refs? They obviously know nothing about football AND they knew it because you have never seen 3 men haul ass out of a park in your life! :lol:

SMYFL, Paul, Pat, whoever, good luck next year because I highly doubt the county is going to put up with your :bs:

Mr. Cooper good luck with the development of the South county league. You are one of the only upstanding members of SMYFL and I applaud your efforts.

*** a side note*** I'm betting on Braves White to win the bowl games in just about every division. Just a hunch I have...or maybe that's who SMYFL has hand picked to win. Guess we wait and see.
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New Member
i'd just like to pop in here and say that you can't have offsides on the defense and a false start on the offense at the same time. It has to be one or the other. kthxbai.


Well-Known Member
i'd just like to pop in here and say that you can't have offsides on the defense and a false start on the offense at the same time. It has to be one or the other. kthxbai.

Actually, you can. If the defense is lined up offside and then the offense jumps the snap.


New Member
Mustangman, feel free to volunteer next year in a board position. In fact you can have mine when I resign after this season.

But let me warn you, it requires thousands of hours of your time, will strain your marriage, and you have to listen to parents who have no real idea what they are talking about when it comes to running a football league with 600+ kids on a daily basis.

And just so you know, the officials are contracted by the SMYFL Board, not the Mechanicsville Braves, from the Tri-County Sports Officials Association. They have no affiliation with the board members or coaches/players. :howdy:


Mustangman, feel free to volunteer next year in a board position. In fact you can have mine when I resign after this season.

But let me warn you, it requires thousands of hours of your time, will strain your marriage, and you have to listen to parents who have no real idea what they are talking about when it comes to running a football league with 600+ kids on a daily basis.

And just so you know, the officials are contracted by the SMYFL Board, not the Mechanicsville Braves, from the Tri-County Sports Officials Association. They have no affiliation with the board members or coaches/players. :howdy:

In retrospect do you see now why Don Kemp might have been a tad of an ass after 20 years of dealing with what you did this year??


A Salute to all on Watch
In retrospect do you see now why Don Kemp might have been a tad of an ass after 20 years of dealing with what you did this year??

I kept out of this until I read this. Kemp was the biggest ass there was when my kid played in the late 90's. He was a total dick and i hope he never has anything to do with youth sports. We were a south team and he tried to make us forfeit a Turkey Bowl game because our head coach was on travel. Unbelievable. The board members over ruled him but if it was up to him we would have lost that game because he is a jackass.


I kept out of this until I read this. Kemp was the biggest ass there was when my kid played in the late 90's. He was a total dick and i hope he never has anything to do with youth sports. We were a south team and he tried to make us forfeit a Turkey Bowl game because our head coach was on travel. Unbelievable. The board members over ruled him but if it was up to him we would have lost that game because he is a jackass.

Can't argue that :lol:


New Member
In retrospect do you see now why Don Kemp might have been a tad of an ass after 20 years of dealing with what you did this year??
Definitely. I'm not sure if other youth sports are like this in St. Mary's County, but being a board member for youth football down here will definitely turn you into a crusty old curmudgeon.

However, I remember Don being Don even when I played Division 4 Pigskins in 1986.

But don't get me wrong, we do receive complimentary emails and conversations, its just that for every one positive, its 9 negatives. It really tends to make you think "its not worth this."


A Salute to all on Watch
Definitely. I'm not sure if other youth sports are like this in St. Mary's County, but being a board member for youth football down here will definitely turn you into a crusty old curmudgeon.

However, I remember Don being Don even when I played Division 4 Pigskins in 1986.

But don't get me wrong, we do receive complimentary emails and conversations, its just that for every one positive, its 9 negatives. It really tends to make you think "its not worth this."

LOL. I give Don his due for giving his time and trying to make it happen but he was a .........."crusty old curmudgeon"(priceless):yay:


Definitely. I'm not sure if other youth sports are like this in St. Mary's County, but being a board member for youth football down here will definitely turn you into a crusty old curmudgeon.

However, I remember Don being Don even when I played Division 4 Pigskins in 1986.

But don't get me wrong, we do receive complimentary emails and conversations, its just that for every one positive, its 9 negatives. It really tends to make you think "its not worth this."

I saw a lot of what he had to deal with. One day I went to talk to him and had to wait until a "mom" of a 7 year old biatched at him for 30 minutes because their team never got to play under the lights on the "big field" during the week. Finally he told her to shut up and leave. There comes a point where sometimes you just have to be an ass. :lol:


New Member
I saw a lot of what he had to deal with. One day I went to talk to him and had to wait until a "mom" of a 7 year old biatched at him for 30 minutes because their team never got to play under the lights on the "big field" during the week. Finally he told her to shut up and leave. There comes a point where sometimes you just have to be an ass. :lol:
And it makes it even harder when its your first season doing it and you're learning lessons about things that you never thought of before and dealing with everything else involved in a start-up of this size.


Well-Known Member
I kept out of this until I read this. Kemp was the biggest ass there was when my kid played in the late 90's. He was a total dick and i hope he never has anything to do with youth sports. We were a south team and he tried to make us forfeit a Turkey Bowl game because our head coach was on travel. Unbelievable. The board members over ruled him but if it was up to him we would have lost that game because he is a jackass.



New Member
And it makes it even harder when its your first season doing it and you're learning lessons about things that you never thought of before and dealing with everything else involved in a start-up of this size.

That's to be expected in a new league. HOWEVER, you can not come out and be hypocritical of other leagues when you and your own league have not shown to be any better.
Why exactly are you giving up your position on the board? Why is SMYFL so against the county taking over? Wouldnt that relieve some of the stress you are complaining about? They will take on scheduling and officiating so those stressers are gone. They will also take care of weigh ins which has been a HUGE issue in this league. They will also be responsible for monitoring the fields during practices and games. I myself think this is a wonderful idea.

That will mean no drinking at the practices or games and no fighting between coaches and/or parents. More issues that this league has.

As far as the officials go, you should've just called Barnum and Bailey. :lol:

By the way, thanks but no thanks on the offer to join the board. You could'nt PAY me to be a part of your league. My advice to you is to get out when the season ends.


New Member
That's to be expected in a new league. HOWEVER, you can not come out and be hypocritical of other leagues when you and your own league have not shown to be any better.
Why exactly are you giving up your position on the board?
I am stepping down because my 8 year old no longer wants to play full-contact football. He took a very hard helmet to helmet hit from another player and it rattled him pretty badly, so he decided he wants to only play baseball.

As far as the officials go, you should've just called Barnum and Bailey. :lol:
Apparently they are human. Just like the officials in the Cowboys/Redskins game yesterday.:howdy:


New Member
I get up early this morning and the first thing I read is Mr. Richardson is drinking in the booth all day. My two sons played on Saturday and Mr. Richardson was in Pat Murphy's truck all day collecting equipment. I also saw him by the container building racks to hold equipment. Wow. He gets alot done drunk. He did not drink all day. I could get a 100 or more people to tell you the same thing. Also , I agree that Mr. Cooper is a great guy for the South. But did you also know that Mr. Cooper and Mr. Richardson are extremely good friends. One more bit of information. Did you forget that Mr. Cooper's team is the Varsity Red Braves. Not the Hornets. He supports the entire league.

The calls will not always be correct from the refs. And for your information the North does not pay the refs, the treasurer does. I am sure upon request the bills could be given to the South if they would like to pay them.

Maybe you should help volunteer and try to make changes. This is the first year. Over the winter things will be changed to make the next season better, I am sure. I have asked the board members questions myself, and I was told this.

Instead of complaining and telling lies. Help out!!!!!!!


New Member
That's to be expected in a new league. HOWEVER, you can not come out and be hypocritical of other leagues when you and your own league have not shown to be any better.
Why exactly are you giving up your position on the board? Why is SMYFL so against the county taking over? Wouldnt that relieve some of the stress you are complaining about? They will take on scheduling and officiating so those stressers are gone. They will also take care of weigh ins which has been a HUGE issue in this league. They will also be responsible for monitoring the fields during practices and games. I myself think this is a wonderful idea.

That will mean no drinking at the practices or games and no fighting between coaches and/or parents. More issues that this league has.

As far as the officials go, you should've just called Barnum and Bailey. :lol:

By the way, thanks but no thanks on the offer to join the board. You could'nt PAY me to be a part of your league. My advice to you is to get out when the season ends.

thet is why i love pigskin we always had a scedule the oficials were the best in contry and no one ever drank at the feild what was smyfl releseing at the press confrence smyfl does suck becase they pay the oficials they should let the other clubs pay to just so it steys fare.
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New Member
thet is why i love pigskin we always had a scedule the oficials were the best in contry and no one ever drank at the feild what was smyfl releseing at the press confrence smyfl does suck becase they pay the oficials they should let the other clubs pay to just so it steys fare.
:killingme :killingme :killingme


New Member
That's to be expected in a new league. HOWEVER, you can not come out and be hypocritical of other leagues when you and your own league have not shown to be any better.
Why exactly are you giving up your position on the board? Why is SMYFL so against the county taking over? Wouldnt that relieve some of the stress you are complaining about? They will take on scheduling and officiating so those stressers are gone. They will also take care of weigh ins which has been a HUGE issue in this league. They will also be responsible for monitoring the fields during practices and games. I myself think this is a wonderful idea.

That will mean no drinking at the practices or games and no fighting between coaches and/or parents. More issues that this league has.

As far as the officials go, you should've just called Barnum and Bailey. :lol:

By the way, thanks but no thanks on the offer to join the board. You could'nt PAY me to be a part of your league. My advice to you is to get out when the season ends.

yeah i agree with you on thet the county is way to stupid to run a league.