SMYFL is a joke!


New Member
Their accomplishments will never mean a thing because it will be marred by the black cloud of dishonesty. The league made it that way NOT the children.

I mentioned before the refs are paid by the north league, if this is not true then answer this question....

12 Championship games/bowls will be played on Saturday out of those 12 how many include a Braves team (the north)?

Answer: ALL 12 OF THEM!
sorry but thats a little too coincidental to me. You can try to say that's talent, accomplishment, whatever but out of 3 different leagues (north, central, and south) and 25 individual teams that's questionable, SUCKA :lol:

I'm not the only one who feels this way about the officiating....

because the teams in the north were not split between multiple clubs. Central and south were split with the raiders and they took many players so there wasn't as many players to have stronger teams. The question is - did SMYFL do a good enough job to get more kids from the central and south, or they know they didn't and that is why they are going under the county. Looking for the government, and our tax dollars, to protect them from their screw ups.


New Member
because the teams in the north were not split between multiple clubs. Central and south were split with the raiders and they took many players so there wasn't as many players to have stronger teams. The question is - did SMYFL do a good enough job to get more kids from the central and south, or they know they didn't and that is why they are going under the county.
As you said, the Central and the South have a lot of kids go to the Pax River Raiders. Most of the kids who signed with the Hornets either couldn't afford to pay to play with the Pax River Raiders or came over to SMYFL because of the coaches involved in Lexington Park. The Central teams could've had a lot more players probably but a lot signed up with the now defunct Pigskins and didn't find out until it was too late to play that they weren't even having a season. Even then, Leonardtown/Hollywood is also a recruiting area of Pax River.
Looking for the government, and our tax dollars, to protect them from their screw ups.
Let's set the record straight: the partnership with the County gov't was Recreation and Parks idea. We thought it was the best idea with regards to the players and the future of youth football in St. Mary's County. It is mutually benficial in many ways.


New Member
Their accomplishments will never mean a thing because it will be marred by the black cloud of dishonesty. The league made it that way NOT the children.

I mentioned before the refs are paid by the north league, if this is not true then answer this question....

12 Championship games/bowls will be played on Saturday out of those 12 how many include a Braves team (the north)?

Answer: ALL 12 OF THEM!
sorry but thats a little too coincidental to me. You can try to say that's talent, accomplishment, whatever but out of 3 different leagues (north, central, and south) and 25 individual teams that's questionable, SUCKA :lol:

Well, considering Mechanicsville has a total of 16 teams, Hollywood has 6 and Lexington Park has 6, I'd say that's not surprising. If Mechanicsville Braves had somehow stacked the teams, then I'd be playing for a Championship. As it is, I have less than 15 players (I lost a couple to parental selfishness) and lost to the Lexington Park Hornets 70lb team 32-0 twice. They have 20 players, of which their 5th fastest is faster than my fastest player. They are playing in the Championship. There are only 4 Championship games. The rest are consolation bowls in which only one team did not play (and that was because the coach decided not to).
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New Member

Well, considering Mechanicsville has a total of 16 teams, Hollywood has 6 and Lexington Park has 6, I'd say that's not surprising. If Mechanicsville Braves had somehow stacked the teams, then I'd be playing for a Championship. As it is, I have less than 15 players (I lost a couple to parental selfishness) and lost to the Lexington Park Hornets 70lb team 32-0 twice. They have 20 players, of which their 5th fastest is faster than my fastest player. They are playing in the Championship. There are only 4 Championship games. The rest are consolation bowls in which only one team did not play (and that was because the coach decided not to). I'm thinking reading comprehension is not your strongsuit. I bet you believe Obama is from Kenya and 9/11 was an inside job too.

I read just fine, thank you.

I can see why the coach opted out. I see no point in making them play in a "losers" bowl anyway.


New Member
I read just fine, thank you.

I can see why the coach opted out. I see no point in making them play in a "losers" bowl anyway.
Like I said. I hope you enjoy playing for Pax River. Hopefully since they are cutting down from 18 to 13 teams your kid can get a roster spot.:howdy:


New Member
I read just fine, thank you.

I can see why the coach opted out. I see no point in making them play in a "losers" bowl anyway.

You must be the "former" commissioner that quit when the pressure got to high.
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New Member
Originally Posted by mustangman
I can see why the coach opted out. I see no point in making them play in a "losers" bowl anyway.

I guess there's alot of "losers" bowls in college football?
My son does not look at it as a losers bowl, he is happy to be able to play one more game, and I am happy to get to watch my son play one more game before the season ends. He plays hard and has fun, and has never once complained about or asked who paid the refs. The amount of hate and discontent on these threads is amazing. The amount of back stabbing and trash talking about coaches and league board members is shocking. Is it that hard to take your son to practice and just watch, or even volunteer to help, and then go home. When things present themselves, I use it as a time to teach my son a life lesson. Didnt' get to play the league min. plays, guess what, your coach is human-life lesson. You didn't like the ref's call- life lesson. No league comprised of humans is going to be perfect, if that's what your looking for, stay home and play in the front yard. Otherwise, let the kids play and enjoy themselves, which mine have done. It happened to be in smyfl, and I'm sure they could have done the same in pigskin, most of the drama, seems to me, comes from the adults whom I'm convinced enjoy it.


New Member
It is so funny that the officiating is so bad and it will change when the county takes over. Surpise!!!!!! I heard the Federation refs that SMYFL uses were recommended by the county and will be the same refs used by the county next year.


New Member
:killingme:killingme:killingme I'm really laughing at this one because it shows you really don't know what you are talking about. Mr.Cooper has already hand picked the "former" commissioner to help with his league next year. They are actually good friends.

You are one of the biggest defenders of SMYFL, you spew your opinion out over and over again but yet when someone else does you call them names?

That's really mature :lol:

I am so sorry mustangman. I heard that the "former" commissioner's offer has been rescinded. Better luck next time, go ruin someone else's league. Oh yeah, you can't. You already tried that and got kicked out of their league already.


New Member
Their accomplishments will never mean a thing because it will be marred by the black cloud of dishonesty. The league made it that way NOT the children.

I mentioned before the refs are paid by the north league, if this is not true then answer this question....

12 Championship games/bowls will be played on Saturday out of those 12 how many include a Braves team (the north)?

Answer: ALL 12 OF THEM!
sorry but thats a little too coincidental to me. You can try to say that's talent, accomplishment, whatever but out of 3 different leagues (north, central, and south) and 25 individual teams that's questionable, SUCKA :lol:

I'm not the only one who feels this way about the officiating....

Ok. I have solved the problem for you. This should make your day. The bill for this week's refs is $1140.00. Please have a check payable to TSOA officiating services at Field #1 no later than 9:00am on Saturday. Mr. Richardson will be waiting for you in the box as you call it.


New Member
Originally Posted by mustangman
I can see why the coach opted out. I see no point in making them play in a "losers" bowl anyway.

I guess there's alot of "losers" bowls in college football?
My son does not look at it as a losers bowl, he is happy to be able to play one more game, and I am happy to get to watch my son play one more game before the season ends. He plays hard and has fun, and has never once complained about or asked who paid the refs. The amount of hate and discontent on these threads is amazing. The amount of back stabbing and trash talking about coaches and league board members is shocking. Is it that hard to take your son to practice and just watch, or even volunteer to help, and then go home. When things present themselves, I use it as a time to teach my son a life lesson. Didnt' get to play the league min. plays, guess what, your coach is human-life lesson. You didn't like the ref's call- life lesson. No league comprised of humans is going to be perfect, if that's what your looking for, stay home and play in the front yard. Otherwise, let the kids play and enjoy themselves, which mine have done. It happened to be in smyfl, and I'm sure they could have done the same in pigskin, most of the drama, seems to me, comes from the adults whom I'm convinced enjoy it.


New Member
:lol: you people are so funny. My kid plays on the Anklebiters team ( look at past posts I already said that). He actually is in one of the championship games. I have no affiliation with the former commisioner. I do however talk to Lee Cooper quite often and know for a fact no offers were rescinded.

No we will not be playing for the Raiders next year either. My son played flag for the Steelers and we will be going back if he decides he wants to play again. He has already said he wants to play baseball and I hoping he opts not to play football next year. I can't take the drama. :drama:
SMYFL was supposed to make an announcement involoving the county's takeover of youth football yesterday at 6pm. Well, since they found out the county's involvement would include them (the county) obtaining and paying the refs and having field monitors at all the games, SMYFL was a no show. :lol:
Well, after today's games I can see why they chose to not show up.
This league is the biggest bunch of misfits around. Mr. Richardson sat up in the box and drank :otter: as he normally does. If the county has field monitors he can't do that anymore.
I attended all the playoff games today. You have never in your life seen such bad calls. Every game that was poorly called involved a team from the North. Funny, because the North is the one who pays the refs. Once again if the county gets involved they (SMYFL) can't pay refs who decide who wins what games.

The worst example was the very last game. I had no stake in this game but I had watched these two teams battle it out on opening day and figured it would be a good game to watch. What a joke. I do not even know where to begin. I will give one example because there are too many to list... a flag was thrown on the offense for false start, a flag was also thrown on the defense for offsides, my first thought is the penalties offset each other right? Well...AFTER 10 MINUTES OF DELIBERATION BETWEEN REFS AND COACHES...the defense got the penalty assessed on them. WTF? :confused:

Where exactly did they find these refs? They obviously know nothing about football AND they knew it because you have never seen 3 men haul ass out of a park in your life! :lol:

SMYFL, Paul, Pat, whoever, good luck next year because I highly doubt the county is going to put up with your :bs:

Mr. Cooper good luck with the development of the South county league. You are one of the only upstanding members of SMYFL and I applaud your efforts.

*** a side note*** I'm betting on Braves White to win the bowl games in just about every division. Just a hunch I have...or maybe that's who SMYFL has hand picked to win. Guess we wait and see.

You cannot have a false start and offsides at the same time. And yes, the refs probably did have to come together and discuss it, because one or more saw the false start and one or more saw the offside. If YOU knew anything about football, the call would be offside on the defense which caused the offense to false start. Therefore, the penaly is against the defense.

I don't supposed you rushed to the Parks and Recs department or the league's chief offical on Monday and signed up to be a ref for next year, did you? Maybe you can take your superior knowledge of the game and put it to good use rather than coming on here and slamming the people who are at least willing to participate in activities with our youth. And by the way, PAY has absolutely nothing to do with how these youth league officials rule on the field; so why bring that issue into it?
:lol: you people are so funny. My kid plays on the Anklebiters team ( look at past posts I already said that). He actually is in one of the championship games. I have no affiliation with the former commisioner. I do however talk to Lee Cooper quite often and know for a fact no offers were rescinded.

No we will not be playing for the Raiders next year either. My son played flag for the Steelers and we will be going back if he decides he wants to play again. He has already said he wants to play baseball and I hoping he opts not to play football next year. I can't take the drama. :drama:

Oh boy, can't wait to see you on the ball diamond next year. Be sure to let all us Blues know who you are at the start of the season!