

New Member
I'm sorry Redskinfan88 but I don't have a clue who this guy is can anybody tell me who he is, but i'm sorry for coming on here again but with the way he's talking and spelling it is slandering our organization and I don't like it I don't know who he is but he has nothing to do with me or pigskin i'm sorry, for his ignorence on his part but our people can spell just a little better then him just ignore him I do on my site thank you and sorry again i just have to see what this guy keeps saying sorry

Are you really that much better? You come on here representing an organization that is non-existent this year. You will need customers next year. Yes, some may come back because of the name. But you will need to sell yourselves to the rest. So how is it that you are selling yourself by bashing other organizations and posting comments without any punctuation? If SMYFL, Pax River Raiders and Pigskin do exist next year, what is Pigskin going to provide my child that the other organizations are not?

If the county takes over the scheduling and so forth as has been lead to believe, will each of the organizations, or clubs, be zoned by by region? If I have a specific address that would fall under the Pigskin Region, does my child have to play for Pigskin? Do I have to pay an extra fee for my son to play for a different club? Does anybody know?


New Member
Are you really that much better? You come on here representing an organization that is non-existent this year. You will need customers next year. Yes, some may come back because of the name. But you will need to sell yourselves to the rest. So how is it that you are selling yourself by bashing other organizations and posting comments without any punctuation? If SMYFL, Pax River Raiders and Pigskin do exist next year, what is Pigskin going to provide my child that the other organizations are not?

If the county takes over the scheduling and so forth as has been lead to believe, will each of the organizations, or clubs, be zoned by by region? If I have a specific address that would fall under the Pigskin Region, does my child have to play for Pigskin? Do I have to pay an extra fee for my son to play for a different club? Does anybody know?

I'm not talking about pigskin on a smyfl site go on the pigskin site. I don't know walt at all and yes, I am better then him because at least you understand my spelling and sorry to smyfl for being on there site. I've apolgized for the bashing of smyfl. I wont bash them anymore because they were the bigger people and stopped i grew up and stopped


New Member
Are you really that much better? You come on here representing an organization that is non-existent this year. You will need customers next year. Yes, some may come back because of the name. But you will need to sell yourselves to the rest. So how is it that you are selling yourself by bashing other organizations and posting comments without any punctuation? If SMYFL, Pax River Raiders and Pigskin do exist next year, what is Pigskin going to provide my child that the other organizations are not?

If the county takes over the scheduling and so forth as has been lead to believe, will each of the organizations, or clubs, be zoned by by region? If I have a specific address that would fall under the Pigskin Region, does my child have to play for Pigskin? Do I have to pay an extra fee for my son to play for a different club? Does anybody know?
Not sure how things will work next year. Everything is speculation right now pretty much.

If the County does take over the regulatory duties, they have already said that they want a Club Model. So geography wouldn't really matter if you are willing to take a kid to practice wherever. If you are willing to drive from Lex Park to Charlotte Hall to practice, more power to you. Clubs would set their registration fees and such.


Not sure how things will work next year. Everything is speculation right now pretty much.

If the County does take over the regulatory duties, they have already said that they want a Club Model. So geography wouldn't really matter if you are willing to take a kid to practice wherever. If you are willing to drive from Lex Park to Charlotte Hall to practice, more power to you. Clubs would set their registration fees and such.

I believe in Calvert recruiting players from other districts is verbotten! It is only right to prevent stacked teams whch plagued Pigskin for years. Who wants to play when one club has hand picked all the good players form all over the county and they cream everyone else.


New Member
I believe in Calvert recruiting players from other districts is verbotten! It is only right to prevent stacked teams whch plagued Pigskin for years. Who wants to play when one club has hand picked all the good players form all over the county and they cream everyone else.
Recruiting is one thing, but I think his question was more "am I limited to who I can play for based on region?"


Recruiting is one thing, but I think his question was more "am I limited to who I can play for based on region?"

Not really if Hollywood has a 90 pound team and space on that team, you play on that team and not drive to Mechanicsville to be the QB on that team. the only way you can cross boundaries is if the club president gives you a release to do so.


A week late and $3 short
My son and youngest daughter were part of the Solomons' Steelers organization for years. We live here in SMC, however, when my son decided he wanted to play football, all that was available was Pigskins, and I refused to have my children be part of that organization.

I've heard complaints about the Raiders having to travel because they have to play the Calvert organizations, but I tell you what: Not ONCE did I EVER have a problem with coaches, Board members, refs, players, parents, anyone in Calvert. The County runs the program over there, but only to the extent that they make the schedules, schedule the refs, do the weigh-ins and verify eligibility. The rest is up to the individual club. The Clubs still work just as hard as if the County is not involved.

I did have to complete a waiver to have my kids play in that league, but it was all on the up and up. Everything went through proper channels. Pete, you're right. They don't condone "recruiting" over there, but are willing to look at things on a case-by-case basis.

I'm proud to say that I was a part of the Solomons Steelers organization and I'm also equally proud that something is being done here in St. Mary's County. If the county has to step in, it's only because of the mess the Pigskins left here after years of mismanagement and underhandedness. But I do believe the County should step back and see what happens and give the leagues time to grow and prosper on their own.

I'm sorry if your feelings get hurt, bf. But the truth of the matter is, unless you can show how Pigskins is going to change things for the better and PROVE it, rather than just getting on here and shooting your fingers off, I don't see how it's going to benefit the children to have Pigskins back in the mix. You can put lipstick on a pig, but...


New Member
I'm sorry Redskinfan88 but I don't have a clue who this guy is can anybody tell me who he is, but i'm sorry for coming on here again but with the way he's talking and spelling it is slandering our organization and I don't like it I don't know who he is but he has nothing to do with me or pigskin i'm sorry, for his ignorence on his part but our people can spell just a little better then him just ignore him I do on my site thank you and sorry again i just have to see what this guy keeps saying sorry

You have mentioned your "site" several times. What site are you referring to?


New Member
I'm not talking about pigskin on a smyfl site go on the pigskin site. I don't know walt at all and yes, I am better then him because at least you understand my spelling and sorry to smyfl for being on there site. I've apolgized for the bashing of smyfl. I wont bash them anymore because they were the bigger people and stopped i grew up and stopped

:yeahthat: sir. i dont work fot Pigskin