You know i think you're right. This is a Buffy thread.
Some people think that Buffy is a dumb show. I did until about This year when i started watching all seven seasons in about three months. That's a lot of Buffy in a short time.
So I know that we have the right to tak about what ever we talk about but please stay on topic! sheesh.
yeah. so yeah.
yeah our "friend" was talking on the phone during the Buffy/Spike thing and i missed it what did they say? I got the jist that they are saying that they love eachother but don't have time to talk about it? Am I right? Please fill me in!!!
Man was i happy/sad that Angel and Buffy
when they showed Spike aww...i don't know who i rather see her with. I think Angel becuse they complement eachother. Spike loves her more though. I think anyway. More then Angel ever did. But that's just me.
yeah and to "Tim McGraw" you're