*Sniff Sniff*


Princess of Mean
Re: hmmmm...

Originally posted by cattitude
Thought this was a Buffy thread???

It is, but as with every other thread on SOMD, someone has to come in and spoil it for the rest of us. Just wait, it'll turn into Tiki or abortion and politics.


Princess of Mean
That was me, going off topic about country music, I just couldn't remember that awful man's name.


New Member
The only thing that i can say for sure is

"Bring on the Kleenex!"

I just know I am going to cry like a little baby in a cold bath.

:bawl: :bawl: :wah:


Princess of Mean
Originally posted by Satine
The only thing that i can say for sure is

"Bring on the Kleenex!"

I just know I am going to cry like a little baby in a cold bath.

:bawl: :bawl: :wah:

Me too.


Princess of Mean
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hmmmm...

Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Has in the past. :bubble: Oops...:blushing:

Maybe I wasn't clear on what I meant: Like Bluto'd let you out of the house! Isn't he the one with the handcuffs keepin his ##'s in line?