*Sniff Sniff*



Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I think I can speak for Hello6, Satine, Bluto, and myself when I say we like it. I'm ever so glad someone felt the need to come here just to say "Buffy Sucks!" Good argument!


Tuesday should be good. Does anyone know if the episode is an hour long as usual, or do we get 2?


Also...for anyone who didn't see the commercial during last week's episode....

If you want to oogle the goodies, check out: www.buffyauction.com
They are auctioning off the wardrobe and set props. VERY expensive stuff...some of the wardrobe items are going for over $3,000.00
Amazing to see how much people will pay for this stuff.....


New Member
If they sold stuff like that for 3k then i think they should have enough money for a spin off.

What would everybody like to see a spinoff of?

I personally would like to see Willow having her own show.

I think Giles is having one, because Betty told me. It's called Ripper? I think. I wonder what that would be about?

Talk amongst yourselves.

I can wait!


Princess of Mean
I could dig a Willow based show, but I'm happy with Spike going to Angel. I LOVED that little flash of her with the white hair in the preview for the 20th.
Does Giles' show only air in England? I need to check out the Buffy websites for some info. Definately going to read the wildfeed on Monday! I HAVE to know what's gonna happen before I see it. I wonder what the GRR ARRG monster is gonna say on this one. I about died when he did the "I need a hug" and "We shall be as Gods" at the end of the show.

Wish they didn't kill Tara off totally. I loved her, couldn't she be a good ghost or something along those lines?
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Hello6...check out www.imdb.com...do a search for "Joss Whedon" and you will come to results for Ripper. Doesn't say where the show is aired, but the premise is Giles returns to England to rebuild a Watcher's Council or something.

I think I'm with everyone else, a Willow spinoff would be good. But, like Hello6, I miss Tara, and a spinoff would be better with both of them together. I'm still mad they killed her off. :razz2:
I used to think a Faith spinoff would be awesome, but now I think that show could get flat. They would have to evolve her character a lot to make it float for very long.

4 days til the end....


Princess of Mean
Why'd you have to count the days? I wasn't even thinking about how close the end was.:bawl:
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These endless days are finally ending in a blaze...and we are caught in the fire...the point of no return....

Ok so if you didn't see "Once More, With Feeling" that made no sense......:bubble:


Think of it this way....I'm not counting down to the end, I'm counting down to a fantastic episode that I can't wait to see! C'mon people...glass half full, glass half full!


In this comming weeks TV guide it says a major character will be killed off. I thought it would be spike until somebody said he would be on Angel, my next thought would have been Giles. Hmmmm maybe Xander.


I'm pretty sure I know who it is, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone else :razz2:


New Member
THAT WAS IT!?!?!?!

I was upset that the finale was only an hour and that wasn't near as exciting as it should have been.

I am with you though with Willow and the white hair. That was cool! Spike always a good time. Thanks for saving the world, can't wait to watch you on Angel next season! Ayna thanks for giving yourself to the cause! Andrew, yeah, thanks for not running away. Faith loved the shirt! Wood thanks for freaking me out that you weren't dead and flinched when Faith tried to shut your eyes (shudder at memory). Giles, thanks for coming back! Dawn, thanks for tazering Xander. Xander thanks for the lookout, har har. And thank GOD in Heaven for bringing Angel back for one more eye candy peek and how much better he looks with more weight to his face!

And Buffy, thanks for dying and coming back kicking ### and dying and coming back! You're cool!

Sorry, I ramble. :cool:


Princess of Mean
Ramble on!

I took it for what it was worth and have no complaints other than it ending. If you caught the first episode on FX that aired before the show, it had ended with Giles making the same "the world is definately doomed" comment when the Scoobies were being flippant about the end of the world.

I could barely look when Anya got sliced.

Loved it when Buffy took Spike's flaming hand and told him that she loved him.

Loved the childish rivalry between Angel and Spike over Buffy. It was so funny.

If you haven't purchased the first season of Angel, do it. The crossovers are so GOOD!

I can't wait to get season 4 of Buffy on DVD.


That was pretty good. So is spike dead or something else?

Anya always annoyed me before but last night I really had to laugh when she said "Im really terrified, I figured you would be terrified and I would just be sarcastic about it"


I guess Spike is dead for now, but it has been released he will be moving on to "Angel" next season. I heard he comes back as human, but I don't know if that will turn out to be the case.
I knew Anya was going to die ahead of time, but I shed a tear anyway. And to think she died helping ANDREW. He was ok, but Anya was a bigger asset to the show (imho), which is probably why they offed her instead.
I was hoping for a few more returns..Oz, Riley, Cordelia....although she's in a coma in L.A. so I guess she couldn't make it:razz2: And a Tara ghost would have been neato.
It may not have been as action packed as I anticipated, but stil la good farewell. The rise of the potentials to Slayers was great. I can't belive it's all over!

That was nifty!:cheers:


What I cant figure out is why didnt willow do her spell before they all entered the hellmouth.