They're spoiled only in that we are a risk adverse society.
To a large degree the trial lawyers association is to blame as these ambulance chasers will look for any reason to sue.
Put everyone in a cocoon like the bubble boy.
You're right, BernieP. I was not raised in such a society. And am a better person for it! I am not 'sue-happy' nor is anyone in my family.
When I was a kid (many years ago, BTW), if I cracked my egg open
might have been taken to a hospital, looked at, released and taken home with a stern warning to not do it again! Keep in mind, we had no helmets, knee pads or protection from bicycles, basketballs, footballs, etc and we played outside all the time; regardless of the weather. No cocoon for me or anyone else - everyone accepted responsibility for their behavior- positive, negative, good, bad. Many of us are still responsible and don't expect anyone to pay for our good or bad mistakes.