Snyder does it AGAIN!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
High, no. A little on the insane side? Perhaps. But you answered your own question why I even comment. I am on a crusade to get Snyder out. If people stop filling the seats and buying Redskins crap, perhaps Snyder will part with his little toy he loves manipulating for his own pleasure. But, you're right, he's not going anywhere soon. So, maybe I should just shut up about it. It seems instead of getting people to hear me, all I'm doing is annoying people like you.


Look. No one likes it when you hammer away at one thing, over and over and...over...and...over. Believe me. I know.



Look. No one likes it when you hammer away at one thing, over and over and...over...and...over. Believe me. I know.


I'm still stuck in that paradigm that if you say something often enough, eventually everyone will believe you. I keep forgetting people on here are too smart for that. Remember, I did used to live in PG County :lol:


Football addict
Even if the $40 million guaranteed is inaccurate, I still don't understand how this extension makes sense. Except for McNabb, that is.

If ths Skins decide to keep him around after this year, that means McNabb will be paid a minimum of $12.5 million. Just for next year. The McNabb I'm seeing out there isn't worth close to that. They're paying him for what he used to be, not what he is.

Also, it seems that nobody's really expecting him to be here past a couple more years. If so, why the 5-year deal? I get the impression Shannahan isn't too impressed with what he's getting from McNabb so far. (Rightfully so.) So why not wait until after the season to decide to resign him to a 1-2 year deal? Based on his play this year, I doubt the market is going to drive his price up.

Minimum $12.5 Million next year for a 34 year old QB clearly past his prime, and certainly not in the team's long term plans? If he was the last piece of the puzzle for a Super Bowl run, sure. But that's not the case. I just don't get it. Skins need a young QB who will stabilize that position for years, not an overpriced, past-his-prime temp.

Then again, this is Dan Snyder. So it makes complete sense.

Apparently you haven't been watching the other Redskins QB's this last decade. This is the best QB we've had in a long...long time. He hasn't played "good" but he hasn't played "bad" either. You have to consider he's in a completely new system this year, has a rookie LT and an average offensive line that rivals that of the Oakland Raiders. Know who has the most batted balls down? The Redskins with 11. Oakland has 10 with Campbell.

McNabb wasn't this average last year in Philly and he didn't just become average in one half-season. However, the Redskins offense save McNabb and the TE positions is average.

McNabb is a good starter piece, which they'll need to compete. I think McNabb got the short end of the deal and not the Redskins.
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Football addict
It doesn’t appear to have jumped the shark with the team. I may be reading too much into it, but the team seems to have reacted to this deal on the field with a record pathetic performance.
Yeah, you're reading too much into this.

What's the excuse for the Detroit game?

The St. Louis game?

Somtimes teams want revenge. Sometimes teams are just more talented. Sometimes teams are so freakin' in the zone, nobody can stop them.


Yeah, you're reading too much into this.

What's the excuse for the Detroit game?

The St. Louis game?

Somtimes teams want revenge. Sometimes teams are just more talented. Sometimes teams are so freakin' in the zone, nobody can stop them.

Perhaps I am. I realize the NFL is unpredictable. Detroit and StL fall into this. But the Phillie game was a blowout and record breaking on every level. This was not just a freak NFL loss; this was a complete collapse of the Skins. I personally think the morale of the team has been virtually destroyed.

But, I guess we'll see in the following weeks.
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Football addict
Perhaps I am. I realize the NFL is unpredictable. Detroit and StL fall into this. But the Phillie game was a blowout and record breaking on every level. This was not just a freak NFL loss; this was a complete collapse of the Skins. I personally think the morale of the team has been virtually destroyed.

But, I guess we'll see in the following weeks.
:lmao: Was it really that shocking?

The Giants have owned the Skins the last several years. I remember more than a few 30+ blow outs.

Remember the Patriots blow out?

They don't happen often but they happen.


:lmao: Was it really that shocking?

The Giants have owned the Skins the last several years. I remember more than a few 30+ blow outs.

Remember the Patriots blow out?

They don't happen often but they happen.

Doesn't it seem really strange how the Skins have been making progress and showing signs of building; suddenly this contract and *KABLAM* self destruct?

There I go again. :tap:


Football addict
Doesn't it seem really strange how the Skins have been making progress and showing signs of building; suddenly this contract and *KABLAM* self destruct?

There I go again. :tap:
You know, you could say the same about Zorn's first half of his rookie season. 6-2, showing signs of rebuilding.

You can only rebuild so much in one year. Cerrato still stinks up the room with his aged players. The Redskins have been keeping far too many players from the 2005 and 2007 playoff seasons in hopes of reaching that plateau again. Shanny and company started to change that but they have only just started.


Methodically disorganized
High, no. A little on the insane side? Perhaps. But you answered your own question why I even comment. I am on a crusade to get Snyder out. If people stop filling the seats and buying Redskins crap, perhaps Snyder will part with his little toy he loves manipulating for his own pleasure. But, you're right, he's not going anywhere soon. So, maybe I should just shut up about it. It seems instead of getting people to hear me, all I'm doing is annoying people like you.
Look. No one likes it when you hammer away at one thing, over and over and...over...and...over. Believe me. I know.
:lol: Dan Snyder - narcissistic socialist!

I have to wonder what the difference is between the owner who spends very little and repeatedly fields a crappy team versus the owner who spares no cost yet repeatedly fields a crappy team. Is one supposed to be better? The bottom line is incompetence and failure. :shrug:

Speaking of the media... who else heard this?


Nothing to see here
Someone who plays in the d backfield. You know, the way you build a solid team; from the d backfield first. Like all great teams.


You build lines first..dominant lines cover up a ton of flaws. Have I said that too much over the years, are you tuning me out, Mr Gude?? :lol: