Maybe you didn't see my first post in this thread (since you started quoting me from my second post). Here's a link to my first post. Maybe it will address some of the things you are wondering about wrt my take/position on/of this event:
Once things progressed past conversation to the scuffle and the taser being taken I would guess we're now in a whole new ball game. So I want to know what the ATL PD SOP says about an escalating scuffle, having a PO's taser taken, & having that taser discharged back at the police officer. I...
In fact, yes, I do read what I write.
I will extend grace by saying that perhaps we are using the term "arrest" differently. I am coming from the angle that "(under) arrest" is one thing, but "(under) control" is another.
It is my understanding that a person can be under arrest (a legal concept) but not necessarily under control (a physical concept). For example, if a police officer tells me I'm under arrest, but doesn't yet have the cuffs on me (or in the squad car), then I may be under arrest but am still not under his/her control. Am I incorrect in my understanding ? If so, glad to be corrected/glad to learn something.
So yes, I do read what I write. And I even think about what I want to write before typing it out.
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