Atlanta police shortages continue for second day | CNN
The morning after an unusual number of police officers called out sick, only two sergeants and one officer showed up in one of Atlanta's six police zones, according to police officers who don't want to be named.

Atlanta Police Officers Call Out Sick After 2 Charged
There's no confirmation on how many Atlanta police officers missed work Wednesday night, but the department said sick call outs were up.

Police officers across the US have quit their jobs in recent days. Here is where there have been resignations | CNN
Since George Floyd's death three weeks ago, the role of America's criminal justice system has been catapulted to the forefront of national conversation with thousands calling for sweeping changes within the country's policing system.

Tucker Carlson asks: 'How many more nights like this before no one in America will serve as a police officer?'
Tucker Carlson opened his show Tuesday night by defending law enforcement and blasting those who have defended rioters and looters as nationwide demonstrations in the name of George Floyd continued for another night.