So E.Jean Carroll...


Well-Known Member
Sure, why would facts matter when the case wasn't about a rape but rather about defamation. As far as I know they didn't consider whether the original claim was true or not.

Person A calls person B a rapist.
Person B says, no you're nuts.
Person A says this meaning is defaming me by not admitting to my unsubstantiated claims! Gimme money!

How this wasn't a defamation case against her to begin with I don't understand. She's the one that made outlandish claims.
Only in America can falsely claiming someone raped you is NOT defamation, but denying it and calling the accuser a liar - IS.
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Well-Known Member
Yea, you know that appeals of cases like this don’t address facts which have already been litigated, right home boy?
You would be WRONG there, retard...
Can't wait for you to disappear when that House of Cards you think is so sturdy comes crashing down...
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Beloved Misanthrope
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Trump 'Victim's' Cringeworthy Laugh Over Legal Victory Shows How Unserious She Really Was

Carroll also accused former CBS Chief Les Moonves of rape, but she didn't bring a lawsuit against him because she said, "he'd just deny it." In this latest case brought by Carroll, she accused Trump of defaming her when he denied the attack.

The jury did not find the president liable for "rape" but thought he might have been liable for an attack of some sort. As a result, she brought another cause of action against the president, accusing him of defaming her for denying that the rape happened.

Trump does what he usually does. He went on offense. The left-wing Independent described the messages Trump put on Truth Social that he subsequently took down. They are the same messages the jury thought were worth $65 million in punitive damages.


Initially, she said in print that the year was 1994. The problem was that Donna Karan didn't make the dress until one or two years after she said the attack occurred. So Carroll changed the date of the alleged attack. The media were fine with it.

When it was pointed out that her "attack" was the exact same storyline as a "rape fantasy" role-playing subplot of a 2012 "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" episode, she claimed never to have seen the show. She was asked about it on the stand during the May 2023 trial. Here's how the New York Post reported the awkward colloquy.

The 79-year-old former journalist testified she was “aware” of the episode but, “I haven’t seen it.”
A brief moment of the episode — titled “Theatre and Tricks” — involves a character talking about role-playing a rape fantasy in Bergdorf Goodman.
“Role-play took place in the dressing room of Bergdorf’s. While she was trying on lingerie I would burst in,” the
Carroll, in her lawsuit, claims that the former commander-in-chief raped her in a fitting room in the lingerie section of the Fifth Avenue department store most likely in 1996.
Trump, 76, denies the allegations.
Hearing the parallels between what allegedly happened to her and the line in the show “was amazing to me,” Carroll told jurors.
“An amazing coincidence?” Tacopina asked.
“Yes, it’s astonishing,” Carroll said.

Simply astonishing that a jury would give this weirdo the time of day, you mean.

And in last May's civil trial, Carroll was caught in another lie when she claimed to have fronted all the money for her case, but the money was given by a shadowy political group that was funded in part by a name you've heard recently: Reid Hoffman, who founded LinkedIn.


Well-Known Member
Somehow New York found 9 morons who fell for it, and a biased Judge who didn't even allow Trump to make a statement.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Her lawyers should be disbarred. They know damn well she's lying, and yet they took the case anyway and cherrypicked a judge that would silence rebuttal and a jury that would find in her favor (which isn't hard in NYC).

Good luck getting paid, hustling whores.


Well-Known Member
Her lawyers should be disbarred. They know damn well she's lying, and yet they took the case anyway and cherrypicked a judge that would silence rebuttal and a jury that would find in her favor (which isn't hard in NYC).

Good luck getting paid, hustling whores.
Lawyers do not work for clients, they work for money, and their share of this 83 Million dollars is why they took the case.
They know their client is lying, anyone with a brain knows that. No way can I picture Donald Trump raping this woman in a changing booth and she doesn't scream, doesn't call the police, doesn't go for a rape kit at the hospital, Does not know the date it happened, and claimed she was wearing a dress that wasn't even made in the year she claimed it happened.
The names of every juror should be published so we can ask them what evidence they saw that convinced them to vote for the payoff.


Well-Known Member
Lawyers do not work for clients, they work for money, and their share of this 83 Million dollars is why they took the case.
They know their client is lying, anyone with a brain knows that. No way can I picture Donald Trump raping this woman in a changing booth and she doesn't scream, doesn't call the police, doesn't go for a rape kit at the hospital, Does not know the date it happened, and claimed she was wearing a dress that wasn't even made in the year she claimed it happened.
The names of every juror should be published so we can ask them what evidence they saw that convinced them to vote for the payoff.

All that my eventually come out.


Well-Known Member
All that my eventually come out.
I believe all of that has already come out Herb, and it makes the jury look like fools and the Judge look corrupt, but she is still one step closer to the money. Maybe at the appeal Trump will get a real Judge and Jury.


I bowl overhand
Yea, you know that appeals of cases like this don’t address facts which have already been litigated, right home boy?
What facts?? This wasn't a criminal trial, facts don't matter, just probability.. it is POSSIBLE that Trump did it, so pay up. No evidence, no witnesses, for something that happened 30 years. And lest we forget that NY State changed the laws so she could sue him.


I bowl overhand
In fact she CHOSE not to pursue a criminal trial, or to press charges, as a NOT guilty finding (if it had got that far) would have made her lawsuits near unwinnable.