So how exactly did the NYT LEGALLY acquire the transcripts of Trump's Taxes


Well-Known Member
You mean like when Trump directed Russia to hack Hilary's emails?
Why do you keep bring up that person? What does that have do with anything? its almost like you have an agenda or are racist?

Why do you keep saying Trump directed Russia to hack anything. He made a joke, everyone knows it. Maybe we could get some Russian hackers to find how deep your head is up your own arse (uh ohh, did I just commit collusion!?)


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep saying Trump directed Russia to hack anything. He made a joke, everyone knows it. Maybe we could get some Russian hackers to find how deep your head is up your own arse (uh ohh, did I just commit collusion!?)

"I think the linchpin is whether or not the newspaper knew about, participated in, or directed the actions ahead of time. If the data shows up on their doorstep out of the blue, they may be in the clear. If their source says "hey, I might be able to get X if your interested" and they say "hell yes, get it", then they are in trouble."

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’ll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said, referring to deleted emails from the private account Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State. “I think you’ll probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Your statements are hypocritical.

Also this is Don Jr's email

if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?

Sounds a lot like "hell yes. Get it"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’ll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said, referring to deleted emails from the private account Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State. “I think you’ll probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

:killingme Yep! Still hillarious every time I hear it! :yay:
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Well-Known Member
"I think the linchpin is whether or not the newspaper knew about, participated in, or directed the actions ahead of time. If the data shows up on their doorstep out of the blue, they may be in the clear. If their source says "hey, I might be able to get X if your interested" and they say "hell yes, get it", then they are in trouble."

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you’ll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said, referring to deleted emails from the private account Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State. “I think you’ll probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Your statements are hypocritical.

Also this is Don Jr's email

if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?

Sounds a lot like "hell yes. Get it"

Jesus man, don't you have a special olympics event to train for. How are my statements in any was contradictory? If TRUMP directed hacking (he didn't but whatever), and directed them to give the data to our newspapers, that still wouldn't be grounds for the newspaper to be liable for printing said information. They didn't request it, a third party did.

In your attempt to derail literally every conversation on this board did your addled brain forget the subject of the thread (NYT)?


Well-Known Member
Tax returns are not available under freedom of information laws since they contain PII. Anyone who released them to the NYT is guilty of a crime.
The NYT should also be held accountable, as a part of the conspiracy to violate federal privacy laws.
Chances are they are not federal returns, but NY state returns, which the NY AG has been trying to get. The AG in NY has promised to share them with the House committees investigating the president.

God damn..can ANY of you people read?

The NY Times did not get copies of Trumps tax returns.

F***ing morons...


Resident PIA
God damn..can ANY of you people read?

The NY Times did not get copies of Trumps tax returns.

F***ing morons...

I'm not sure who you are calling a moron, unless you are looking in a mirror.
Let me quote from the article the specific items in question.

The data — printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view.
While The Times did not obtain the president’s actual tax returns, it received the information contained in the returns from someone who had legal access to it.
LOL - they didn't get the actual return, merely a transcript of the return, the Form 1040. While their source had legal access to the data, what they fail to disclose is if it was legal for that source to release the data.
I believe I mentioned that the AG in NY was pushing for the release of his NY State returns, suing his own administration if you will. That rationale was that the NY returns would be basically a copy of the federal return. While the democrats in the House know they won't win in federal court to force the IRS to release the returns, the democratic AG in NY used political leverage and a politically favorable NY court to press his case.
Bottom line, someone who was entrusted with PII, released the PII, that's grounds for termination.
Calling it a "transcript" is a cheeky way of saying copy.


Well-Known Member
While The Times did not obtain the president’s actual tax returns, it received the information contained in the returns from someone who had legal access to it.

And that SOB should be found and fired.
Just more of these Deep State Mother humpers who cannot be trusted with information they are entrusted with


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
It sad that your take away is " who exposed Trumps tax fraud"? not "Jesus christ our president has been committing tax fraud for at least a decade."
Really? You're going to go the "ends justify the means" route?

Oh well, so much for rule of law?

On this anniversary of V-E Day, didn't we fight a war to rid the world of the "ends justify the means" Nazis?

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It sad that your take away is " who exposed Trumps tax fraud"? not "Jesus christ our president has been committing tax fraud for at least a decade."

Yeah, and now you go on ignore. When I have to watch you pretend you're so much smarter than the IRS and everybody else in the known universe it just pisses me off and makes me want to smack you one.


Well-Known Member
Really? You're going to go the "ends justify the means" route?

Oh well, so much for rule of law?

On this anniversary of V-E Day, didn't we fight a war to rid the world of the "ends justify the means" Nazis?

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More like don’t shoot the messenger. Especially when it clearly states in the article how the information was legally obtained


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
More like don’t shoot the messenger. Especially when it clearly states in the article how the information was legally obtained
Disagree. There is - at a minimum - some doubt about the legality of the process by which the NYT received this info. The NYT only said they obtained the info from someone with "legal access" to the info. "Legal access" does NOT mean "legal permission to release." That's why we may have a crime here.

You are clearly happy about this info BEFORE knowing all the details of how it was obtained.

So here's a proposition; I'll meet you halfway.

If it turns out to be a legal release I agree to say, "Yay, I'm glad...."

But if it turns out this wasn't kosher, will you disavow it all? As in fruit of the poisoned vine?

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