So how exactly did the NYT LEGALLY acquire the transcripts of Trump's Taxes


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have no doubt that if the target were anyone but their mortal enemy, Donald Trump, the progs would lose their mind over something like this.


Well-Known Member
Disagree. There is - at a minimum - some doubt about the legality of the process by which the NYT received this info.

You are clearly happy about this info BEFORE knowing all the details of how it was obtained.

So here's a proposition; I'll meet you halfway.

If it turns out to be a legal release I agree to say, "Yay, I'm glad...."

But if it turns out this wasn't kosher, will you disavow it all? As in fruit of the poisoned vine?

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No. This is not a court of law. The fruit of the poisoned tree doesn’t not apply. Newspaper have anonymous sources and whistleblowers all the time


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
No. This is not a court of law. The fruit of the poisoned tree doesn’t not apply. Newspaper have anonymous sources and whistleblowers all the time
I'm not wanting a court of law. I'm just asking for fair play.

If legal I'll cheer on the investigative reporting that led to it (though perhaps not the content).

All I'm asking in return is for you - if the escapade was not legal - to state your disapproval of/for the folks who leaked the tax info and the reporters who used it.

Not asking for the reporters to be punished (I think "The Pentagon Papers" gave reporters some cover from this sort of mischief), just that you admit it was all "foul play."

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Well-Known Member
I'm not wanting a court of law. I'm just asking for fair play.

If legal I'll cheer on the investigative reporting that led to it (though perhaps not the content).

All I'm asking in return is for you - if the escapade was not legal - to state your disapproval of/for the folks who leaked the tax info and the reporters who used it.

Not asking for the reporters to be punished (I think "The Pentagon Papers" gave reporters some cover from this sort of mischief), just that you admit it was all "foul play."

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It wasn’t. Reporters use sources and whistle blowers all the time and we have protections in place for those who uncover misdeeds by corporations and public figures. ( such as in this case there appears to be tax fraud)

Why else would Trump say it “was sport” to try to cheat as much as possible?


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
It wasn’t. Reporters use sources and whistle blowers all the time and we have protections in place for those who uncover misdeeds by corporations and public figures. ( such as in this case there appears to be tax fraud)
I updated an earlier post (one that you quoted) with this very important bit:

The NYT only said they obtained the info from someone with "legal access" to the info. "Legal access" does NOT mean "legal permission to release." That's why we may have a crime here.

The NYT are being cute in its choice of words. It may very well come back to haunt The Gray Lady.

But then again, maybe not. So glad to keep my offer on the table..

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Well-Known Member
I updated an earlier post (one that you quoted) with this very important bit:

The NYT only said they obtained the info from someone with "legal access" to the info. "Legal access" does NOT mean "legal permission to release." That's why we may have a crime here.

The NYT are being cute in its choice of words. It may very well come back to haunt The Gray Lady.

But then again, maybe not. So glad to keep my offer on the table..

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We have protections in place for people who blow the whistle on criminals and Newpapers use anonymous sources all the time. Do you not think the NYT has a better understanding of their liability what with their many many lawyers than you do?

I’m sure they will be fine but I bet they are glad you are so concerned.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
We have protections in place for people who blow the whistle on criminals and Newpapers use anonymous sources all the time. Do you not think the NYT has a better understanding of their liability what with their many many lawyers than you do?
Sorry. Guess I wasn't clear. So good catch.

The NYT may not find itself in any legal difficulty, but it may find that its cute language has put/will put the info's source in hot water. That could prove to be embarrassing.

Appreciate your noting of my concern for the NYT (whether the newspaper is glad or not).


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Power with Control
Ah, whislteblowing. that thing you do when internal processes fail to act to catch misdeeds internal to your organization. Not that thing you do when reporting crimes. You are not a whistleblower, you are a witness. Excpet, fo course, that whomever gave this stuff to the press most likley has NO record that they reported these "crimes" to the State of New York. Nor did they use internal State Of New York processes to report that the State itself let Trump get away with this alleged fraud for 30 years. Is there alleged bribery? Did Trump supply hookers and blow to the State tax folks?


Resident PIA
More like don’t shoot the messenger. Especially when it clearly states in the article how the information was legally obtained
It doesn't say it was legally obtained, stupid, it says the source, who provided the data had legal access to it.
Just because I have access to data doesn't mean I can share it with anyone I choose.
Possession of information you are not entitled to have is illegal, think of it this way, buying a bottle of liquor is legal if you are over the age of 21.
Giving that legally purchased liquor to a minor is not legal, and the minor having possession of liquor is not legal either. Therefore, because the bottle was purchased LEGALLY, doesn't men giving it to and possession by a minor is as well.


Well-Known Member
This not a controlled substance like alcohol we are discussing.

We are discussing state returns which the source had access to and provide transcripts of to the NYT.

Why hasn't your boy Trump sued to stop the release if its such a slam dunk case? And why do you care more about how they were gotten than the fact that Trump is a tax cheat and has probably paid less taxes then even poor moron like you.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't apply here, as there was no crime, so there's no blowing a whistle on criminals.

I think thats up to the SDNY to decide as multiple cases have been referred to them regarding this very subject as well as a few others.

Remember they forced the closure as well as a fine of Trump's scam of a charity in exchange for not pressing charges


Resident PIA
This not a controlled substance like alcohol we are discussing.

We are discussing state returns which the source had access to and provide transcripts of to the NYT.

Why hasn't your boy Trump sued to stop the release if its such a slam dunk case? And why do you care more about how they were gotten than the fact that Trump is a tax cheat and has probably paid less taxes then even poor moron like you.
Information is most certainly a controlled substance. If it wasn't I would be getting and using credit cards in your name and withdrawing money from your accounts.

you seem to have a case of rectally induced loss of peripheral vision.


Well-Known Member
Information is most certainly a controlled substance. If it wasn't I would be getting and using credit cards in your name and withdrawing money from your accounts.

you seem to have a case of rectally induced loss of peripheral vision.

Just the level of intelligence , class and facts we have all come to except from idiotic Trump zombies