So the Chaptico Traffic Circle is open....


True, but I don't mind stopping for a few seconds at the 4-way in Clements, and how much money is the state paying all those workers who have been out there for months working on the circle thing? I'm sure 4 stop signs would be cheaper! From what I remember from the material the state sent out when they were discussing the various options at the Chaptico intersection, not enough people had died at the Chaptico intersection to justify 4 stop signs like they have at Clements.


New Member
smibgirl said:
True, but I don't mind stopping for a few seconds at the 4-way in Clements, and how much money is the state paying all those workers who have been out there for months working on the circle thing? I'm sure 4 stop signs would be cheaper! From what I remember from the material the state sent out when they were discussing the various options at the Chaptico intersection, not enough people had died at the Chaptico intersection to justify 4 stop signs like they have at Clements.
How many people have died at Clements?

There's no guesswork with a circle. If there's traffic in there, you yield to it, if not, proceed on through.

No coming to a complete stop, no guessing who got there first, no waving the other guy to go because he's sitting there...etc.

I love circles... :lmao:


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
Mikeinsmd said:
How many people have died at Clements?

There's no guesswork with a circle. If there's traffic in there, you yield to it, if not, proceed on through.

No coming to a complete stop, no guessing who got there first, no waving the other guy to go because he's sitting there...etc.

I love circles... :lmao:
You're just happy now, because Mom won't drive in it, and can't get to your house without you knowing she's coming. :razz: She can still get here to my house and I'll bring her up there without calling first so we can catch you up to no good! :lmao:
Mikeinsmd said:
How many people have died at Clements?

There's no guesswork with a circle. If there's traffic in there, you yield to it, if not, proceed on through.

No coming to a complete stop, no guessing who got there first, no waving the other guy to go because he's sitting there...etc.

I love circles... :lmao:
No idea, but that is the one place in SoMD that I thought I and my whole family were about to. Back when it was a stop for 238 we were coming back from Deep Creek lake, pulling a boat, and went through the intersection. Just as I approached I saw a van coming from the right obviously not about to stop at the sign. No way I could stop so I floored it and kept going, bracing for what I felt sure was coming. I was sure he'd at least hit the boat. All I saw in the rear view, though, was the front of the van as he went through the intersection sideways. At least that kind of thing can't happen there now.


Baby blues
smibgirl said:
True, but I don't mind stopping for a few seconds at the 4-way in Clements, and how much money is the state paying all those workers who have been out there for months working on the circle thing? I'm sure 4 stop signs would be cheaper! From what I remember from the material the state sent out when they were discussing the various options at the Chaptico intersection, not enough people had died at the Chaptico intersection to justify 4 stop signs like they have at Clements.
I go through the Clements 4-way stop every day to and from work. You'd be surprised how many people just don't bother stopping, or do a pathetic slight slow down and then floor it. The idea at the Chaptico intersection was to slow traffic down, not stop it. There's too many things going on at that intersection to stop the traffic altogether: Jackies (Chaptico Market); Teddy Bear's (liquor store); 234, Chaptico Rd, and Maddox Rd. intersection; and a post office. Last thing we need is traffic stopped all up and down 234 while people are trying to get in and out of the other places. It gets very busy around there.


New Member
Circles would improve many bottle necks throughout the county. the bottom of Great Mills Rd and Rt 5 intersection is a prime example. A circle would eliminate the need to stop traffic and maybe it wouldn't back up half way to the high school every day. Closing the right side of the "Y" to traffic getting on RT 5 and adjusting the enterance/exit to Sheetz would also help.

Seen anyone use the circle in Hughsville, now there are some confused folks... :jameo:


All Up In Your Grill
kwillia said:
Hey! I've an idea for our next forumite outting... we will invite BS Gal and tell her it's a forumite biker gathering located at an address just on the other side of circle and we call all sit and watch her enter the circle and count the times it takes before she can actually get back out...:smile:

:roflmao: I'm there. :yay:

Mikeinsmd said:
Good point!! I almost mentioned that.

I towed my boat through there and even with swinging wide, the trailer tires rolled up on the center island.

I'm sure a lot of the race car guys cuss everytime they go through it. :lmao: And I'm waiting for someone to just keep going straight and plow right through the cones. :otter:

I'm assuming all the white paint lines are where the curbs are going to go. Looks like it's going to be pretty narrow, even when it's completed.
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Mikeinsmd said:
How many people have died at Clements?

There's no guesswork with a circle. If there's traffic in there, you yield to it, if not, proceed on through.

No coming to a complete stop, no guessing who got there first, no waving the other guy to go because he's sitting there...etc.

I love circles... :lmao:

They must not have traffic circles in Pa. We got behind a car with PA tags that came to a complete stop for both circles in Hughesville. There was no traffic coming the other direction.