So the other day (advice+story)


Active Member
I went to a friends house with my other friend, lets call him brian.... Brian and i where waiting for my friend to get home from work... He gets home we play some Xbox and his parents invite us to eat dinner with them in their kitchen... I let them know im not hungry but will gladly sit at the table with them and brian decides he is hungry... So we are eating dinner and somehow it comes up im having people over to swim and stuff (it was the 3rd time this week i was having people over... Mind you there is no drinking, smoking or drug use at my house) so i invite anyone over who wishes to come. My friends mom says "So Mike, are you going to get girls to take their tops off again tonite"... At this point im shocked, its happened twice and ive been having people over since the start of summer about twice a week... How does she know this EVER happened and why the hell was she bringing it up at the dinner table. So i kindly said "As far as i know, no ma'am" (mom is from louisana so when addressing adults i often say ma'am/sir)... She then questions "Do you ask them to take their tops off", now i maybe foul-mouthed with my friends, and a liberal ####### on these message boards, but i am not that low... So i reply "No ma'am, i havent asked anyone to take their top off" she then questions brian asking the same question and he is defensive, probably as disturbed as me and his voice showed it "Up until 2 weeks ago i had a girlfriend, so it clearly couldnt of been me"... The only time i have ever heard anyone say something like that seriously at my house was the ladies son... It turns out the kid told his mom that it happens when ever girls are over in order to keep his sister and her friend (who is cute and i had a mere intrest in) from being allowed to come over to my house knowing, i dont care who comes as long as the no-substance rule is inplace... And im not shy when it comes to inviting people.

Looking back the best way to show my anger at having my morals and social life attacked like that would have been to say "thank you for offering me dinner" and leaving...

or if i wanted to be an ass as i am on these boards i could have said "I dont wish to talk about this in your house but im more than willing to talk about it some place where we are on equal grounds"

She has also informed one of my friends girlfriends parents that they where having sex (the parents already knew) and various other things... I dont plan on going to their house again until she apologizes without me prompting her...

anyone have advice for me?
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Football season!
Originally posted by Spoiled
I went to a friends house with my other friend, lets call him brian.... Brian and i where waiting for my friend to get home from work... He gets home we play some Xbox and his parents invite us to eat dinner with them in their kitchen...


This is how those "I never knew my son was gay" shows always start!


Active Member
Re: Re: So the other day (advice+story)

Originally posted by SmallTown

This is how those "I never knew my son was gay" shows always start!
im not gay, i apparently pimp girls at my house ;\


Re: Re: Re: So the other day (advice+story)

Originally posted by Spoiled
im not gay, i apparently pimp girls at my house ;\
Sorry, he's right; you are gay. The girls only show up for the pool. :shrug:


"So Mike, are you going to get girls to take their tops off again tonite"... At this point im shocked, its happened twice and ive been having people over since the start of summer about twice a week...
If I may interject... This Mother does not owe you an apology or anything like it. You are having young women over for super fun pool time! She's concerned about her own.

What don't you get? :confused:


Active Member
Originally posted by Kain99
If I may interject... This Mother does not owe you an apology or anything like it. You are having young women over for super fun pool time! She's concerned about her own.

What don't you get? :confused:
The fact that she accused me of promoting nudity, and 'indecentcy' when infact, i dont... There is one girl that comes over often, no more... Shes one of my friends girlfriends and she keeps her clothing on... I have never given them a reason to say otherwise.... I took their daughter to prom and had her home by 12, safely and all clothing still on.... I didnt try anything with her either... Infact i convinced her to break up with her (ex)boyfriend that her family loathed (the kid was treasonist bastard that hurt small animals and threatened to shoot me and her oldest brother)... To say no they dont want their daughter at my house is one thing... But to support the falicy that i promote nakedness at my house at a dinner table which we blessed upon saying grace... I must also add if girls with no top on is all you are concerned about when your kids are going some place then you are either naieve or lucky...

not to mention i dont bring up the things ive witnessed at their house when im eating dinner with my family and her son which does include 2 fights...
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New Member
How old are we? I cannot comment on what my opinion should be unless I know. If we are all adults, getting naked is part of the party. If we are talking about high school or younger, then maybe we shouldn't be disclosing this kind of information to the public anyway. Did you think about that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pull the stick out. Sounds like she was just doing that parent thing. She had a right to ask and your response sounded appropriate to me. If it were one of my son's buddies, he'd have turned to my son and said, "Dunno, Doug - whatcha think? Did we invite Heather over tonight?" :lol:

You're what? 19? Lighten up.


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Pull the stick out. Sounds like she was just doing that parent thing. She had a right to ask and your response sounded appropriate to me. If it were one of my son's buddies, he'd have turned to my son and said, "Dunno, Doug - whatcha think? Did we invite Heather over tonight?" :lol:

You're what? 19? Lighten up.
18, but it doesnt really matter... Shes done so much its gotten beyond the parent thing

the thing is i dont understand how that is doing the parent thing...
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Well-Known Member
You are defined by the friends you keep.

This is a pesky truism.

Reputation gets spread like snow in a blizzard if ...
a) Its juicy
b) You have a lot of associates
c) You're judgement is not the best when impaired or you don't object when things start to sour.
d) Mouths like to gossip.

I think one thing you just learned is even if you try to keep a good reputation, be respectable and reliable...its friends that don't hold that standard that will bring you down.

18 is not easy. I remember.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
18, but it doesnt really matter... Shes done so much its gotten beyond the parent thing

the thing is i dont understand how that is doing the parent thing...
She has the hots for you. Ask her to a private pool party and tell us what happens.


24/7 Single Dad
Originally posted by Spoiled
The fact that she accused me of promoting nudity, and 'indecentcy' when infact, i dont... .. But to support the falicy that i promote nakedness at my house ...

:confused: What's wrong with kids these days. A health and allegedly hetro 18 year old male that doesn't enjoy nakid women.


Originally posted by Spoiled
anyone have advice for me?

Is the mother hot?? IF so, invite her over to drop top. :really:

I've always found that being straight forward works wonders with parents. :lmao: They either love ya or hate ya and if they hate ya, don't worry about it. :shrug:


I don't know...I think you handled it like the Southern Gentleman you claim to be. However, if you want to clear your "good" name, have your friend "Brian" explain to his mom that you were offended by her remarks. Don't expect an apology....I don't think she owes you one because she was just being a concerned parent.

If you really want to live up to your "reputation" then I would suggest you make a "clothing on at all times or you won't come back" rule from now on. That should alleviate any worries anyone has.

Just my two cents. Take it or leave it. :smile:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
A couple of things:

1) I don't see why she owes you an apology. I'm not much older than you and all I see is a concerned parent asking questions. She wanted to know if you promote naked chicks, so she asked as a parent with daughters would. I fail to see a problem with that. Now, if she called you a liar and said you must tell young women to run around with their breasts flapping as they go, I could see you getting upset. She probably just wrote it off as kids being kids, you'll know in a few days.

2) WTH is wrong with naked chicks? You're 18 and claim to be straight, what the hell is going through your head that makes the desire to see naked chicks is a problem?

3) You had young women over that dropped their tops without alcohol? If they're at least 18 and take less than a six-pack to be cute, PM me. I want names and phone numbers.