So, we've had fence and paint parties, what about...


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
By the way all...

so far we only got myself, Athena, WC for a couple hours, and SeaRide, and IM4... I could use more help if you'd be willing.


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14

If you saw that carpet, you'd know it'd have to come out. It's not the just the smell. It's gotta come out.

We're talking stains on top of stains on top of stains.
I'm going to bleach the subfloor, and if any of it needs to be replaced, I'm going to have to rip it up and put down new plywood.

Mine was the same way. Most of the stains came out. But you'd never know it had you not seen it before I cleaned it. It loks HORRIBLE now. But I got the smell out of it. And it is in good shape, except for the stains. I have other things to do on that house before I can start worrying about aesthetics.

You know it better than me. I'm just throwing suggestions out there. I'm gonna be out of town, otherwise I'd be over there to supervise. :biggrin:



Please PM me directions

Also, do you want to paint anything in your house the color of butter?

I am only asking because bought 3 gallons of paint and hardly used 1 when I painted my kitchen.

I think PT has a point. If you can afford to replace the carpet fine, but when I bought my first house, I couldn't. I never thought the stains would come out, but they did. A rented steam cleaner works great.


Be about it
Originally posted by IM4Change
Also, do you want to paint anything in your house the color of butter?

I am only asking because bought 3 gallons of paint and hardly used 1 when I painted my kitchen.

How big of an area will what's left do?? If he's not interested, I might be!


I'm not sure how far 2 gallons will go. It is a bold, deep yellow color. My boss has a pale purple also if your interested. He bought too much paint when he did his daughter's room. Paint is free. We just don't want it sitting around going bad.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by IM4Change
I'm not sure how far 2 gallons will go. It is a bold, deep yellow color. My boss has a pale purple also if your interested. He bought too much paint when he did his daughter's room. Paint is free. We just don't want it sitting around going bad.

IM4... I'm pretty sure I could use it! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Just want to relate some suggestions about cat and dog pee. When you pull the rugs and see the black stains in the sub floor the most reliable and cheapest permanent fix is a coat of shellac. Cleaners designed just for animal pee and even straight Clorox are only temporary and the stench will bleed through. Sealing it in or replacing the subfloor is the only solution and shellac is cheap and fast drying. If your particular case is not extreme then you may get away with a powerful bleaching but don't be surprised when in the winter, the closed up house smells like a kennel.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by sleuth14
By the way all...

so far we only got myself, Athena, WC for a couple hours, and SeaRide, and IM4... I could use more help if you'd be willing.

hubba hubba.. he's got me for 2 hours. :wink: :lol:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Thanks to IM4Change, SeaRide, and Athena for showing up and helping out today. It would have taken me 3 weeks to do what we accomplished in 7 hours.

The place is really coming together. We got both bathrooms done, ceiling fans, ceiling, living room and kitchen walls wiped down, and all the windows except for 1 or 2. It's amazing what a difference we've made so far.

If anyone wants to help who couldn't help today, Searide and Athena and I will be there tomorrow from about 11 am on. The goal tomorrow is to remove two rooms of carpet, steam clean 2 rooms of carpet, and finish wiping down the walls and detail the kitchen. PM me before 10 am and I'll send you directions, otherwise IM4Change could give you directions if you don't catch me before then, if she's around tomorrow.


Happy Camper!
Have fun tomorrow guys. I have a cookout and then a CM class sorry I won't be able to make it!


I'll be here on and off cleaning my house up today, so if anyone needs directions, just post here and I'll send them. It is easy to get there.


My guess is the bad storm kept her away. I left at 5:30 or so and the storm was horrible. I called my hubby on the cell and he said it just went thru Western Charles about 4:30. I could barley see the car in front of me when I left, but once I turned on the Benedict Bridge, it was just sprinkling.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by IM4Change
Kain posted why she didn't make it here

The thread is almost all about you. :lol:

Thanks again Searide for your help today. I don't know what I would have done without all of you guys around this weekend. It would have taken me several days to do all that work, even longer if I had to work around my furniture after I moved in.

All that really needs done now is a couple more walls cleaned, some detailing in the kitchen and scrubbing the kitchen floor, and some spackling. I need to put new carpet in two rooms and it'll be ready to move in.

Then in a few weeks, I'll throw a paint party.