So what???


aka Mrs. Giant
damn even I was invited

Well duh, that's cause you are the groom...:rolleyes:

Seriously Vrai, why not pm her and ask her? Posting a tread starts rumours. :shrug:

And besides we haven't had the "ring" tread, "engagment" tread, "wedding plans" tread, "reception plans" tread and "honeymoon" tread yet. :shrug:


I know nothing
Well duh, that's cause you are the groom...:rolleyes:

Seriously Vrai, why not pm her and ask her? Posting a tread starts rumours. :shrug:

And besides we haven't had the "ring" tread, "engagment" tread, "wedding plans" tread, "reception plans" tread and "honeymoon" tread yet. :shrug:

you got a point there

Dont forget the bachelor/bachelorette party threads.

I wonder what Smooth is going to do for mine


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Posting a tread starts rumours.

NEWSFLASH: It was a rumor before I ever heard about it. And, since I'm always the last to know the gossip, then everyone in the whole world must have heard by now. Pix should appreciate that I ask point-blank rather than just whispering behind her back. :smile:

And besides we haven't had the "ring" tread, "engagment" tread, "wedding plans" tread, "reception plans" tread and "honeymoon" tread yet.
Sure we did - for her last 6 fiancees. Why reinvent the wheel?


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
NEWSFLASH: It was a rumor before I ever heard about it. And, since I'm always the last to know the gossip, then everyone in the whole world must have heard by now. Pix should appreciate that I ask point-blank rather than just whispering behind her back. :smile:

Sure we did - for her last 6 fiancees. Why reinvent the wheel?


Is she moving again?


All Up In Your Grill
Well duh, that's cause you are the groom...:rolleyes:

Seriously Vrai, why not pm her and ask her? Posting a tread starts rumours. :shrug:

And besides we haven't had the "ring" tread, "engagment" tread, "wedding plans" tread, "reception plans" tread and "honeymoon" tread yet. :shrug:

I heard something about the bachelorette party being yesterday, and they had to call the fire department...:confused: