So whats everybody's plans for the weekend?


Happy Camper!
HollowSoul said:
Open house with Santa tomorrow and then 2 family parties on Sunday. I guess I should try to clean a little too so I don't have to do it on Thursday.
I'm heading to Arundel Mills Mall tomorrow to see the new "Series of Unfortunate Events" movie. I'm trusting that everyone finished their Christmas shopping already this week so I'm thinking it shouldn't be too crowded...:shrug:


cattitude said:
I'm sleeping with Santa tomorrow night. :yay:

Wow, I was thinking of just sitting on his lap this very moment. :jet:

And kwillia, I want to take the boys to see "Series of Unfortunate Events" too, was going to do it Sunday afternoon since they are calling for rain all day. They have been talking about it since they saw the trailer for it at the "Incredibles" movie. I don't know what to think of it yet. :ohwell: I am not a huge Jim Carey fan.

But then again, the book, well books #1, 2 and 3, in the series, which is what the movie is based on are best sellers.
Kizzy said:
Wow, I was thinking of just sitting on his lap this very moment. :jet:

And kwillia, I want to take the boys to see "Series of Unfortunate Events" too, was going to do it Sunday afternoon since they are calling for rain all day. They have been talking about it since they saw the trailer for it at the "Incredibles" movie. I don't know what to think of it yet. :ohwell: I am not a huge Jim Carey fan.
I ADORE Jim Carrey! He is the main reason I am looking forward to it! My brother got my daughter hooked on the book series... when she heard about the movie she called him and informed him he was taking her to see it when it came out... he is meeting us there tomorrow...:biggrin:


kwillia said:
I ADORE Jim Carrey! He is the main reason I am looking forward to it! My brother got my daughter hooked on the book series... when she heard about the movie she called him and informed him he was taking her to see it when it came out... he is meeting us there tomorrow...:biggrin:

I like Jim Carrey, just don't know how he will do in this role, he is more like Ace or The Mask, just don't know. He is also several characters in the movie, which outta be interesting.

Let me know how it turns out. :cheers:


New Member
Shopping , dinner and hunting tonight.

Tomorrow, a few errands and relaxing.

Sunday working and the bf and I are exchanging gifts with my parents.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Putting up the tree tonight :whistle: (finally). Wedding tomorrow. Lacrosse camp and my son's bday dinner on Sunday. Whew! I'm tired already.


Go Braves!
Tonight nuffin.

Tomorrow taking the boys to see Santa, then girl has a birthday party and then dinner with some friends.

Sunday I wanna go see Unfortunate Events:yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
I got a dinner date tonight, two parties tomorrow, and a domino game and some serious drinking to do on Sunday.


New Member
I am working tonight for a while, BOO HOO!! Then I will go see my girl at her new bartending job. I am free tomorrow, but for a dinner engagement ,then I hopefully go out,but probably not. Sunday I will drive to BWI to sen dmy girl off to CALI!!! All the while I will be remeinding myself that murder is not the answer and try to refrain from doing something I will regret, possibly.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Tonight: Cleaning the apartment, and working out the details of a few ideas.
Sat: Working on the Neon, and going to a meeting.
Sun: Don't know yet. It's been awhile since I've had a 2 day weekend.