So where did everyone go?


Obviously not to well. Sure would like to know who it was?

Well if you signed up for the premo supersized package, you get 2 free months of the karma 3000 supertracker. It lets you see who left you all those pesky unsigned reds. You should PM Kwillia for info about that, she's the salesperson.


New Member
Well if you signed up for the premo supersized package, you get 2 free months of the karma 3000 supertracker. It lets you see who left you all those pesky unsigned reds. You should PM Kwillia for info about that, she's the salesperson.

Cool. So you never answered about your weekend.


Cool. So you never answered about your weekend.

My weekend was not that exciting. The boys made me about 20$ this weekend selling RIP Taylor arm bands in the brass rail parking lot. So I was able to get me some ciggs and they wanted some mcdonalds for all of their hard work. Luckily I had some empty mcdonalds bags that I had saved from previous trips back in the day. So I whipped them up some WIC chicken nuggets and put them in the bag. There were even some 4 month old crunchy fries left in the bottom of the bags so they were very excited!


Well-Known Member
My weekend was not that exciting. The boys made me about 20$ this weekend selling RIP Taylor arm bands in the brass rail parking lot. So I was able to get me some ciggs and they wanted some mcdonalds for all of their hard work. Luckily I had some empty mcdonalds bags that I had saved from previous trips back in the day. So I whipped them up some WIC chicken nuggets and put them in the bag. There were even some 4 month old crunchy fries left in the bottom of the bags so they were very excited!

This is :bs: I bought 2 of those damn arm bands for my Grandma this weekend and she doesn't even have arms :mad:. Those little punks said the money was going to support melwood projects.