So who did NOT buy anything on Prime days?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I typically DON'T buy anything on Prime Days, but I needed 2 things. I needed a new laptop for my business (which will be an expense) and Thing2 lined me up quite few choices to look at. All but 1 were already discounted, but none of those went down any more on Prime Days. Still, I purchased 1 of them in case they went back up.

I also needed to get Thing1 a new mattress for his bed. THAT WAS a good Prime deal, so I got that. So, I got 1 thing on Prime Day
One thing for thing one. :lol: :


Nothing to see here
I was going to get a new dishwasher because my current one takes longer to get the job done. Decided to just keep her and save the money.


Well-Known Member
I did not buy anything. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought anything from amazon. I rarely buy anything online. I'm more of a "need to see it for myself first" kind of shopper.


Well-Known Member
I did not buy anything. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought anything from amazon. I rarely buy anything online. I'm more of a "need to see it for myself first" kind of shopper.
Same...about some things. Clothes especially!
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Well-Known Member
Now like today.. I had to order Clorox Bleach Packs because the local store decided to stop selling.

Dang..I mean.. why does everything I use/like go away in stores. :frown: