So Why McCain?


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I see that most on the board are against Obama, and that is cool with me. I'm sure everyone has their reasons. However my question is for the McCain fans.... Why are you voting for McCain?? Are you just voting against Obama or do you think McCain is actually going to do something positive for the county??? I see a lot of people on the board have very strong opinions about Obama, I'm just curious to hear how people feel about McCain.


Well-Known Member
I see that most on the board are against Obama, and that is cool with me. I'm sure everyone has their reasons. However my question is for the McCain fans.... Why are you voting for McCain?? Are you just voting against Obama or do you think McCain is actually going to do something positive for the county??? I see a lot of people on the board have very strong opinions about Obama, I'm just curious to hear how people feel about McCain.

It's a vote against Obama.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I had...

I see that most on the board are against Obama, and that is cool with me. I'm sure everyone has their reasons. However my question is for the McCain fans.... Why are you voting for McCain?? Are you just voting against Obama or do you think McCain is actually going to do something positive for the county??? I see a lot of people on the board have very strong opinions about Obama, I'm just curious to hear how people feel about McCain. interesting conversation with my dad (mid 60's) about that very subject. He's a classic, practical GOP'er, not an ideologue or conservative. It boils down to the obvious; his, McCains's, experience. Whatever pro's and con's exist, for most people this boils down to either McCain or Obama and, at the end of the day, if you accept that those are the only choices, that's it.

Obama; youth, inexperience, hope and change.

McCain; experience

His group of friends, including some Hillary supporters, are more comfortable with McCain, the devil they know, than ideas and excitement and who knows what. Another part of it is that McCain has proven independence and they trust that he'll be able to make his own decisions. They have a fear that Obama will simply get over run by the apparatus, a babe in the woods.

You can see this reflected in the Obama campaign; everything they do now is predicated on easing people's fears about him and his wife and his inexperience.

And you can see it reflected in McCain's campaign; that's all he talks about; experience.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just because someone is not voting for Obama doesn't mean they are voting for McCain. So far, I'm voting for Bob Barr.

And is McCain EVER going to choose a running mate?????


NOT Politically Correct!!
Because between NObama and McCain, I want the most qualifed period. Like Joe Biden stated, the Presidency is NOT the job for on the job training. More so I question the Democrates reasoning with all their educated and skilled politicians (some), why pick an unknown from the bottom of the barrel with 143 days senate experience. He looks good and talks good, other than that, he's no good for the job...

On a side note, If Condoleezza Rice were running, I'd vote for her over McCain, but I don't see that happening... :coffee:


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Because between NObama and McCain, I want the most qualifed period. Like Joe Biden stated, the Presidency is NOT the job for on the job training. More so I question the Democrates reasoning with all their educated and skilled politicians (some), why pick an unknown from the bottom of the barrel with 143 days senate experience. He looks good and talks good, other than that, he's no good for the job...

On a side note, If Condoleezza Rice were running, I'd vote for her over McCain, but I don't see that happening... :coffee:

That’s cool, I guess I really don't see is experience (or lack there of) as a major flaw. I mean, isn't that why the President has advisors. I mean he isn’t going to be making major political decisions based on his (and his alone) personal experiences. So the experience factor is a non issue for me.. But that is just the way I see it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

That’s cool, I guess I really don't see is experience (or lack there of) as a major flaw. I mean, isn't that why the President has advisors. I mean he isn’t going to be making major political decisions based on his (and his alone) personal experiences. So the experience factor is a non issue for me.. But that is just the way I see it.

...but we've all dealt with people, right? We've all been led astray, been given bad advice, been suckered in, made bad choices, right?

The argument is that McCain's experience means he knows who the long time good and bad actors are and has dealt with them and much more than Obama.

Certainly, you don't have to agree with that view. I'm saying that that is how older folks view it. Obama is trying to make the point that McCain is only experienced at making bad decisions and is in lock step with Bush.


Well-Known Member
Just because someone is not voting for Obama doesn't mean they are voting for McCain. So far, I'm voting for Bob Barr.

And is McCain EVER going to choose a running mate?????

Rumor mill has it by the end of this week.

Patience, Deej. It used to be announced at the convention.


Main Streeter
Just because someone is not voting for Obama doesn't mean they are voting for McCain. So far, I'm voting for Bob Barr.

And is McCain EVER going to choose a running mate?????
McCain said a week and a half ago that he'll annouce it this coming weekend. I'm sure he doesn't want the announcement drowned out by the DNC which over Thrusday evening.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I still say this election is going to be swayed by the veep choices. My wife WILL NOT be voting for McCain yet she cannot tell me why.


NOT Politically Correct!!
That’s cool, I guess I really don't see is experience (or lack there of) as a major flaw. I mean, isn't that why the President has advisors. I mean he isn’t going to be making major political decisions based on his (and his alone) personal experiences. So the experience factor is a non issue for me.. But that is just the way I see it.

Experience plays a role when you have to digest all the inputs from your advisor's and make an educated decision. No Major CEO gets to where he's at hoping everyone else can hold his head above water!!!

And when it comes to Foreign policy there comes a time when you cannot send your vice president and than real issues may be discussed one on one with world leaders and you have to know more about the countries and issues other than the piece of paper handed to you on Air Force One by an aid with some read ahead material. The Russia / Georgia conflict was a clear indication NObama has no idea what he's doing. His solution was something along the lines of "STOP IT" and lets send a Billion dollars to help rebuild!!! That check should come from Russia, not the US!!! :coffee:


Main Streeter
I still say this election is going to be swayed by the veep choices. My wife WILL NOT be voting for McCain yet she cannot tell me why.
I think once the annoucement is made and all the conventions are over we'll all start getting a better idea of how things will play out in the end. I figure by late Sep or the first week of Oct, the polling numbers will start to give good indications of what to expect in Nov.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I disagree...

I still say this election is going to be swayed by the veep choices. My wife WILL NOT be voting for McCain yet she cannot tell me why.

...this time. Here's why;

Bush 41 came roaring back from 17 points down to beat Dukakis and it darn sure didn't have anything to do with Dan Quayle or Bentson.

On the flip side, Cheney stomped Edwards. Was that why Kerry lost? because his veep was too much of a vapid pretty boy? More than him?

In any event, we've got Biden who is a vanilla, safe pick and even if McCain makes the 'risky' pick, Liebermann, it's not gonna hurt him one on one, Biden v. Lieberman.

I think Hillary would have won Obama the race. Some people disagree, that she would have finished him. In any event, that's the only one I could see
making a difference.

So, Biden and who? Who could make a difference now?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The polls...

I think once the annoucement is made and all the conventions are over we'll all start getting a better idea of how things will play out in the end. I figure by late Sep or the first week of Oct, the polling numbers will start to give good indications of what to expect in Nov.

...have already given a good indication. Obama should be up by 15-20 points. In some, he's losing. It's gonna take a good bit for him to recover from this.


Well-Known Member
I think Hillary would have won Obama the race.

Me too. The way to win a close race is to get as many of your OWN party to get off their butt and vote - don't bother with the middle.

If only 65% of your party shows up in November, the way to win is to make that 85%. They're already going to vote for you, they just aren't motivated to show up. Get THEM to the polls and you win.

I suspect McCain will also go with a "safe" pick - Pawlenty or Romney. My wife says a couple of her co-workers want Romney, even if they can't tell her why.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I suspect McCain will also go with a "safe" pick - Pawlenty or Romney. My wife says a couple of her co-workers want Romney, even if they can't tell her why.

:killingme That's just so sad, I have to laugh.

Vrail said, years ago, that there should be a test on the issues when you show up to vote. 100 questions. You answer them, they scan the sheet and, viola, here is who you voted for! Thanks for participating!


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I see experience is a Major factor for those who are not in the Obama corner; but like I said; that isn't a huge deal to me... But hey I could be considered in experienced too... Maybe I'm just too young; when I get older I would probably give old age and tertiary more weight… :lmao: