So Why McCain?


Well-Known Member
Vrail said, years ago, that there should be a test on the issues when you show up to vote. 100 questions. You answer them, they scan the sheet and, viola, here is who you voted for! Thanks for participating!

Of course, then the person who REALLY votes is the guy who writes the program. I've seen dozens of those that "pick" people I wouldn't buy a used car from!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Of course, then the person who REALLY votes is the guy who writes the program. I've seen dozens of those that "pick" people I wouldn't buy a used car from!

...that would be the real battle; how to word the questions accurately reflective of the candidates. Lord knows we have a system that specializes in avoiding clarity and definitive positions.


Is it OK to kill babies?


Are you pro choice?

And so forth...


Adding Diversity to SOMD
...have already given a good indication. Obama should be up by 15-20 points. In some, he's losing. It's gonna take a good bit for him to recover from this.

Yeah I really don't put a lot of stock into the Polls. We all know polls are not infallible.


New Member
I am not fond of McCain, I didnt vote for him in the primary's

But when you put McCains years with the military, his years with the Senate, up against Obama voting Present in the Illinois Senate and his 143 days on the Hill ,Mccain comes out as the man I would prefer ,over Hope and Change without a description of either except raised taxes and spending on entitlements for those who refuse to work and depend on Democrats to subsidise their lifestyle.
I dont like gun grabbers nor abortionists, nor do I like people who think our borders dont exist. I dont want people sucking up to the UN. or to Kyoto like protocols. I dont want people who will put criminals on the street, and I dont want liberal Supreme Court Judges.

Mccain might be shaky on some of these points ,but Obama is in the bag for them.


Nothing to see here
but Obama is in the bag for them.
"We have a plan" segue wayed into "Hope and Change", they didn't explain the plan last time around, so they went with a wing and a prayer without need of an explanation this time.


New Member
Both are not the best, but you are out of your mind if you don't vote McCain.

You saw Obamas' background with his church. Did you conveniently forget this?

Did you see his wife correct herself now? She's now proud to be an American. Maybe we can call her a American now instead of African-American.

All I can see is Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Farrakhan behind him. (Oh, did I say I'm not a racist, but now I'm sure I'll be thought as one for saying this)

Sorry folks, I say it like it is.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
...this time. Here's why;

Bush 41 came roaring back from 17 points down to beat Dukakis and it darn sure didn't have anything to do with Dan Quayle or Bentson.

On the flip side, Cheney stomped Edwards. Was that why Kerry lost? because his veep was too much of a vapid pretty boy? More than him?

In any event, we've got Biden who is a vanilla, safe pick and even if McCain makes the 'risky' pick, Liebermann, it's not gonna hurt him one on one, Biden v. Lieberman.

I think Hillary would have won Obama the race. Some people disagree, that she would have finished him. In any event, that's the only one I could see
making a difference.

So, Biden and who? Who could make a difference now?

Isn't economic policy McCain's weak point, but Romney is the exact opposite? I think I remember hearing that somewhere, but you know where I'm going here. You pick a #2 who is strong in your weak areas and REALLY use him as he should be used.

BUT do not overlook the looks factor... we are the country that gave you such "reality" hits as "America's Next Supermodel" and "So you Think You Are Hot".

General Lee

Well-Known Member
That’s cool, I guess I really don't see is experience (or lack there of) as a major flaw. I mean, isn't that why the President has advisors. I mean he isn’t going to be making major political decisions based on his (and his alone) personal experiences. So the experience factor is a non issue for me.. But that is just the way I see it.

Because of inexperienced voters like you, is what screws us all. People don't Educate themselves on the candidates and vote wrong. Look what has happened to Maryland.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Isn't economic policy McCain's weak point, but Romney is the exact opposite? I think I remember hearing that somewhere, but you know where I'm going here. You pick a #2 who is strong in your weak areas and REALLY use him as he should be used.

...but Cheney was a former sec defense and, in my view, that has NOT helped the US military very much, either in it's use or in it's maintenance and welfare. Would things have been MUCH worse absent Cheney and his gravitas?

So, is that his fault? Did Bush simply over ride him?

Romney will do what? Recommend putting key provisions of the grain act back in place over the desires of Phil Graham, McCain pal?

What was Gore's value to Clinton? Less personality?

Joe Biden, who would have made a solid, moderate choice for potus, hasn't helped Obama in the polls at all unless it was to stop the slide.

I understand what you're saying, but is there an actual practical application here?


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Both are not the best, but you are out of your mind if you don't vote McCain.

You saw Obamas' background with his church. Did you conveniently forget this?

Did you see his wife correct herself now? She's now proud to be an American. Maybe we can call her a American now instead of African-American.

All I can see is Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Farrakhan behind him. (Oh, did I say I'm not a racist, but now I'm sure I'll be thought as one for saying this)

Sorry folks, I say it like it is.


SO your vote will be against Obama, not for McCain....


Well-Known Member
I understand what you're saying, but is there an actual practical application here?

I'm thinking either the MSM or today's voters don't get what people have known for generations - the vice President's job isn't worth a bucket of warm piss. (That was Garner's original description). It is not a "co-president" job nor should it be. There's very little evidence it has much effect on the outcome of an election, with the only notable case being 1960. Until Nixon under Eisenhower, the VP did damned close to nothing.

It's been changing - a *little*. I don't remember Agnew or Rockefeller doing anything of significance during Nixon and Ford's terms. Mondale, I remember did a lot of diplomatic trips early in the Carter administration, but that's all I can recall. Not much in my memory of Quayle. Cheney's the first one I can recall where people thought HE was the *real* President.

But it's still a decorative position, and our first VP, Adams, once called it "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived". It's a stupid job, and the line of Presidential succession pretty much makes it superfluous.

Frankly if a VP selection *doesn't* at least help a little in the election, they're not worth much at all.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Because of inexperienced voters like you, is what screws us all. People don't Educate themselves on the candidates and vote wrong. Look what has happened to Maryland.

So because people don't agree with your political views, that makes them uneducated??? Believe me, I study both candidates very closely; and I decided who I wanted to vote for based on MY beliefs. I find it very funny that you would say that people are voting "wrong". Who are you to tell people who they should and shouldn't vote for??? People see the world differently….


New Member
I hate to lay this mess on Bush's door, but he knew when he picked Cheney for his 2nd term that Cheney would not be running for President. He should have picked a person that could have carried the Republican banner to the White House this year.


Well-Known Member
So because people don't agree with your political views, that makes them uneducated??? Believe me, I study both candidates very closely; and I decided who I wanted to vote for based on MY beliefs. I find it very funny that you would say that people are voting "wrong". Who are you to tell people who they should and shouldn't vote for??? People see the world differently….

You find it funny? Do you know what the left-wing pundits were saying about the red states last election? That they just didn't know that it was Kerry who was really the one who was in their best interest - that they just didn't know enough to vote for the guy who was going to do the most for them, specifically. But you know, those red state folks - they're just - what was their word - uneducated? No, they used "ignorant", which while meaning the same thing, is significantly more insulting.

I think Ehrlich was a good governor, and I think O'Malley has been awful. I think Steele would have been a great Senator, but I think Cardin and O'Malley have been running the state as though the only part that matters - is Baltimore.


Well-Known Member
I hate to lay this mess on Bush's door, but he knew when he picked Cheney for his 2nd term that Cheney would not be running for President. He should have picked a person that could have carried the Republican banner to the White House this year.

I don't have a problem with this. I think it's idiotic to think that the VP position is the training ground for the Presidency. It doesn't happen all that often that a VP who hasn't reached the office of President by the departure of the President gets elected.

The Republican Party has had this problem for as long as I can remember - they don't prepare the next generation of Presidential hopefuls. They don't develop successors or the next round of leadership. I think they expect that it just "grows". When was the last time you saw a young Republican leader and the buzz was, he's going to run for President some day? Didn't everyone know that, about Obama? Didn't they say that, about Cuomo? (although he never ran). The Democratic Party however, has a group specifically created for that purpose - the DLC. It's successfully created one President and almost got another.