So Why McCain?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I said...

I hate to lay this mess on Bush's door, but he knew when he picked Cheney for his 2nd term that Cheney would not be running for President. He should have picked a person that could have carried the Republican banner to the White House this year.

...that, too! :buddies: It figured to me that somewhere around the end of year six, Cheney would announce his resignation due to health reasons and to spend more time with his family thus allowing the new person time to build a resume as #2

There are so many things this administration has done that have left me stunned. This is yet another.



Well-Known Member
...that, too! :buddies: It figured to me that somewhere around the end of year six, Cheney would announce his resignation due to health reasons and to spend more time with his family thus allowing the new person time to build a resume as #2

The only thing I can think of is, VP's don't resign because they "want to spend time with their family" or for health reasons. They just don't. Neither do Senators, Representatives or Governors. Now, they choose not to run again for those reasons, but they don't just up and quit.

You know what DOES surprise me? If *CLINTON* had resigned rather than be impeached, that almost certainly would have won the Presidency for him in 2000.

Which might have been the reason why he didn't do that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The only thing...

The only thing I can think of is, VP's don't resign because they "want to spend time with their family" or for health reasons. They just don't. Neither do Senators, Representatives or Governors. Now, they choose not to run again for those reasons, but they don't just up and quit.

You know what DOES surprise me? If *CLINTON* had resigned rather than be impeached, that almost certainly would have won the Presidency for him in 2000.

Which might have been the reason why he didn't do that.

...that makes sense to me is that W thinks Cheney is that indispensable.

As for Clinton resigning, we, and they, have seen that movie before; Nixon, Ford, pardon, bye bye. Watergate was a defining event for that generation, the people who are 60 something now.


Well-Known Member
...that makes sense to me is that W thinks Cheney is that indispensable.

As for Clinton resigning, we, and they, have seen that movie before; Nixon, Ford, pardon, bye bye. Watergate was a defining event for that generation, the people who are 60 something now.

But Agnew resigned because he was otherwise headed to jail.
Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment and the shame of removal from office.
Had Clinton done the same, Gore would have easily won in 2000, although to the left - and Gore himself - they say he did.


"Typical White Person"
All I know is thank God for the electoral college system, or this election would be over and mob rule winner Obama would already have it in the bag.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

But Agnew resigned because he was otherwise headed to jail.
Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment and the shame of removal from office.
Had Clinton done the same, Gore would have easily won in 2000, although to the left - and Gore himself - they say he did.

...we're not communicating here; You're saying that had Clinton resigned and Gore took over, Gore WOULD have won re-election?

If so, I'm just pointing out that Nixon did resign, Ford did take over but failed to win the ensuing election.

I think Clinton/Gore would have followed the Nixon/Ford pattern because Gore would have most likely pardoned Clinton and it would have, I think, the same affect that Fords pardon did; cost him the election.

We on the same page?


Well-Known Member
...we're not communicating here; You're saying that had Clinton resigned and Gore took over, Gore WOULD have won re-election?

If so, I'm just pointing out that Nixon did resign, Ford did take over but failed to win the ensuing election.

I think Clinton/Gore would have followed the Nixon/Ford pattern because Gore would have most likely pardoned Clinton and it would have, I think, the same affect that Fords pardon did; cost him the election.

We on the same page?


General Lee

Well-Known Member
So because people don't agree with your political views, that makes them uneducated??? Believe me, I study both candidates very closely; and I decided who I wanted to vote for based on MY beliefs. I find it very funny that you would say that people are voting "wrong". Who are you to tell people who they should and shouldn't vote for??? People see the world differently….

I didn't say YOU were uneducated. I said inexperienced voter. You may not be an inexperienced voter, I don't know. I perceive your posts as an Obama voter because you like the way he talks. He hasn't got a clue


Super Genius
Why are you voting then? Just to say you have? Is this so you can argue politics because you voted?
I'm probably voting for Barr as well. Choosing McCain means that the party has moved too far left for me. The party left me and I'm not going to blindly follow it to the left. I'm voting for the person who I think best represents my views. I'm not voting against someone else.

And since I expect the "wasted vote" response, do you really expect your vote to sway which way MD goes?