
I go get a chest xray for some reason today. Guess, it's been a while. Dr. says oh these spots are not good., you smoke?. I'm like one a day maybe. You want one?:lol:

I say, lets compare these to the ones you took 5 years ago.

No change at all.



Adopt me please !
I think they can use a scope to look into your lungs to see what those spots are so you'll know one way or another. Not all spots on lungs in x-rays are a problem I hear. Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer.

My Dad died of lung cancer a few years ago after smoking most of his life. When he developed symptoms (shortness of breath) he waited a few months before going to the Dr. It took the Dr's a few months to figure out WHAT was wrong with him, and by that time it was already too late. He lived into his 60's, but I'm pretty sure he wanted to live longer than he did.

I go get a chest xray for some reason today. Guess, it's been a while. Dr. says oh these spots are not good., you smoke?. I'm like one a day maybe. You want one?:lol:

I say, lets compare these to the ones you took 5 years ago.

No change at all.

I think they can use a scope to look into your lungs to see what those spots are so you'll know one way or another. Not all spots on lungs in x-rays are a problem I hear. Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer.

My Dad died of lung cancer a few years ago after smoking most of his life. When he developed symptoms (shortness of breath) he waited a few months before going to the Dr. It took the Dr's a few months to figure out WHAT was wrong with him, and by that time it was already too late. He lived into his 60's, but I'm pretty sure he wanted to live longer than he did.

My other lung DR says I most likely had pneumonia as a kid. Causes scarring


Hot Flash
My other lung DR says I most likely had pneumonia as a kid. Causes scarring

I don't understand why people go get diagnosed (if a smoker)

When you get a diagnosis then you have to go through crap treatments and have to hide that you're still smoking.
Smoking is a habit I wish I had never taken up, but I will go out blowing up my oxygen tank while smoking my last cigarette.


Adopt me please !
Yup see that's what I mean - there can be other reasons for the spots that are not even a health risk. I quit 10 years ago (almost 11 now) and it was THE HARDEST thing I have ever done - was even WORSE than childbirth (which WAS the 1st but is now the 2nd worst thing in my life I endured).

I was told that after I quit my risk of lung cancer was the same as everyone else - well that's not true now that my Dad died of it. I have a much higher risk now. I had a chest x-ray recently but it didn't show anything.

My other lung DR says I most likely had pneumonia as a kid. Causes scarring


Happy Camper
I wish I could get an MRI to put me at peace, but since my chest x-ray didn't show anything I am pretty sure they wouldn't let me get one (with insurance paying the bill I mean).

:yeahthat: I just went through this with the yearly Mammo. They called and said they wanted a couple more pictures. Went in for those, and they sent me to get a sonogram. After sweating it out for a day and a half, results were completely normal. Now, I will be the first to say a "normal" result is well worth going through all of that.

Then, yesterday I got the insurance statement. Neither the additional films nor the sonogram were covered in full. They pay for 1 mammogram per year. :ohwell: So... If I had decided against the additional films and sonogram and just waited until next year, then it showed something really bad, they would have paid in full?? What a crock of bull!!

DR, didn't mean to hijack your tread... Hope all works out for you. :huggy:


Hot Flash
:yeahthat: I just went through this with the yearly Mammo. They called and said they wanted a couple more pictures. Went in for those, and they sent me to get a sonogram. After sweating it out for a day and a half, results were completely normal. Now, I will be the first to say a "normal" result is well worth going through all of that.

Then, yesterday I got the insurance statement. Neither the additional films nor the sonogram were covered in full. They pay for 1 mammogram per year. :ohwell: So... If I had decided against the additional films and sonogram and just waited until next year, then it showed something really bad, they would have paid in full?? What a crock of bull!!

I have the same thing. I get the tests done but I have a :gasp: $1200 deductible. Then the insurance company deems what appropriate tests/costs are. They wouldn't even cover last years mammo. A measly $150. I was supposed to get a yearly exam including what the doctor deemed appropriate (mammo fully paid)

One of my rich relatives needs to die and leave me major money or I need to give the finger to doctors and tests. Being that I would never want the first, I am swearing off doctors and testing for the time being.
See!? This is what's wrong with medicine these days! This is why everything costs so freaking much! Why can't there just be one lung doctor? Why does there have to be one for each side???

Strong union? :shrug:


This other one was a lung specialist. Put me through a bunch of tests. We were trying to figure out why I was having chest pains. (They have been gone about two years now). Figured my lung capacity was about 80% what it should have been for, my age. After the scan or MRI she asked if I'd ever had pneumonia. I told her no and she seems to think I did as a little kid. I do remember my Mom telling me I nearly had a tracheometry when I was two.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This other one was a lung specialist. Put me through a bunch of tests. We were trying to figure out why I was having chest pains. (They have been gone about two years now). Figured my lung capacity was about 80% what it should have been for, my age. After the scan or MRI she asked if I'd ever had pneumonia. I told her no and she seems to think I did as a little kid. I do remember my Mom telling me I nearly had a tracheometry when I was two.

I fear my attempt at humor went begging. :bawl:


Lem Putt
My other lung DR says I most likely had pneumonia as a kid. Causes scarring

I had coccidioidomycosis as an infant and have a calcified spot in my lung. It's funny to watch the doctors freak until someone from the desert sees it.