Bertha is coming out...
...of the closet! A gun closet!!!
Hoo ah!!!
Bertha, this is g-r-e-a-t. You'll make a great conservative yet.
Ken: I got guns
Bertha: Wow. Why all the firepower? Is there crime where you live?
Ken: No
Dramatic pause as the sun rises over the horizon.
Bertha, one of the many great myths of modern liberalism is that it is for the individual. Really? Yeah! Gay rights, abortion. Well, you'll have a tough time finding anyone who's real concerns about homosexuality actually having anything to do with your bedroom and most of them are registered democrats. Abortion is horrific. Plenty of room to argue here.
Moving on, we find an absurdly lenient mentality about crime unless it is a dis-approved crime, then it is a 'hate' crime.
The most basic tenent of any free people anywhere, ever, is the right and responsibility of self defense.
Check out the Pink Pistols in San Fran. NRA.
You will hear the same theme of the RIGHT to defend ones self, property and loved ones. The RIGHT.
No one says you must be armed. No one says you need to kill X number of criminals. YOU can CHOOSE, per the 2nd amendment, to posses a weapon if you CHOOSE.
Every place in this nation that recognizes the 2nd amendment for what it says has lower violent crime.
Ask yourself 'self, what is the real reason places like DC do not allow the citizens to protect themselves?' Well? To lower crime?
'Self, what came first in NYC, rising violent crime stats or restrictions on self defense?' Well?
The mere fact that YOU may have a pistol in the night stand or under your pillow or under the bed or...or maybe CRIMINALS pause. 'Who's the broad walking around alone at midnight like she has a gun in her purse?' the criminal asks himself as he moves on to another target. They are predators and they don't make a habit (for long) of going after the strong. They always have and always will make most of their living off of the weak.
So, Bertha, make an argument, or better yet, one of you who vote against the right of self defense, make an argument as to why Bertha should not be able to choose to own and posses and carry a concealed weapon if she wants to:
Make an argument as to why a woman or man must live in terror in some of our more notorious public works projects because the bad guys own the place. The cops job starts after the crime.
Make an argument as to why anyone must keep in the back of their mind the rising reality of violent armed car jacking and not be able to do a damn thing about it.
There is no more invasive, debilitating, threatening and restictive
line of thinking in the history of man than the one that says 'it is illegal for you to protect yourself'. All other rights, without the right of self defense, are simply options popular at the moment.
Any minorities, sexual, ethnic, wanna pass on the Constitution and Bill of Rights and just trust the mob? Me neither.
This is THE litmus test.