SOMD residents and guns

do you own guns?

  • no, and probably never will

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • no, but intend to buy one/some

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • yes, for protection

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • yes, for recreation/sport

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • yes, other

    Votes: 10 27.0%

  • Total voters

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
a-HA! The truth comes out! You admit that it would give you some pleasure to inflict the death penalty on someone who tried to victimize you! ^5 I'm with ya!

What Larry pointed out to me, when I told him I wanted a machine gun, was that it would A) be fired in the house and B) in close proximity to my ears. I'm thinking about a baseball bat - nice and quiet, only hits what you aimed at so as not to ruin my paint jobs.

My inquiring about firearm recommendations doesn't mean what you wrote, of course... :cheesy: Besides, the woman I'd buy a gun to protect will probably refuse to have one in the house. So the discussion is largely moot anyway.

I do, OTOH, know well how to swing a baseball bat. Screw the paint job.
The thing on the end of the S&W 500 is a ported barrel extension. The point of it is to vent some of the gasses before the bullet leaves the barrel, thus reducing the "kick" or recoil of the shot. I want a 500.
Next, I want a Barret 50 cal. True neighborhood protection there. Take out the burgler 3 houses away AFTER shooting thru the Ford up on blocks in the driveway, AND the wall of the house.

For home protection, I would def. reccomend a Remington 870 12g. for a number of reasons. (1) the sound of the pump being cycled will make the common punk crap his pants (2) get the 14" barrel and factory folding stock (both of which are on eBay right now) and you have a very compact defense shotgun (3) no aiming required (use birdshot and you don't have to worry about going thru the wall) (4) wide variety of ammo available, you can even get flares for it (5) low price, high quality, no fears of it not working (mine is govt. surplus made in the 60's I believe, and it works great) (6) you can change barrels and the stock and go hunting or skeet shooting. Picture is a mossberg 500, but posting it for the look of what I am talking about. I like the 8 3/8" barrel enough to get over it being a mossberg.

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New Member
If you are considering a firearm, but not sure if it's "right" for you, I'd suggest picking up a short book called "In the Gravest Extreme" by Massad Ayoob. Although 25 years old and written in a tone that reflects the time, it's a good, short read on the responsibilities and proper mindset of firearm ownership. Read it all the way through & you'll be able to make a much better/informed decision.


Own guns for recreation, sport, protection and other (too many azzholes in this world!).


Sorry about that chief.
For home protection I'd recommend a dog. Sorry to the gun nuts, but a big dog is the best home protection there is, has been shown again & again.

Without covering the psychological aspects of handgun ownership, lets just say that if you p!ss off your significant other, they won't sic puppy on you, you can't kill yourself cleaning a dog, you can't get drunk and stupid and hurt people with a dog, etc.

99.9 of home invaders/burglers will steer real clear of a place that has a big barking dog. But if they hear no dog and get into your bedroom at 2AM you have to find the gun and use it correctly before they get you.

The whole gun ownership for protecting property is like a poor redneck who has a chain on their wallet. Most folks wouldn't want to take anything from there anywhooz!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
For home protection I'd recommend a dog. Sorry to the gun nuts, but a big dog is the best home protection there is, has been shown again & again.

Without covering the psychological aspects of handgun ownership, lets just say that if you p!ss off your significant other, they won't sic puppy on you, you can't kill yourself cleaning a dog, you can't get drunk and stupid and hurt people with a dog, etc.

99.9 of home invaders/burglers will steer real clear of a place that has a big barking dog. But if they hear no dog and get into your bedroom at 2AM you have to find the gun and use it correctly before they get you.

The whole gun ownership for protecting property is like a poor redneck who has a chain on their wallet. Most folks wouldn't want to take anything from there anywhooz!
Time to raise the :bs: flag.

A dog can be a good means of protection, but they aren't fool proof, I can get around most of them if I had the desire. My dog is the first line of defense, my guns are the final line.

If you p!ss off the S.O. they don't always grab a gun because they have one (I would say it is a rare deal when they do). That dog (depending on size and such) can kill you and I have seen some morons that make the dog dangerous and have sicked them onto people.

If I didn't have a dog they would still have to break something to get into my house and then they would hear something alright. And it will be the last thing that they ever hear.

Your final analogy is rather ignorant. The gun is used for many things, protection just being one of them. And while you are either dying in a pool of blood waiting for the police, or crying about what was taken from you, I will be standing back keeping aim on the motionless object lying on the floor as I wait the 5, 10, 15 minutes or longer for a cop to show up.


Sorry about that chief.
Ken, what else is a handgun used for? Planting flowers, squirrel hunting, needlepoint? I just know that when I am awakened from a slumber it takes me 15 minutes to focus my vision, much less point & shoot. Ain't no BS there. Unless you live in DC or PG, odds are there ain't nobody breaking in anyway.

It doesn't need to be a big doggie either, a beagle's plaintive bark while he is tied next to the doublewide can keep any muslim troublemakers far away.

Only in America do we have this ingrained paranoia and fear of everyone else that causes so many to deem it necessary to create armed fortresses of their homes.


aka Mrs. Giant
Actually statistics show if your home is cased, a dog is not considered enough of a deterant. The criminal is just as likely to harm/kill the dog as he is likely to harm/kill you. Most criminals of today are not the professionals of lore, they are high on drugs and see no reason not to rape/kill in the process of the b&e if the opportunity presents itself. The criminals of today are not after the million dollar painting on your wall - they are after what they can grab and sell cheap - tv's vcr's etc. Just about every home in America has those items. Redneck or not.
On another note, with my past stalker experience, he tried to drug/poison my dawg. My dawg has been trained to not take food from strangers, TG. However, if his crazy arse had made it thru my door, harming my dawg would have been an easy matter for him. The thing is, if he had tried to get past my door - his arse would have been dead. Much better him than me or my dawg. With your kind of reasoning, it would have been better for me to sit at home unarmed and wait for him to harm me and my dawg, and living in fear. Especially since the police treated the whole matter as a joke. I say :bs: A handgun is a worthwhile measure of self defense and bodily protection.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Ken, what else is a handgun used for? Planting flowers, squirrel hunting, needlepoint? I just know that when I am awakened from a slumber it takes me 15 minutes to focus my vision, much less point & shoot. Ain't no BS there. Unless you live in DC or PG, odds are there ain't nobody breaking in anyway.

It doesn't need to be a big doggie either, a beagle's plaintive bark while he is tied next to the doublewide can keep any muslim troublemakers far away.

Only in America do we have this ingrained paranoia and fear of everyone else that causes so many to deem it necessary to create armed fortresses of their homes.
Well numbnuts, a handgun can be used for hunting, I use the blackpowder revolver for it all the time. So it takes you a while to get your sh!t together once you wake up. My eyes are focused within seconds, I know where my firearms are and can be ready to go full combat in little to no time at all. Yeah, we never have crime down here, what a crock, you don't need to be in DC or PG to be victimized.

While you might live in a trailer not many of us do. That little beagle can be silenced for a considerable amount of time with a little ground beef and a lot of peanut butter. Or if I was serious a nice quiet thump will all that will be heard when your home security system bites the dust. By the way, my fear isn't Muslims, it’s some of the LIPs and those that have migrated from the city that are my worst fear.

It isn't paranoia either you jack@ss. It's understanding that at any given time we only have a handful of law enforcement people out there and if you want to be protected you must be proactive. If you expect the police to be there right when you need them you are dreaming or should I say hallucinating.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by mainman
FYI, hit a person in the right spot with a bat and you will still ruin a paintjob..
Yeah, but if you catch it right away you can clean it up so there's no staining. With bulletholes you have to patch and spackle and sand and repaint - that's just too much trouble for me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Bertha is coming out...

...of the closet! A gun closet!!!

Hoo ah!!!

Bertha, this is g-r-e-a-t. You'll make a great conservative yet.


Ken: I got guns
Bertha: Wow. Why all the firepower? Is there crime where you live?
Ken: No

Dramatic pause as the sun rises over the horizon.

Bertha, one of the many great myths of modern liberalism is that it is for the individual. Really? Yeah! Gay rights, abortion. Well, you'll have a tough time finding anyone who's real concerns about homosexuality actually having anything to do with your bedroom and most of them are registered democrats. Abortion is horrific. Plenty of room to argue here.

Moving on, we find an absurdly lenient mentality about crime unless it is a dis-approved crime, then it is a 'hate' crime.

The most basic tenent of any free people anywhere, ever, is the right and responsibility of self defense.

Check out the Pink Pistols in San Fran. NRA.

You will hear the same theme of the RIGHT to defend ones self, property and loved ones. The RIGHT.

No one says you must be armed. No one says you need to kill X number of criminals. YOU can CHOOSE, per the 2nd amendment, to posses a weapon if you CHOOSE.

Every place in this nation that recognizes the 2nd amendment for what it says has lower violent crime.

Ask yourself 'self, what is the real reason places like DC do not allow the citizens to protect themselves?' Well? To lower crime?

'Self, what came first in NYC, rising violent crime stats or restrictions on self defense?' Well?

The mere fact that YOU may have a pistol in the night stand or under your pillow or under the bed or...or maybe CRIMINALS pause. 'Who's the broad walking around alone at midnight like she has a gun in her purse?' the criminal asks himself as he moves on to another target. They are predators and they don't make a habit (for long) of going after the strong. They always have and always will make most of their living off of the weak.

So, Bertha, make an argument, or better yet, one of you who vote against the right of self defense, make an argument as to why Bertha should not be able to choose to own and posses and carry a concealed weapon if she wants to:

Make an argument as to why a woman or man must live in terror in some of our more notorious public works projects because the bad guys own the place. The cops job starts after the crime.

Make an argument as to why anyone must keep in the back of their mind the rising reality of violent armed car jacking and not be able to do a damn thing about it.

There is no more invasive, debilitating, threatening and restictive
line of thinking in the history of man than the one that says 'it is illegal for you to protect yourself'. All other rights, without the right of self defense, are simply options popular at the moment.

Any minorities, sexual, ethnic, wanna pass on the Constitution and Bill of Rights and just trust the mob? Me neither.

This is THE litmus test.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Bertha is coming out...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

Ken: I got guns
Bertha: Wow. Why all the firepower? Is there crime where you live?
Ken: No

Dramatic pause as the sun rises over the horizon.
That is a pretty picture you paint. Kind of Norman Rockwell, don't you think?


Sorry about that chief.
I'm not for the government telling us we can't own guns. I guess I've just led a sheltered life and have never lived anywhere I've needed one other than for hunting.

It never ceases to amaze me when people say they need an assault rifle or a large number of handguns for protection. I didn't think SOMD had a lot of home invasions, carjackings or other violent crime where firepower could be a necessary deterrent. I personally would feel threatened by a neighbor who had an inordinate amount of guns and most folks I know would too.

I suppose everybody needs a hobby, but collecting WMDs isn't an appealing one to me.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
It never ceases to amaze me when people say they need an assault rifle or a large number of handguns for protection. I didn't think SOMD had a lot of home invasions, carjackings or other violent crime where firepower could be a necessary deterrent. I personally would feel threatened by a neighbor who had an inordinate amount of guns and most folks I know would too.
Who has said that? In case you haven't noticed we do have carjackings, home invasions, and other violent crimes. We aren't immune and some of us choose to protect ourselves. What is inordinate? Why would this threaten you?
I suppose everybody needs a hobby, but collecting WMDs isn't an appealing one to me.
Give me a break, do you even know what WMDs are? Small arms don't even come close.

If you choose to wait until the police show up, after the fact, that is your choice. I choose to afford myself, family and property with a little direct security.


I gotta agree with Ken. A dog is an invaluabole asset in guarding a home. But they are not infallible. A dog can be poisoned, tranqualized or in some cases just fed. the gun will keep people honest.

Don't get me wrong, It would be VERY hard for me to shoot someone, but if the circumstances were me or my family I don't think I would have a problem pulling a trigger.


I have a gun but if someone breaks in my home and I have the opportunity to Im using my bow and a serrated broadhead....much more painful.


Originally posted by Heretic
I have a gun but if someone breaks in my home and I have the opportunity to Im using my bow and a serrated broadhead....much more painful.

:killingme :killingme

And I hope it's rusty!

Nothing like a little tetanus or gangrene for our happy frigging thieves!


Sorry about that chief.
Ken, just wondering, how many people do you personally know who have been a victim of violent crime? 1, 12, 120? Why do you feel so threatened?

I would feel threatened by a neighbor who had more than 5 handguns, not a neighbor who had 10 rifles, just as I would feel threatened by a neighbor who raised poisonous spiders or snakes, or pitbulls.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Ken, just wondering, how many people do you personally know who have been a victim of violent crime? 1, 12, 120? Why do you feel so threatened?
I would say upwards of twenty or so. But that is close to 50 years of experience and all over the country. I also know a handful that have stopped a crime in their home because they had fire arms for protection. Who said I felt threatened? I am just prepared and willing to do what it takes to insure the safety of my family, our property and myself. How does being prepared equate to feeling threatened?

I would feel threatened by a neighbor who had more than 5 handguns, not a neighbor who had 10 rifles, just as I would feel threatened by a neighbor who raised poisonous spiders or snakes, or pitbulls.
Why do handguns scare you more than rifles? Are you only scared by those that raise these type critters, not those that are irresponsible owners? Gee, I guess the companies making guns must really scare the sh!t out of you.


Sorry about that chief.
No, like I said I have no problems with rifles, even shotguns, though those kill a lot of folks, usually after too much alcohol is ingested. Handguns make it way too easy for punks to make life cheap. You probably are an old fart like me and can remember when playground fights were no big deal, when the baddies brought chains <shudder>. Now if somebody gets pi$$ed at me for driving the speed limit on the beltway they may pop a cap in my minivan. Are guns the cause of this, no, but they are an enabler. (I remember that word from a 12 step I stumbled through and failed)

I've never known anybody, except a few business associates from the '80s who have been involved in violent crime, and they lived by the sword....

I moved to SOMD 'cause of the perceived notion that there was not a lot of violent crime here, I've got 2 little kids and would never move to DC or PG. I used to live close to St. Louis (ex-murder city USA) and E. St. Louis (no explanation needed) but the farmers out where I lived never had a need for handguns.

I guess I am scared more by the irresponsible owner than the casual owner, but to me somebody who owns lots of guns and gets a big thrill out of shooting them every day is not someone who I would let my kids play at the home of. Somebody who collects them is not a problem. I've never been obsessed with any collecting bug, the only thing I collect is debts.

I obviously don't want the government to run my life, or yours but I still see no need for the things, sorry. Don't worry though I'm not going to try and take yours away.