*Some* Europeans do get it...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
The UN created Israel, (w/ british land) why cant they tell them what to do?
Spoiled, you have these moments of lucidity when I think your brain might be fusing. Then you say something like this...


Active Member
vraiblonde said:
Spoiled, you have these moments of lucidity when I think your brain might be fusing. Then you say something like this...
im half way speaking what i believe, and half-way playing devils advocate... :p


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
My point was, he did not remove saddam, when he was invading other nations, using chemical weapons, etc... I think i got my history right, Saddam was still there when former president bush left office, correct?
Yes, we know for the millionth time. Read the papers daily on it, and watched the news hourly. I also remember vividly something only a moron or someone who has *completely* forgotten or had never been paying attention, remembers --- that all of our Arab allies made it clear that the sovereignty of Iraq itself *MUST NOT* be attacked - we were NOT to invade Iraq to remove Saddam, or roll our tanks into Baghdad. If we did this, they would pull out of the alliance. And we had a *huge* Arab alliance last time, including a lot of Egyptians. We also operated right out of Riyadh.

(They also said they would NOT be in an alliance with Israel in it, which was why Saddam fired so many Scuds at Israel - to provoke them into entering the war).

THIS is how the UN operates.

Every time I hear some schmuck say "Daddy Bush left Saddam in power", I want to throttle them and say "what are you, 12 years old? Those were the pre-war conditions, and what the UN stipulated".

There's also ONE other reason, later stated by either Bush or Powell or Schwarzkopf (can't remember) - this was all way too close to the heels of the Iran/Iraq war - destroying the country would have paved the way for Iran, whose military was all too ready to move in. *Completely* crippling him would have left a vacuum of power there.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
SamSpade said:
There's also ONE other reason, later stated by either Bush or Powell or Schwarzkopf (can't remember) - this was all way too close to the heels of the Iran/Iraq war - destroying the country would have paved the way for Iran, whose military was all too ready to move in. *Completely* crippling him would have left a vacuum of power there.

This is true, Iran wouldn't have hesitated. I have a friend from Iran hat lived there during the Iran/Iraq war, he told me about the chemical attacks. nasty stuff.


Routinely Derailed
Well....to get BACK ON TOPIC, I'm really impressed by what the German had to say. He has the kind of sense about these things that I found in the German folk I befriended in Wilhelmshaven in 1986. We had many, many conversations about these kinds of issues and became very close friends.