I use to think suicide was a selfish act, but a selfish person does things with the intent to gain something. I don’t see where killing yourself allows you to gain anything? They are not thinking about those who are left behind, because, they feel that their life is completely and utterly worthless, and everyone around them would be better off without them in their world.
Depression, for whatever ever reason, is a deep dark hole and the longer one stays there, the deeper the hole becomes and the harder it is to get out. People think depression is just in one person’s head, but it puts the body through unbearable physical pain.
I hope none of the people who were close to her are blaming themselves. I know that is easier said than done, because nearly 7 years after my best friend shot and killed herself I entered counseling to deal with the issue of blaming myself for what she had done.
A few years back, another close friend of mine killed himself. Some may remember him when I’ve mentioned him before. He was a co-worker and a person who ran with the rescue squad in the area. Everyone did everything they could, including those who mentioned they knew him from the forum, but he just refused to climb out of that hole. :shrug: I think many of us could have one event or a series of events that could unlock the door to despair. The quicker a person shuts it, the better off they are.