Soooo who's the Nut?

Who has the Issues???

  • Pixie

    Votes: 71 80.7%
  • Horus/LBS

    Votes: 17 19.3%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ememdee19
Um, Pix..I didn't read the whole post but what's the history behind you two?
Best buddies for 10 years. Horus decided he wanted more. Pix wasn't interested. Horus got mad. Pix decided to end the friendship. Horus said, "Fine. Pix said, "Fine". Horus said, "I didn't want to be your friend anyway." Pix said, "I know you are but what am I?" Horus said, "Nyah!" Pix said, "Bite me." Horus said, "Then quit emailing me." Pix said, "We'll just take it to the forums." Horus said, "Fine." Pix took it to the forums. It was almost unanimous that she's the nut.

There - now you're caught up.


Better than YOU.
Originally posted by HORUS
Who me? I wouldn't do the story justice... Besides... Pixie is the better story teller... :rolleyes:

Personally I think it's more or less "Fate's" idea of a very sick joke but I've started to develop a very twisted sense of humor just recently. :biggrin:

But... The whole "history" thing would make for a very good romantic novel(yuck!)... Hell! I'd read it. But only to see if the female main character ever wakes up from her coma and pulls her head out of her butt. (*ahem*.... pixie) :killingme


Better than YOU.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Best buddies for 10 years. Horus decided he wanted more. Pix wasn't interested. Horus got mad. Pix decided to end the friendship. Horus said, "Fine. Pix said, "Fine". Horus said, "I didn't want to be your friend anyway." Pix said, "I know you are but what am I?" Horus said, "Nyah!" Pix said, "Bite me." Horus said, "Then quit emailing me." Pix said, "We'll just take it to the forums." Horus said, "Fine." Pix took it to the forums. It was almost unanimous that she's the nut.

There - now you're caught up.

But the Cliff Notes work too I guess... :killingme


Better than YOU.
Originally posted by DoWhat
Did you tag it lately?

Tag?!?! :rolleyes: "Tag" is something little kids do. Now "MEN" on the other hand.... We..... "HIT IT!" We....."Try to knock the bottom OUT!"

But this "MAN" has to say no on both accounts.... :bawl:

But I'm wearing her down to a "sympathy ####!" Yeap! Once I get that, she's as good as Got!... At least twice... :biggrin:


PREMO Member
Originally posted by HORUS
Tag?!?! :rolleyes: "Tag" is something little kids do. Now "MEN" on the other hand.... We..... "HIT IT!" We....."Try to knock the bottom OUT!"

But this "MAN" has to say no on both accounts.... :bawl:

But I'm wearing her down to a "sympathy ####!" Yeap! Once I get that, she's as good as Got!... At least twice... :biggrin:
So are you the one that made her loose?


Happy Camper!
This was posted in the Good News section of the Announcements, I thought it would look better here :lol:

Forever and Always
you know who...... -- Wednesday, 12 November 2003, at 3:35 p.m.

I just wanted to let someone know that eventhough it has been a long time and a lot of things have changed between us over the past year or so, that there is still not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I know that you are really happy now, and that is what matters most to me. Just know, that I will always love you and there will always be a special place in my heart for you. And I thank you for all the special times that we have had together, and all that you taught me. You will always mean the world to me and I will always be here for you. I really do think that I am a better person for just having known you.

Love you,



Originally posted by tys_mommy
This was posted in the Good News section of the Announcements, I thought it would look better here :lol:

Forever and Always
you know who...... -- Wednesday, 12 November 2003, at 3:35 p.m.

I just wanted to let someone know that eventhough it has been a long time and a lot of things have changed between us over the past year or so, that there is still not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I know that you are really happy now, and that is what matters most to me. Just know, that I will always love you and there will always be a special place in my heart for you. And I thank you for all the special times that we have had together, and all that you taught me. You will always mean the world to me and I will always be here for you. I really do think that I am a better person for just having known you.

Love you,


Thats soooooooo sweet :bawl: He'd get my vote for a sypathy #### . (if there was a poll for it that is):wink:
Last edited:


Better than YOU.
Originally posted by tys_mommy
This was posted in the Good News section of the Announcements, I thought it would look better here :lol:

Forever and Always
you know who...... -- Wednesday, 12 November 2003, at 3:35 p.m.

I just wanted to let someone know that eventhough it has been a long time and a lot of things have changed between us over the past year or so, that there is still not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I know that you are really happy now, and that is what matters most to me. Just know, that I will always love you and there will always be a special place in my heart for you. And I thank you for all the special times that we have had together, and all that you taught me. You will always mean the world to me and I will always be here for you. I really do think that I am a better person for just having known you.

Love you,


:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

WAIT A MINUTE!!!! I don't ever recall writing that to anyone.. I'm :confused:. Let it be known as well that the LastBoyScout didn't write it either. Sure I may have had times in the past when I've writen something as pathetic as this to pixie... But not something That PATHETIC... And not recently. Come on peoples, I just got my "balls" back not more then 3 or 4 months ago... Let me get used to the feel of having them back for awhile before we go nailing them to the wall... Geez.
Look me and pixie are best friends... That's it. She has her relationship and I have mine. We can hang out and everything is fine. And if she calls me up late one night in desparate need for someone to "Tap that A$$" then you know what? I'm her friend Gosh darnit! I be there for her in her time of need and.... Rock that a$$ till she shows me what she's working with!!!! Who's your daddy huh?! Who's your daddy huh?! Who's your daddy?!?!?!?!? .... Ummm... Yeah. Well you know what I mean... We cool. :cool:
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Hey HORUS/LBS whoever you are. You wanted it, you got it.

The PMs as they came and went....

pix - funny
how you keep telling me i'm the queen of have the last word but you always get them....

dude, seriously i've been playing nice with you and was even playing with you this morning. i think you've got a wooden tampon in when it comes to me cause you can't take a freaking joke. i've been taking them for weeks (that's how i knew it was you). if you have such heartburn with me then leave me the hell alone, plain and simple. you're the one that STARTED posting comments to and about me weeks ago. i was just playing along with you.

things got ugly when i asked you about your identity crisis. why is that? it was an honest question. i knew it was you and you told many others it was you so why the name change. i just didn't and still don't get it. forgive me for asking a freaking question.

horus - I do have a flaw... And it's my fault really. I don't have a sense of humor. You of all people have known that for years.
Maybe being called "weak" and "spineless" "Pushover" kinda die hard in my heart. At one time I would have done anything in the world for you all you'd need to have done was ask. But you, and only you cut me in half with those words. As you said once to me... I can forgive but I'll never forget.
You mistook my kindness for weakness. And for a time I allowed you to do as such... Again... This is my fault.

*to be continued*

horus - You cross the line when you dishonored me and my friendship.
You might think that I'm out to hurt you... I'm not. I might even somewhere on some level still care about you thou it doesn't matter now and it wont. But if you think you have the right to joke with me after running any feelings I did have for you through the gutter. I don't think so.
Anything I could have ever done to you is minor compared to what you did to me. Heartburn?... Yeah you could say that. I have it everytime I think of you now with whatever heart I have left... Believe me... it's not much.
You want to be on a joking level with me? You do the work this time. You put in the effort in trying and without pointing out all my flaws to everyone that will listen. Personally I don't think you could do it if you wanted too... It's too much work to care that much for anyone... *I learned that lesson from you.*

pix - what still bites my a$$ is you have a great sense of humor when it comes to busting on me (or anyone else for that matter). That's not fair to me or the rest of the world. i never mistook your kindness as weakness. do you think for a minute that it was easy for me to know how you felt about me? and when you'd tell me you could handle me living my life you were lieing because you never handled it well. you were honest to god my best friend but everyone has a breaking point and i reached mine. i'm not saying it's right or it's wrong i'm just saying it's how it is.

i'm not asking for forgiveness. i don't think anything i said was wrong. i said what i was feeling when i felt it. raw emotion. i'm sorry if things die hard in your world. i'm not one to live on things said but things done and i ALWAYS gave you a lot more love and attention then most anybody. i do however apologize for any pain that i caused.

horus - Being a "smart a$$" is not the same as having a sense of humor. It's easy to make someone else look or feel foolish when that person is overly conserned with how the world preceives them. The trick is not to care what the world thinks about you but only about what the ones you care about think about you. (JUST A TIP)
As far as you never taking "kindness for weakness" the phrase "You're too nice" comes to mind. (By the way... I really hated that too)
My feelings whether I have any or not are not play things for your amusment. Neither is calling me your best friend. I'd give up my life for any of my friends or family, just think what I'd have done for you(*take some time thinking*) and I held you higher than all but one. Death before dishonor... That's how the saying goes
** You know right now it's even hard to write a nice pm to you without feeling spitful...**
I watched how you treated other and compare it to how you treated me... Believe me... there is a huge difference.

horus - I'm starting to wonder if you really have a clue at all Rachel. I'm not a damn Dog or your underling. I didn't want your love and attention. (Well ok... Maybe a little) But I would have rather had your respect as an equal first. I told you a long time ago the I didn't feel that we we're "equals" at all... Mostly cuz I placed you on a pedestal so high that I couldn't even reach you.
Yes I know. I'm a dumb a$$. Oh well ... Live and let die.
You should never apologize for something you'd do again. And my pain shouldn't be a consern of yours. But I guess... thanks anyway..

pix - i'm not going to go back and forth over the same crap. i've said once i'm not sorry for anything that i've said. i am sorry if i have hurt you but i say what's on my mind. i will not appologize for my feelings. i did think you were too nice. that's honesty and that's not me saying you're weak.

by the way, get off of your high horse please. you NEVER made me feel foolish and are only making the BOTH of us look foolish by carrying on like you have been. you have obviously never really gotten to know me cause i caould care less what anyone thinks i do what i want when i want period. the forums are nothing but daily entertainment.

we can continue to harp on things or we can be adults and turn the page. you don't have to be my friend if you don't want to. i'm just saying play nice or don't play at all. don't dish it out to me if you can't take it in return.

horus - You're hopeless... Quit fighting me long enough to listen. You might just hear what I'm trying to say...
As far as getting off my high horse??? You first...
I said nothing about making you look foolish... I said "people." You put yourself in that catagorie I didn't.

pix - i put myself in that category because you're constantley picking on me.

and i'm not fighting anymore. i haven't been trying to fight at all. i make jokes and you get crappy. but when you make jokes it's ok.

horus - If you knew how childish that first line was I don't think you would have sent it... Never mind, I'll let it pass.
I haven't been picking on you. Believe me. I really haven't. I don't single you out from anyone else here... Your just the only one who seem to have an issue with my comments cuz you think I'm trying to attack you all the time... I'm not...
Yes... You might be right. I haven't lied to you before and I don't intend on starting now just cuz our relationship has gone to crap.
There is a double standard. That you created...
Please stop assuming you know what I'm feeling. I don't get "crappy" when you make joke... It's just that when I joke with you back... You don't find it funny... Like today.
Love me or hate me... You"ll do one or the other.

horus - Hold on... Your going to fast your starting yo make my head spin.
Why don't you stop a breath... Even your pm's are begining to look like your ranting...

pix - Geezus Christ! This was our problem before. You're always right; even when you're dead wrong you refuse to be anything but right.

OK OK, I AM THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST! I admitted it. What else would you like from me? Nevermind. GAMEOVER I QUIT!

This $hit it old. The fussing was old with the last blow up. Maybe I should listen to everyone and just cut my losses instead of feeling bad anymore.

If I'm cold hearted it's because people have made me that way. I have little patience for immature adults. That's EXACTLEY how you've been acting and what you did was immature. Sorry you cancled out anything #####y I did by acting like a child. I'm tired of feeling bad when you've done as bad if not worse and KEEP THE CRAP UP.

horus - Why don't you say what's in your ####ing heart an quit the bullshit. Your painting a really clear picture with your recent pm's.
If you don't care? why in the Hell are you wasting time STILL trying to get me to submit?
People who don't care don't do that... We just don't care.
Your getting all emotional over nothing but some childish EX friend you keep saying you have no time for.
Yeah... I think there's something else you want to say but don't know how to say it...
And if I'm wrong... Sobeit... I've been wrong before... I'll be wrong again.. It's now a new concept with me.
I need you only as much as you need me for now on. That's just how it's going to be. No negoiation.

horus - Waiting on you dear.....

horus - God... You really are a Dumb A$$. You need to really one day wake up and smell the sh!t you're shoveling.
You need to good step back an look at who insisting who is obsessed with whom. You keep Making the same statment over and over again about how you know without a doupt in the world how I feel about you. F*ck you Rachel... You don't know sh!t about me and I told you to stop assuming you do. You want to see a child... Looking in the f*cking mirror twerp.
You've been the one keeping this going all day f*cking long and I've the the pm's to prove it now. You're not going to change me. You don't have those kinda powers anymore... CAUSE I DON'T CARE! Get over yourself! Your in DENIAL IDIOT! #### Happen's and I could care less about some backstabbing infantile wannabe that's so stuck on herself she couldn't see the light of day through the crack in her a$$. I Don't! Buy a clue! OH! "He keeps picking on me..." And you think I sound like the child?
Are you sh!tting me?
So, hypothetically speaking... would this count as a good drama tread...:confused: