Sore Crotch (Guys)


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Do you use the "same" stick for your sack that you use for your pits, or do you have a sack stick and a pit stick?

:lmao: Thanks, I needed to clean my monitor anyway!

Go for the wicking skivies. I have a couple of pair to help keep the swamp-azz down while on the boat. Trouble is they keep falling down :plumberscrack:


Airgasm said:
:lmao: Thanks, I needed to clean my monitor anyway!

Go for the wicking skivies. I have a couple of pair to help keep the swamp-azz down while on the boat. Trouble is they keep falling down :plumberscrack:
Have you tried duct tape?


Airgasm said:
:lmao: Thanks, I needed to clean my monitor anyway!

Go for the wicking skivies. I have a couple of pair to help keep the swamp-azz down while on the boat. Trouble is they keep falling down :plumberscrack:

What kind do you have?

On another note I tried gold bond powder today and it helped alot. I only had slight disconfort and I think that was from the damage caused over the last week.


Well-Known Member
czygvtwkr said:
What kind do you have?

On another note I tried gold bond powder today and it helped alot. I only had slight disconfort and I think that was from the damage caused over the last week.

Champion and Polo... I'm sure there're many other brands on the market.


PREMO Member
Pushrod said:
I know this will sound icky, but I've used my stick deoderant/antipersperant down there and it completely alleviates the problem.
What happens if you are at an intimate moment with your significant other, do all these chemicals cause throat cancer?


My Sweetest Boy
DoWhat said:
What happens if you are at an intimate moment with your significant other, do all these chemicals cause throat cancer?

I'm wondering if they prevent hairballs :confused:


New Member
you may need mycolog or another anti-fungal product (comes in creams and powders). if u haven't checked with your doctor, u might consider that. if u develop a rash that itches, this could be a sign of diabetes. men and women can develop it in the genital region and around the waist. women also develop it under the breasts, u guys just have a great name for it!


Just thought I would revive this since its that time again.

Still a firm believer in Gold Bond.


Ok its hot and I sweat alot when working outside. Anyone know a way of keeping your general crotch area from getting sore from being sweaty and walking with sweat soaked underwear?

Cornstarch and babypowder only do so much.

Zinc Oxide or a diaper rash cream containing a high percentage of it.

Those corporate bastages at Burt's Bees are always taking things off the market. They made great creamy white stuff in a tube that I would use for severe diaper rash and have used for BF's chafing a few times I forget what it was called, herbal healing or some crap.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
Try this:

helps reduce swamp ass too

Ok its hot and I sweat alot when working outside. Anyone know a way of keeping your general crotch area from getting sore from being sweaty and walking with sweat soaked underwear?

Cornstarch and babypowder only do so much.

And I thought this was a redundant thread about McKay being a sore looser!


Global warming is here! This thread wasn't started until the end of July last year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Global warming is here! This thread wasn't started until the end of July last year.

...we jumpt to conclusions, let us consider other possibilities;

Did we have tougher crotches last year?

Are we simply older and more...crotchety?

Has the nice weather thus far simply lead to more crotch rocket riding, hence...more crotch discomfort?

I'm simply not prepared to give in to the hysteria just yet.



New Member
There is a product called "body Blide" that runners and hikers use to prevent chaffing. I used it when i hiked the AT and it works great.