Sound of Freedom


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Has anyone seen it yet? I was going to go today, but they were basically sold out, except for the very front row. Nope. I did obtain tickets for tomorrow at 4:30.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Has anyone seen it yet? I was going to go today, but they were basically sold out, except for the very front row. Nope. I did obtain tickets for tomorrow at 4:30.
No, but I've heard it is getting a lot great reviews.

Has anyone heard of the various branches of "Lucy's Health Acupressure Spa" around Owings, Deale, Lothian, Edgewater, Stevensonville being busted for (among other things) Human Trafficking?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
No, but I've heard it is getting a lot great reviews.

Has anyone heard of the various branches of "Lucy's Health Acupressure Spa" around Owings, Deale, Lothian, Edgewater, Stevensonville being busted for (among other things) Human Trafficking?
I have not heard about that. Any links?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Turn on FOX NEWS, they are getting ready to do a segment after the commercial.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I have not heard about that. Any links?
NO. I heard about it in a "mom's group" page I belong to on FB. NO headlines news on it at all. Blackout, even. :lol: People actually saw all the police activity - both marked and unmarked - last week when it was going down. Apparently, it was a known place for "massages" - and whatever shady stuff. (Not by me, I never paid any attention to the one place in Owings!) According to a lot of the posters, the other businesses in the strip mall knew there was shady stuff going on because of the number of cars there ALL THE TIME at all hours, etc.
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
NO. I heard about it in a "mom's group" page I belong to on FB. NO headlines news on it at all. Blackout, even. :lol: People actually saw all the police activity - both marked and unmarked - last week when it was going down. Apparently, it was a known place for "massages" - and whatever shady stuff. (Not by me, I never paid any attention to the one place in Owings!) According to a lot of the posters, the other businesses in the strip mall knew there was shady stuff going on because of the number of cars there ALL THE TIME at all hours, etc.
In other words, they were giving Happy Endings with children?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The Washington Post not surprisingly did a piece that slightly trashes it on the basis of QAnon conspiracy theories. Frankly, I don't see a huge jump from the fact that children around the world for sex trafficking is a REAL thing, but somehow the idea of ripping them open, harvesting their blood and organs for profit after they've outlived their usefulness - THAT we're supposed to believe is too absurd to be true.

It bears noting that the Washington Post praised "Cuties".


PREMO Member
My co-worker saw it and said it was a great movie. I don't see movies like that - too upsetting. Anything having to do with abused children or animals, I don't want to see it.

Tim Pool was talking about the movie last week he said most everyone in the theater was crying for the 1st 30 min of the movie


Well-Known Member
NO. I heard about it in a "mom's group" page I belong to on FB. NO headlines news on it at all. Blackout, even. :lol: People actually saw all the police activity - both marked and unmarked - last week when it was going down. Apparently, it was a known place for "massages" - and whatever shady stuff. (Not by me, I never paid any attention to the one place in Owings!) According to a lot of the posters, the other businesses in the strip mall knew there was shady stuff going on because of the number of cars there ALL THE TIME at all hours, etc.
I have a friend who wants to know which one is still open and the


PREMO Member

Liberals Fear Monger Americans Into Not Seeing 'Sound of Freedom,' New Movie Exposing Child Trafficking

CNN host Abby Phillip had Mike Rothschild on so that he can fear monger Americans into not seeing the movie, which he claims is created out of a "moral panic" and "QAnon concepts."

Rothschild accused Jim Caviezel— the story's protagonist depicting DHS agent Tim Ballard— of embracing Q Anon theories. Specifically, a version that maintains the idea that elites drink the blood of children to imbibe the alleged chemical "adrenochrome."

"He's openly using its catchphrases and its concepts. He's speaking at Q Anon conventions. And this film is being marketed to either specific Q Anon believers or people who believe all of the same tenets as Q Anon but claim they don't know what it is," Rothschild said.

Rothschild accused the movie— based on true events— of being created out of "bogus statistics" and fear.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I've seen this everywhere in the leftie press - they hate it. They can't even bring themselves to openly embrace the fact that someone is fighting child trafficking, because they have to hate anything right-wing contained in it. They hate Caviezel, they hate that right wing audeinces love it - they just have to hate it anyway. They have no sense of balance or humor.

You know, some of you have seen "The American President". It's written by a die hard leftie - directed by one of the most left-wing directors in Hollywood - EVERY bad guy in the movie is not only Republican, but ridiculous caricatures of Republicans with zero redeeming qualities - and the issue Andrew Shepard deals with the entire movie outside of his romance - is gun control, and near the end, he vows to go door to door and "I'm gonna get the guns". EVERY Democrat is a good-hearted idealist and their worst failing is, some of them are pragmatists. It's still a fun movie to watch. *I* can enjoy it, even with nearly every scene brimming with leftie propaganda.

Why can't they praise the message?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why can't they praise the message?


I know you all - maybe not you specifically, SamSpade, but many others - think I'm a tinfoil hatter BUT I am positive our government is mixed up in the drug trade and child sex trafficking. I am positive. I have no proof and no way of getting any proof, but everything these people do points to that being the case.

Look at what they attack. Why on earth would they attack a movie that shines a spotlight on child sex trafficking? The answer is: because they're in on it. There's no other reason.

Look at what they champion. Why would they allow foreign nationals to bring other people's children into this country and disappear? I don't care what anyone says, a mother wouldn't turn her young child or even teenager over to a strange shady man to take to a foreign country. That is so ridiculous it takes my breath away. NO loving mother would do that. Those kids are either sold into trafficking by their derelict parents or they are kidnapped. And our government knows this, and they let it happen because they're in on it and getting paid.

Same with drug trafficking. They paint these people as downtrodden refugees, but roll the tape and it's largely men between the ages of 18 and 30. We are supposed to believe they left their women behind and walked a thousand miles across hostile terrain (many times with a child in tow) to seek a better life. And Democrats believe that sh*t because they're racist AF and think brown people do things like this - abandon their families and give their children away.

I don't care what anyone says - I firmly believe our government officials are getting rich from drugs and trafficked children. Not just Democrats - although they're the ones who push for these policies, but you don't see the Republican elite pushing back on it, either. They talktalk but they don't act. And the ones who DO try to act are viciously attacked not only by Democrats but by those same do-nothing Republican elite.

All signs are pointing to the truth, we just refuse to see it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member

I know you all - maybe not you specifically, SamSpade, but many others - think I'm a tinfoil hatter BUT I am positive our government is mixed up in the drug trade and child sex trafficking. I am positive. I have no proof and no way of getting any proof, but everything these people do points to that being the case.

Look at what they attack. Why on earth would they attack a movie that shines a spotlight on child sex trafficking? The answer is: because they're in on it. There's no other reason.

Look at what they champion. Why would they allow foreign nationals to bring other people's children into this country and disappear? I don't care what anyone says, a mother wouldn't turn her young child or even teenager over to a strange shady man to take to a foreign country. That is so ridiculous it takes my breath away. NO loving mother would do that. Those kids are either sold into trafficking by their derelict parents or they are kidnapped. And our government knows this, and they let it happen because they're in on it and getting paid.

Same with drug trafficking. They paint these people as downtrodden refugees, but roll the tape and it's largely men between the ages of 18 and 30. We are supposed to believe they left their women behind and walked a thousand miles across hostile terrain (many times with a child in tow) to seek a better life. And Democrats believe that sh*t because they're racist AF and think brown people do things like this - abandon their families and give their children away.

I don't care what anyone says - I firmly believe our government officials are getting rich from drugs and trafficked children. Not just Democrats - although they're the ones who push for these policies, but you don't see the Republican elite pushing back on it, either. They talktalk but they don't act. And the ones who DO try to act are viciously attacked not only by Democrats but by those same do-nothing Republican elite.

All signs are pointing to the truth, we just refuse to see it.
^ ^ All of this.

That's WHY they hate DJT. He is beholden to no ONE single person, and he is dangerous (to them) because he is exposing them all.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

I know you all - maybe not you specifically, SamSpade, but many others - think I'm a tinfoil hatter BUT I am positive our government is mixed up in the drug trade and child sex trafficking. I am positive. I have no proof and no way of getting any proof, but everything these people do points to that being the case.
I do find that hard to believe but for one thing - money. Specifically, campaign contributions. At least until recently I believe there was no rationale for getting PERSONALLY rich from these sorts of things, because too many in the government are watching, which is why it was easy to see it being campaign money, because it's astonishing how LITTLE anyone is paying attention to it, OpenSecrets notwithstanding.

NOW - it's abundantly clear the Bidens - and previously - the Clintons - could get rich doing all of this in broad daylight and just getting away with it, it's clear that you can do anything for money in this country, and with the right political connections - ALWAYS get away with it.

It's hard enough to believe that people do this AT ALL, even in this country. I know that paints me as naive. I know it happens. Just doesn't seem to me it could happen to so many kids and so few seem to notice.

I guess it comes down to something like this -

Would you be willing to make a fortune buying and selling - blood diamonds? They're just rocks, really. They're not drugs. They're not bullets or bombs. They're not animal skins. They're rocks. Bought, sold, marketed in war zones and at the cost of human lives. But otherwise - pretty rocks.
You probably wouldn't throw away a blood diamond if you suddenly learned that a diamond you'd had in your possession for years, was one.

Such is the reasoning of drug dealers - they need the money - or want the money - and the tragedy they create is mostly invisible to most of them. Hence, the CIA is presumed to be involved in drug trafficking for decades, around the world, to facilitate their operations off the books. They get to stroke their egoes and say they are doing a good thing running their other operations, saving the world - they just have to buy and sell drugs to do it, so they don't rely on money from Uncle Sam.

But child trafficking strikes me as the very, very botton of the barrel the very worst thing, the kind of thing that warrants the most vicious, eternal punishment in hell. I can't even begin to think of the mental gymnatics a politician must go through to believe what they're doing, is ok.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I can't even begin to think of the mental gymnatics a politician must go through to believe what they're doing, is ok.

That's because you're looking at them through your own moral lens and opportunity cost. They are not like you - they are predators and sociopaths. Trying to find commonality with them is like trying to find compatibility between you and John Wayne Gacy.

I know it happens. Just doesn't seem to me it could happen to so many kids and so few seem to notice.

They'd notice if they weren't constantly being told that what they're seeing isn't really what they're seeing. It's not like anyone is hiding - they are right there in plain view to anyone who cares to look. Like that reporter going on about peaceful protests with rioting and fires going on in the background - it's right there and anyone can see it, but they prefer to believe what they're told rather than what they see with their own eyes.

This is why social science is so cool. Psychology is interesting, but put those individuals in a group setting and watch the magic happen.